On 2 April 2014 09:15, Waldek Hebisch <hebi...@math.uni.wroc.pl> wrote:

> ... Texmacs
> folks prefered Scheme for cominitaction, but according to what
> Andrey Grozin wrote we could also use tex/latex.  Given that
> retargeting Saturn code to talk to Texmacs makes sense and
> probably would require less work than alternatives.

I think that what Andrey Grozin meant was that it would be relatively
easy to use the LaTeX converter in TeXmacs to import the static
content of the .htex files and then develop a TeXmacs style that
renders it in a similar manner as in hyperdoc now.  The dynamic part
of the interface however does not need to depend on LaTeX.  There are
still some messy details in the dynamic conversion of the generated
LaTeX that make the scheme format look more desirable.  For example,
the scheme format allows much better treatment of long line output
formatting.  But in principle there is no reason to use only one input
format in a FriCAS session in TeXmacs.  This would be almost
transparent to the user.

Another advantage of TeXmacs is that once the .htex files are in
TeXmacs format it is possible to export it to HTML and PDF. But of
course TeXmacs does have some limitations and it's own
peculiarities/bugs so all of this should be to piloted before we
commit to a larger effort.

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