Perhaps of interest

Tom Johnson
Inst. for Analytic Journalism
Santa Fe, New Mexico

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: SDS Pre-college Education SIG <
Date: Mon, Jan 16, 2023, 1:22 AM
Subject: Teaching Social Studies with Systems Thinking
To: Tom Johnson <>

Teaching Social Studies with Systems Thinking
Systems Thinking / System Dynamics
for Pre-College Education *Free Webinar - Invitation*
Teaching Social Studies with Systems Thinking
Register the webinar

*January 19 at 12:00 pm EST  *|*  6:00 pm Berlin*
*8:00 pm İstanbul  *| *8:30 pm Tehran*
Time Zone Converter
Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to attend our *free* webinar highlighting
precollege lessons dealing with “Teaching Social Studies with Systems
Thinking” to be presented on *Thursday, January 19, at 12:00 pm EST*.

We will have three 15 minute presentations:

   - *Revolutions*
   - *Improving Context and Content in History Classes*
   - *Visualizing History and Economics*

We hope you will join us for this webinar.

Best regards - the SIG leadership team,
Özgün Çetinkaya
Meltem C. Alibeyoğlu
Sena Yıldız Değirmenci
Şebnem Feriver
Gökşen Kızılkaya
Nilay Yılmaz
Emre Göktepe
Ülkem Yararbaş,  SDS Associate VP Pre-college Education
Diana Fisher, SDS VP Pre-college Education

The Pre-College SIG Webinar Series consists of periodic online
presentations on K-12 education topics for Systems Thinking and System
Dynamics communities. These virtual presentations cover a wide range of
topics on K-12 education and bring together academics, teachers, and
students for learning and lively discussion. Our webinars aim to promote
and improve skills to effectively apply systems thinking and dynamic
computer simulation in K-12 education.

All webinars and recordings are free for both SDS members and the general
Teaching Social Studies with Systems Thinking


A number of years ago I was invited to work with school teachers
incorporating systems mapping and modeling in their classes. The elementary
school people wanted a model or map of “revolutions”. They were frustrated.
Apparently, that was a unit in their curricula at the time, and no one
would help them build one. So we spent the first day with both elementary
school and high school teachers evolving together a pretty good map of
stocks and flows and feedback loops in a generic view of revolutions.
The second day, the high school teachers wanted us to build a simulating
model of what we had done the first day. So we did, together.
This presentation will retrace the work in both days. I’ll try to show how
we did it, as well as what we produced.

*George P. Richardson*

George P. Richardson is Professor Emeritus of public administration, public
policy, and information science at the Rockefeller College of Public
Affairs and Policy at the State University of New York at Albany. He earned
his doctorate under Jay Forrester at MIT and is the author of Introduction
to System Dynamics Modeling with DYNAMO (1981) and Feedback Thought in
Social Science and Systems Theory (1991), both of which were honored with
the System Dynamics Society’s Forrester Award.
George has played and sung acoustic folk music for sixty years. He has
ridden a motorcycle cross-country from NY State to Seattle, the Olympic
Peninsula, and down to Portland. He’s also ridden round-trip the fabled
Dalton “Highway” from Calgary to Deadhorse, AK, and Prudhoe Bay, 300 miles
north of the Arctic Circle. Both trips took less than sixty years.

Improving Context and Content in History Classes

History is the science of behavior over time. It is, by definition, an
indigenous subject of system dynamics, thus systems thinking. In this
presentation, we will give primary and middle school examples of using
systems thinking tools in Turkey's War of Independence. The lessons are
based on outcomes from the curriculum of the Ministry of National Education
in Turkey. Systems thinking tools are embedded in the lessons to put events
in the context of a time frame starting from 1300 CE with Behaviour Over
Time Graphs and to deeply analyze and discuss the events using Stock-Flow
Maps (conceptual Stock-Flow Diagrams).

*Özgün Kurt Çetinkaya*

Özgün Kurt Çetinkaya earned her Master’s Degree from Dokuz Eylul University
in Izmir,Turkey on Primary School Teaching. She worked as an International
Baccalaureate Primary Years Program class teacher for 6 years in Işıkkent
Primary School. She is preparing to start a PhD program and her research
interest is the Systems Thinking Approach in the primary years.

Visualizing History and Economics

Using Systems Thinking tools with my students allows me to visualize how my
students are thinking about and processing complex issues related to
history and economics. ST tools also facilitate small group conversations
among students who are collaborating on solutions to social problems
related to their lives. I will be presenting some of my favorite Systems
Thinking related tools and lessons I have used in the classroom with
students, including Behaviour Over Time Graphs, Causal Loop Diagrams, the
Iceberg model, and a systems thinking mapping activity.

*Brett Goble*

Brett Goble Is the District Leader for Academic Assurance for CITY Center
for Collaborative Learning, a non-profit organization in Tucson Arizona
that operates three, small, public charter schools, including City High
School, which opened in 2004 Mr. Goble is a co-founder of City High School,
a school where each student is well known, honored for their unique talents
and learning styles, offered challenging academics, and given opportunities
to engage in authentic education through community connections. Mr. Goble
served as City High School's principal from 2015 to 2020. Prior to that,
Mr. Goble taught English, history, government and economics at City High
School. In 2011, Mr. Goble achieved a National Board Certification in the
area of Social Studies/History for Adolescence and Young Adulthood.
Register the webinar
Previous Webinars
Human Body Systems in K-12

   - How Sweet Is Sugar?
   - Human Body Systems
   - HPV and Adaptive Immunity
   - Glucose-Insulin Homeostasis

Focus on Climate Change

   - Now What?
   - Exploring climate change with system dynamics
   - Environmental Education with Systems Thinking and the World Climate

Strategy for Infusing ST in Pre-College Education

   - A Strategy for Infusing Systems Thinking into K-12 Education
   - Strategy Implementation for Schools in Turkey
   - Strategy Implementation for Faculties of Education in Universities in

Teaching Pre-school and Middle School Science with Systems Thinking

   - Pre-schoolers as Systems Thinkers: Testing the Water
   - Understanding Composting with Systems Thinking
   - Teaching ‘Energy Conservation’ and ‘Household Waste’ with Systems
   Thinking Approach

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