Yeah, Sutter triggered me when he said "but you don't have to worry about that if 
you don't know what an integral is". I mean ... maybe? This stuff is like heroin to 
an addict, right? Models upon models upon models. And not just in a simple stack, but a 
hairball heterarchy of metaphor.

You kinda do need to know what an integral is, right? I mean ... [sigh] ... I 
guess that's a rabbit hole, too. The only way you can understand what an 
integral *is* (not merely those pesky aspects like what a particular type of 
integration is *good for* ... noooooo, we don't need to know that, we're after 
the *essence* of integration) is to use it to do work. To understand 
integration, you must integrate some particular thing over some particular 

That same principle ("What I can't create, I don't understand.") applies to 
Action ... and brewing ... and cleaning your carburetor. You will never understand 
carburetors until you *use* carburetors to do some particular thing ... like drive across 
the country in broken down jalopy.

I feel like there's an analogy waiting to be made between [mal|mis|dis]information and the 
popularization of [physics|math|biology]. Books like Thiel's "The Straussian Moment" seem 
similar to books like Kaku's "Quantum Supremacy". And the category they compose seems 
similar to arm-chair opining on:

• foreign affairs like Prigozhin's mutiny,
• epidemiology like the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and
• deep sea physics and the Titan submersible.

I've probably mentioned this before. But I learned a new word awhile back: 
ultracrepidarian cf,_ne_ultra_crepidam. 
Yes, I'm as guilty as the next shoemaker. But sometimes it's good to simply 
stay in one's lane, at least until you've done some homework.

Just to complete the arc of this rant, am I crazy for getting a distinct Cult Prophet 
vibe circa 13:39 in the video: ? When Sutter says, 
with cadence envied by every budding preacher in every small town church across the 
country: "The Least Action Principle is a generator of Physics. The Least Action 
Principle is a Creator of Physics. It is a Mother Principle that allows Physicists to 
generate Laws of Physics and Equations of Motion. It's . right . there. Folks you can 
write down a Lagrangian ..." I mean, that's some good ole down home fever-eyed 
preachin' right there. Reminds me of Keith Raniere of the NXIVM sex cult.

Do you see it?!?! Do you?!? It's right there! The Secret 
<> to the universe.

On 7/2/23 23:16, Stephen Guerin wrote:
The Action is the integral of the Lagrangian along the whole path, not just a 
single instant.

On Sun, Jul 2, 2023, 9:12 PM Nicholas Thompson < 
<>> wrote:

    So the difference is at a positive max when the ball hits the ground and at 
a negative maximum when the ball reaches its highest altitude?  So how am I to 
understand positive and negative?    vectors?

    Instantaneious Action is at a minimum when the two terms are equal?

    I have no intuitive sense of what is going on here.

    But thanks for trying, Frank.



    On Sun, Jul 2, 2023 at 12:27 PM Nicholas Thompson < 
<>> wrote:


        Thanks SO  MUCH for forwarding this to me.  To any other defrocked 
english majors on Friam, who have listened to these guys blather on about 
LaGrangians for all these years,  I highly, HIGHLY recommend the video. Pretty 
short, AND, you might possibly, conceivably understand Steve Guerin when you  
get to the end.   Yeah.  Really.


        ---------- Forwarded message ---------
        From: *Frank Wimberly* < 
        Date: Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 2:53 PM
        Subject: Fwd: Watch "The Most Important Idea in Physics: The Principle of 
Least Action - Ask a Spaceman!" on YouTube
        To: Nicholas Thompson < 

        Frank C. Wimberly
        140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
        Santa Fe, NM 87505

        505 670-9918
        Santa Fe, NM

        ---------- Forwarded message ---------
        From: *Frank Wimberly* < 
        Date: Thu, Jun 29, 2023, 12:51 PM
        Subject: Watch "The Most Important Idea in Physics: The Principle of Least 
Action - Ask a Spaceman!" on YouTube
        To: Thompson, Nicholas < 
<>>, Barry MacKichan < 

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