Currently the Rep of Queue is List, thus enqueue! an
element into the end of list is O(n) not O(1):

(1) -> )time on
(1) -> x := queue (new(10000000,1)$List Integer);

                           Time: 0.00 (IN) + 2.10 (EV) + 0.02 (OT) = 2.12 
(2) -> enqueue!(4,x)

   (2)  4
                                       Time: 0.07 (EV) + 0.00 (OT) = 0.07 
(3) -> dequeue! x

   (3)  1
                                       Time: 0.00 (IN) + 0.00 (OT) = 0.00 

So I changed the Rep, the patch is here for you to review.
If this patch is OK, I'll do the similar change for Dequeue.

diff --git a/src/algebra/aggcat.spad b/src/algebra/aggcat.spad
index 14395f2..81fc4cb 100644
--- a/src/algebra/aggcat.spad
+++ b/src/algebra/aggcat.spad
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
    rotate! : % -> %
      ++ rotate! q rotates queue q so that the element at the front of
      ++ the queue goes to the back of the queue.
-     ++ Note: rotate! q is equivalent to enqueue!(dequeue!(q)).
+     ++ Note: rotate! q is equivalent to insert!(dequeue!(q), q).
    front : % -> S
      ++ front(q) returns the element at the front of the queue.
      ++ The queue q is unchanged by this operation.
@@ -330,6 +330,13 @@
      ++ back(q) returns the element at the back of the queue.
      ++ The queue q is unchanged by this operation.
      ++ Error: if q is empty.
+ add
+   insert!(e, q) == (enqueue!(e, q); q)
+   extract! q == dequeue! q
+   rotate! q ==
+       empty? q => q
+       insert!(dequeue! q, q)
 )abbrev category DQAGG DequeueAggregate
 ++ Author: Michael Monagan; revised by Manuel Bronstein and Richard Jenks
diff --git a/src/algebra/bags.spad b/src/algebra/bags.spad
index d6365a7..e4ce733 100644
--- a/src/algebra/bags.spad
+++ b/src/algebra/bags.spad
@@ -109,33 +109,49
 ++ Examples:
 ++ References:
 ++ Description:
-++ Linked List implementation of a Queue
 --% Dequeue and Heap data types
 Queue(S : SetCategory) : QueueAggregate S with
     queue : List S -> %
       ++ queue([x, y, ..., z]) creates a queue with first (top)
       ++ element x, second element y, ..., and last (bottom) element z.
-  == Stack S add
-    Rep := Reference List S
-    lastTail==> LAST$Lisp
+  == add
+    Rep := Record(front: List S, rear: List S)
+    -- we'll ensure front is not empty, unless the queue is empty
+    queue q == [q, []]
+    construct q == queue q
+    empty() == [[], []]
+    empty? q == empty? q.front
+    copy q == [copy q.front, copy q.rear]
+    map(f, q) == [map(f, q.front), map(f, q.rear)]
+    map!(f, q) ==
+        q.front := map!(f, q.front)
+        q.rear := map!(f, q.rear)
+        q
+    # q == # q.front + # q.rear
+    parts q == append(q.front, reverse q.rear)
+    hashUpdate!(st, q) == hashUpdate!(st, parts q)
     enqueue!(e, q) ==
-        if null deref q then setref(q, list e)
-        else lastTail.(deref q).rest := list e
+        q.rear := cons(e, q.rear)
-    insert!(e, q) == (enqueue!(e, q);q)
     dequeue! q ==
         empty? q => error "empty queue"
-        e := first deref q
-        setref(q, rest deref q)
+        e := first q.front
+        q.front := rest q.front
+        if empty? q.front and not empty? q.rear then
+            q.front := reverse! q.rear
+            q.rear := []
-    extract! q == dequeue! q
-    rotate! q == if empty? q then q else (enqueue!(dequeue! q, q); q)
-    front q == if empty? q then error "empty queue" else first deref q
+    front q ==
+        empty? q => error "empty queue"
+        first q.front
     inspect q == front q
-    back q == if empty? q then error "empty queue" else last deref q
-    queue q == construct(q)
+    back q ==
+        if empty? q.rear then
+           if empty? q.front then error "empty queue"
+              else return last q.front
+        first q.rear
 )abbrev domain DEQUEUE Dequeue
 ++ Author: Michael Monagan and Stephen Watt

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