> As far as I know only in input file with correct indentation.

I also thought that this would work, but I remember that I had problems.
So the usual way is, to put things in an .input file in the following way:

foo(n) == (_
  k := 0; _
  for i in 1..n repeat (_
    for j in 1..n repeat (_
       k := i+j+k; _
       k := -k));_
  return k)

Note that line ending must be escaped by an underscore and sind that
basically makes just one line of the whole thing, you have to embed a
sequence of commands into parentheses like this:

  (c1; c2; c3)

Very inconvenient. I would also be happy if at least in the .input files
the usual spad indentation would work.

Hope that helps.


PS: I somehow seem to faintly remember that in the old AXIOM days, one
could enter a line and if the interpreter realised that there was
something missing, for example, the was an open paren and no closing
one, it would automatically print "..." and continue the line... somehow
similar to what Python does nowadays.

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