There is theorem that "Every principal ideal domain is a unique 
factorization domain."

But in Fricas, "PrincipalIdealDomain has UniqueFactorizationDomain", or 
"PID has UFD",
returns false.

In catdef.spad, we can find PID and UFD are both constructed from GcdDomain:
(comments removed)
    PrincipalIdealDomain() : Category == GcdDomain with
          principalIdeal : List % -> Record(coef : List %, generator : %)
          expressIdealMember : (List %,%) -> Union(List %,"failed")

    UniqueFactorizationDomain() : Category == GcdDomain with
          prime? : % -> Boolean
          squareFree    : % -> Factored(%)
          squareFreePart : % -> %
          factor : % -> Factored(%)

And the only place where PID is used in Fricas is in EuclideanDomain:
    EuclideanDomain() : Category == PrincipalIdealDomain with ....

The (only?) category constructed on EuclideanDomain is Field which includes 
    Field() : Category == Join(EuclideanDomain, UniqueFactorizationDomain, 

So, my question is, should  "PID has UFD" returns true, aka PID buils upon 
instead of GCDDOM?

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