Been watching  bit of the TV show. The first episode ("pilot") has part of
David Bowies Fame. Ooh no! you'll say. And is that stuck in your head? well
sort of.
I feel like i've heard the starting guitar and drum bit that loops through
that somewhere else. TV show or another song.
Any guesses where that might be from?
And the bigger question: what causes that thing where you might hear part
of a song, and then go: didn't  I hear something like that someplace else.
Even you turn out to be partially, or entirely wrong?
Is that a aspect of the Mandela effect? Ie how a lot of people sometimes
think Sinbad was in a movie Kazam. To find out that's not quite right. He
did sport drop crotch pants, and for a bit was into them. But alas, no
wasn't in a genie movie.
And has anyone figured out what causes that on such a mass scale. Sure
their's *some * evidence of some sort of quantum phenimonominom. But as far
as I know it's just a SWAG: Scientifitic Wild Guess.
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