Where in Santa Fe do you live? I ask only out of idle curiosity, since I
now live 6378 km from Santa Fe (check out the cool earth distance
calculator at https://keisan.casio.com/exec/system/1224587128). But having
lived in Pecos for 10 years and being in Santa Fe most of those days for
work, internet speed still interests me. When I left NM in 2008, I was
still on dialup out in Pecos (28.8 kbps on a very good day with Cybermesa),
although someone was installing wireless in the area (512 kbps was the top
speed even with the "high speed" plan, if I recall). And the local phone
carrier (Centurytel if I recall the name correctly) kept offering broken
promises of DSL. Here in rural Ecuador, I only have semi-decent access by
learning wireless tech myself and installing thousands of dollars worth of
equipment on my own tower and on my provider's tower 15 Km distant. Still,
it's cost prohibitive to get much over 20-30 Mbps, although prices are
steadily going down. Here at the end of several multiples of the "last
mile" phenomenon, microwave is really the only way to bridge the gap, and
on rugged mountainous terrain heavily forested with tall trees, like here,
it is often expensive.

On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 1:55 AM Gillian Densmore <gil.densm...@gmail.com>

> Okay this is enough I am sick of this this BS ends. Who do I not vote for
> so that we can finally get real internet out today alone I've had 15
> outages the other dents more thinks the DSL is a good enough feel over
> solution Man I'm sorry but DSL is just not internet these days I wish it
> was but no no no no no when you're file size is or in an excess of 20 GB 30
> GB whatever I mean yeah that's disgustingly large but that's just the
> reality of the world that I take as it stands .
> What the hell do I do to get real 300 MB each way I'm not going to
> compromise this time I did that too many times.
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