I was thinking of asking if any of you, here, had run across or read EricW's 
puffed up ToE:

Geometric Unity: Author's Working Draft, v 1.0
Eric Weinstein

But, despite my mathematical ignorance, various criticisms seem to suggest it's akin 
to Nobel disease <https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Nobel_disease>, where someone 
who might HAVE BEEN credible in some domain at some point, offers some rhetoric 
fundamentally dependent on appeal to authority. Of course, it helps if it's deeply 
hermeneutic, to better befuddle the laity. Luckily, Weinstein's never won the Nobel 
... so no risk of diagnosis from a distance. So I decided not to ask y'all.

But then this popped up:

The Most Important Amicus Brief in the History of the World
Parody is being threatened right when we need it most.

And it piqued my vacillation regarding accusations of Bad Faith, 5Ws, 
steelmanning, postmodernism, fake news, Gish gallops, etc. In the olden days, 
when Joe Sixpack didn't check Facebook 100 times per day, parody *worked*. 
Those capable and willing to actually read, but too dumb to recognize The 
Absurd, didn't have the free time or energy to act on whatever mistaken 
impression they got from the parody. The proportion of people in the position 
to act on their impressions, that were too dumb to recognize parody *outed* 
themselves as being dumb enough to make that mistake. (And then we further 
divide them into those humble enough to admit their mistake vs. the really 
toxic dissembling ones.)

But *now*, the proportions are wildly redistributed. SCOTUS *wives* are prolly 
amongst that toxic population, along with Secretaries of State, Marjorie Taylor 
Greens (Marjories Taylor Green?), etc. You know, the kind of people who might 
believe EricW (or Bret) when they say they deserve Nobel Prizes.

So the question is do you think parody is still effective? Or is it just 
another arm of Machiavellian psyops? Maybe the Onion is really run by the 
Illuminati! Hail Eris. ⇒⇐

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