On Fri, May 5, 2023 at 12:57 PM Roger Critchlow <r...@elf.org> wrote:

> Ah, found the RSS feed that sends text around the paywall.
> -- rec --
Geoffrey Hinton tells us why he’s now scared of the tech he helped build
2KMIT Technology Review  <https://www.technologyreview.com/>by Will Douglas
Heaven / May 02, 2023 at 02:11AM
keep unread

> I met Geoffrey Hinton at his house on a pretty street in north London just
> four days before the bombshell announcement that he is quitting Google.
> Hinton is a pioneer of deep learning
> <https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/11/03/1011616/ai-godfather-geoffrey-hinton-deep-learning-will-do-everything/>
>  who
> helped develop some of the most important techniques at the heart of modern
> artificial intelligence, but after a decade at Google, he is stepping down
> <https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/05/01/1072478/deep-learning-pioneer-geoffrey-hinton-quits-google/>
>  to
> focus on new concerns he now has about AI.
> Stunned by the capabilities of new large language models like GPT-4
> <https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/03/14/1069823/gpt-4-is-bigger-and-better-chatgpt-openai/>,
> Hinton wants to raise public awareness of the serious risks that he now
> believes may accompany the technology he ushered in.
> At the start of our conversation, I took a seat at the kitchen table, and
> Hinton started pacing. Plagued for years by chronic back pain, Hinton
> almost never sits down. For the next hour I watched him walk from one end
> of the room to the other, my head swiveling as he spoke. And he had plenty
> to say.
> The 75-year-old computer scientist, who was a joint recipient with Yann
> LeCun
> <https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/06/24/1054817/yann-lecun-bold-new-vision-future-ai-deep-learning-meta/>
>  and
> Yoshua Bengio of the 2018 Turing Award for his work on deep learning, says
> he is ready to shift gears. “I’m getting too old to do technical work that
> requires remembering lots of details,” he told me. “I’m still okay, but I’m
> not nearly as good as I was, and that’s annoying.”
> But that’s not the only reason he’s leaving Google. Hinton wants to spend
> his time on what he describes as “more philosophical work.” And that will
> focus on the small but—to him—very real danger that AI will turn out to be
> a disaster.
> Leaving Google will let him speak his mind, without the self-censorship a
> Google executive must engage in. “I want to talk about AI safety issues
> without having to worry about how it interacts with Google’s business,” he
> says. “As long as I’m paid by Google, I can’t do that.”
> That doesn’t mean Hinton is unhappy with Google by any means. “It may
> surprise you,” he says. “There’s a lot of good things about Google that I
> want to say, and they’re much more credible if I’m not at Google anymore.”
> Hinton says that the new generation of large language models—especially
> GPT-4, which OpenAI released in March—has made him realize that machines
> are on track to be a lot smarter than he thought they’d be. And he’s scared
> about how that might play out.
> “These things are totally different from us,” he says. “Sometimes I think
> it’s as if aliens had landed and people haven’t realized because they speak
> very good English.”
> Foundations
> Hinton is best known for his work on a technique called backpropagation,
> which he proposed (with a pair of colleagues) in the 1980s. In a nutshell,
> this is the algorithm that allows machines to learn. It underpins almost
> all neural networks today, from computer vision systems to large language
> models.
> It took until the 2010s for the power of neural networks trained via
> backpropagation to truly make an impact. Working with a couple of graduate
> students, Hinton showed that his technique was better than any others at
> getting a computer to identify objects in images. They also trained a
> neural network to predict the next letters in a sentence, a precursor to
> today’s large language models.
> One of these graduate students was Ilya Sutskever, who went on to cofound
> OpenAI and lead the development of ChatGPT
> <https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/03/03/1069311/inside-story-oral-history-how-chatgpt-built-openai/>.
> “We got the first inklings that this stuff could be amazing,” says Hinton.
> “But it’s taken a long time to sink in that it needs to be done at a huge
> scale to be good.” Back in the 1980s, neural networks were a joke. The
> dominant idea at the time, known as symbolic AI, was that intelligence
> involved processing symbols, such as words or numbers.
> But Hinton wasn’t convinced. He worked on neural networks, software
> abstractions of brains in which neurons and the connections between them
> are represented by code. By changing how those neurons are
> connected—changing the numbers used to represent them—the neural network
> can be rewired on the fly. In other words, it can be made to learn.
> “My father was a biologist, so I was thinking in biological terms,” says
> Hinton. “And symbolic reasoning is clearly not at the core of biological
> intelligence.
> “Crows can solve puzzles, and they don’t have language. They’re not doing
> it by storing strings of symbols and manipulating them. They’re doing it by
> changing the strengths of connections between neurons in their brain. And
> so it has to be possible to learn complicated things by changing the
> strengths of connections in an artificial neural network.”
> *A new intelligence*
> For 40 years, Hinton has seen artificial neural networks as a poor attempt
> to mimic biological ones. Now he thinks that’s changed: in trying to mimic
> what biological brains do, he thinks, we’ve come up with something better.
> “It’s scary when you see that,” he says. “It’s a sudden flip.”
> Hinton’s fears will strike many as the stuff of science fiction. But
> here’s his case.
> As their name suggests, large language models are made from massive neural
> networks with vast numbers of connections. But they are tiny compared with
> the brain. “Our brains have 100 trillion connections,” says Hinton. “Large
> language models have up to half a trillion, a trillion at most. Yet GPT-4
> knows hundreds of times more than any one person does. So maybe it’s
> actually got a much better learning algorithm than us.”
> Compared with brains, neural networks are widely believed to be bad at
> learning: it takes vast amounts of data and energy to train them. Brains,
> on the other hand, pick up new ideas and skills quickly, using a fraction
> as much energy as neural networks do.
> “People seemed to have some kind of magic,” says Hinton. “Well, the bottom
> falls out of that argument as soon as you take one of these large language
> models and train it to do something new. It can learn new tasks extremely
> quickly.”
> Hinton is talking about “few-shot learning,” in which pretrained neural
> networks, such as large language models, can be trained to do something new
> given just a few examples. For example, he notes that some of these
> language models can string a series of logical statements together into an
> argument even though they were never trained to do so directly.
> Compare a pretrained large language model with a human in the speed of
> learning a task like that and the human’s edge vanishes, he says.
> What about the fact that large language models make so much stuff up?
> Known as “hallucinations” by AI researchers (though Hinton prefers the term
> “confabulations,” because it’s the correct term in psychology), these
> errors are often seen as a fatal flaw in the technology. The tendency to
> generate them makes chatbots untrustworthy and, many argue, shows that
> these models have no true understanding of what they say.
> Hinton has an answer for that too: bullshitting is a feature, not a bug.
> “People always confabulate,” he says. Half-truths and misremembered details
> are hallmarks of human conversation: “Confabulation is a signature of human
> memory. These models are doing something just like people.”
> The difference is that humans usually confabulate more or less correctly,
> says Hinton. To Hinton, making stuff up isn’t the problem. Computers just
> need a bit more practice.
> We also expect computers to be either right or wrong—not something in
> between. “We don’t expect them to blather the way people do,” says Hinton.
> “When a computer does that, we think it made a mistake. But when a person
> does that, that’s just the way people work. The problem is most people have
> a hopelessly wrong view of how people work.”
> Of course, brains still do many things better than computers: drive a car,
> learn to walk, imagine the future. And brains do it on a cup of coffee and
> a slice of toast. “When biological intelligence was evolving, it didn’t
> have access to a nuclear power station,” he says.
> But Hinton’s point is that if we are willing to pay the higher costs of
> computing, there are crucial ways in which neural networks might beat
> biology at learning. (And it’s worth pausing to consider what those costs
> entail
> <https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/11/14/1063192/were-getting-a-better-idea-of-ais-true-carbon-footprint/>
>  in
> terms of energy and carbon.)
> Learning is just the first string of Hinton’s argument. The second is
> communicating. “If you or I learn something and want to transfer that
> knowledge to someone else, we can’t just send them a copy,” he says. “But I
> can have 10,000 neural networks, each having their own experiences, and any
> of them can share what they learn instantly. That’s a huge difference. It’s
> as if there were 10,000 of us, and as soon as one person learns something,
> all of us know it.”
> What does all this add up to? Hinton now thinks there are two types of
> intelligence in the world: animal brains and neural networks. “It’s a
> completely different form of intelligence,” he says. “A new and better form
> of intelligence.”
> That’s a huge claim. But AI is a polarized field: it would be easy to find
> people who would laugh in his face—and others who would nod in agreement.
> People are also divided on whether the consequences of this new form of
> intelligence, if it exists, would be beneficial or apocalyptic. “Whether
> you think superintelligence is going to be good or bad depends very much on
> whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist,” he says. “If you ask people to
> estimate the risks of bad things happening, like what’s the chance of
> someone in your family getting really sick or being hit by a car, an
> optimist might say 5% and a pessimist might say it’s guaranteed to happen.
> But the mildly depressed person will say the odds are maybe around 40%, and
> they’re usually right.”
> Which is Hinton? “I’m mildly depressed,” he says. “Which is why I’m
> scared.”
> *How it could all go wrong*
> Hinton fears that these tools are capable of figuring out ways to
> manipulate or kill humans who aren’t prepared for the new technology.
> “I have suddenly switched my views on whether these things are going to be
> more intelligent than us. I think they’re very close to it now and they
> will be much more intelligent than us in the future,” he says. “How do we
> survive that?”
> He is especially worried that people could harness the tools he himself
> helped breathe life into to tilt the scales of some of the most
> consequential human experiences, especially elections and wars.
> “Look, here’s one way it could all go wrong,” he says. “We know that a lot
> of the people who want to use these tools are bad actors like Putin or
> DeSantis. They want to use them for winning wars or manipulating
> electorates.”
> Hinton believes that the next step for smart machines is the ability to
> create their own subgoals, interim steps required to carry out a task. What
> happens, he asks, when that ability is applied to something inherently
> immoral?
> “Don’t think for a moment that Putin wouldn’t make hyper-intelligent
> robots with the goal of killing Ukrainians,” he says. “He wouldn’t
> hesitate. And if you want them to be good at it, you don’t want to
> micromanage them—you want them to figure out how to do it.”
> There are already a handful of experimental projects, such as BabyAGI and
> AutoGPT, that hook chatbots up with other programs such as web browsers or
> word processors so that they can string together simple tasks. Tiny steps,
> for sure—but they signal the direction that some people want to take this
> tech. And even if a bad actor doesn’t seize the machines, there are other
> concerns about subgoals, Hinton says.
> “Well, here’s a subgoal that almost always helps in biology: get more
> energy. So the first thing that could happen is these robots are going to
> say, ‘Let’s get more power. Let’s reroute all the electricity to my chips.’
> Another great subgoal would be to make more copies of yourself. Does that
> sound good?”
> Maybe not. But Yann LeCun, Meta’s chief AI scientist, agrees with the
> premise but does not share Hinton’s fears. “There is no question that
> machines will become smarter than humans—in all domains in which humans are
> smart—in the future,” says LeCun. “It’s a question of when and how, not a
> question of if.”
> But he takes a totally different view on where things go from there. “I
> believe that intelligent machines will usher in a new renaissance for
> humanity, a new era of enlightenment,” says LeCun. “I completely disagree
> with the idea that machines will dominate humans simply because they are
> smarter, let alone destroy humans.”
> “Even within the human species, the smartest among us are not the ones who
> are the most dominating,” says LeCun. “And the most dominating are
> definitely not the smartest. We have numerous examples of that in politics
> and business.”
> Yoshua Bengio, who is a professor at the University of Montreal and
> scientific director of the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms,
> feels more agnostic. “I hear people who denigrate these fears, but I don’t
> see any solid argument that would convince me that there are no risks of
> the magnitude that Geoff thinks about,” he says. But fear is only useful if
> it kicks us into action, he says: “Excessive fear can be paralyzing, so we
> should try to keep the debates at a rational level.”
> *Just look up*
> One of Hinton’s priorities is to try to work with leaders in the
> technology industry to see if they can come together and agree on what the
> risks are and what to do about them. He thinks the international ban on
> chemical weapons might be one model of how to go about curbing the
> development and use of dangerous AI. “It wasn’t foolproof, but on the whole
> people don’t use chemical weapons,” he says.
> Bengio agrees with Hinton that these issues need to be addressed at a
> societal level as soon as possible. But he says the development of AI is
> accelerating faster than societies can keep up. The capabilities of this
> tech leap forward every few months; legislation, regulation, and
> international treaties take years.
> This makes Bengio wonder whether the way our societies are currently
> organized—at both national and global levels—is up to the challenge. “I
> believe that we should be open to the possibility of fairly different
> models for the social organization of our planet,” he says.
> Does Hinton really think he can get enough people in power to share his
> concerns? He doesn’t know. A few weeks ago, he watched the movie *Don’t
> Look Up*, in which an asteroid zips toward Earth, nobody can agree what
> to do about it, and everyone dies—an allegory for how the world is failing
> to address climate change.
> “I think it’s like that with AI,” he says, and with other big intractable
> problems as well. “The US can’t even agree to keep assault rifles out of
> the hands of teenage boys,” he says.
> Hinton’s argument is sobering. I share his bleak assessment of people’s
> collective inability to act when faced with serious threats. It is also
> true that AI risks causing real harm—upending the job market, entrenching
> inequality, worsening sexism and racism, and more. We need to focus on
> those problems. But I still can’t make the jump from large language models
> to robot overlords. Perhaps I’m an optimist.
> When Hinton saw me out, the spring day had turned gray and wet. “Enjoy
> yourself, because you may not have long left,” he said. He chuckled and
> shut the door.
> *Be sure to tune in to Will Douglas Heaven’s live interview with Hinton at
> EmTech Digital on Wednesday, May 3, at 1:30 Eastern time. **Tickets are
> available* <https://event.technologyreview.com/emtech-digital-2023/home>* from
> the event website.*
> <https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/05/02/1072528/geoffrey-hinton-google-why-scared-ai/>
> On Fri, May 5, 2023 at 12:16 AM Roger Critchlow <r...@elf.org> wrote:
>> Merle --
>> I tried, but it's paywalled to me now.
>> -- rec --
>> On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 4:39 PM Roger Critchlow <r...@elf.org> wrote:
>>> Didn't read Cory's blog, though I'm still laughing at the blurb for Red
>>> Team Blues.
>>> But I read Geoffrey Hinton's interview with MIT Tech Review yesterday.
>>> https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/05/02/1072528/geoffrey-hinton-google-why-scared-ai
>>> It's not hype that chatgpt dazzled everyone with a model which is much
>>> smaller than a human brain, even though it took a fairly huge budget for
>>> OpenAI to build it.
>>> And I read this posting from an anonymous googler today via hackernews.
>>>    https://www.semianalysis.com/p/google-we-have-no-moat-and-neither
>>> It's not hype that the open source community has rapidly figured out how
>>> to produce equally dazzling models with drastically smaller budgets of
>>> resources, and is continuing to iterate the process.
>>> -- rec --
>>> On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 10:11 AM Gary Schiltz <g...@naturesvisualarts.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I love the graphic! I've had the misfortune of twice jumping on that
>>>> roller coaster just before the Peak of Inflated Expectation - once for the
>>>> AI boom/bust of the mid 1980s and once for the dotcom boom/bust of the late
>>>> 1990s. Jumped on too late to make a killing, but didn't get too badly
>>>> damaged by the Trough of Disillusionment either.
>>>> On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 10:34 AM Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:
>>>>> https://doctorow.medium.com/the-ai-hype-bubble-is-the-new-crypto-hype-bubble-74e53028631e
>>>>> I *am* a fan of LLMs (not so much image generators) and blockchain
>>>>> (not so much crypto or NFTs) in their "best" uses (not that I or anyone
>>>>> else really knows what that is) in spite of my intrinsic neoLuddite
>>>>> affect.
>>>>> Nevertheless I think Doctorow in his usual acerbic and penetrating
>>>>> style really nails it well here IMO.
>>>>> I particularly appreciated his reference/quote to Emily Bender's "High
>>>>> on Supply" and "word/meaning conflation" in the sense of "don't mistake an
>>>>> accent for a personality" in the dating scene.
>>>>> A lot of my own contrarian commments on this forum come from resisting
>>>>> what Doctorow introduces (to me) as "CritiHype" (attributed to Lee
>>>>> Vinsel)...  the feeling that some folks make a (a)vocation out of kneejerk
>>>>> criticism.   It is much easier to *poke* at something than to *do*
>>>>> something worthy of being *poked at*.   I appreciate that Doctorow doesn't
>>>>> seem to (by my fairly uncritical eye) engage in this much himself...  
>>>>> which
>>>>> is why I was drawn into this article...
>>>>> I also very much appreciate his quote from Charlie Stross:
>>>>> *corporations are Slow AIs, autonomous artificial lifeforms that
>>>>> consistently do the wrong thing even when the people who nominally run 
>>>>> them
>>>>> try to steer them in better directions:*
>>>>> *https://media.ccc.de/v/34c3-9270-dude_you_broke_the_future
>>>>> <https://media.ccc.de/v/34c3-9270-dude_you_broke_the_future> *
>>>>> I could go on quoting and excerpting and commenting on his whole
>>>>> article and the myriad links/references he offers up but will curb my
>>>>> enthusiasm and leave it to the astute FriAM readers to choose how much to
>>>>> indulge in.   It was a pretty good antidote for my own AI-thusiasm driven
>>>>> by long chats with GPT4 (converging on being more like long sessions
>>>>> wandering through Wikipedia after the first 100 hours of engagement).
>>>>> -. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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