
I was unable to get zero out of (3) , so I tried a trick in (4) (Waldek once 
wrote that integrate simplifies its input), but (4) is now positive for all 
positive  a,b,x ...

I'm confused...

(1) -> integrand:=1/(x^3*(a+b*x/sqrt(3))^(1/3))

   (1)  ───────────────────
         3 3│    ┌─┐
        x  \│b x\│3  + 3 a
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(2) -> primitive:=integrate(integrand,x)

   (2)  - ────────────────────────
             2 3│    6┌─┐3
          2 x  \│b x \│3   + 3 a
                                         Type: Union(Expression(Integer),...)
(3) -> shouldBeZero := D(primitive,x) - integrand

               3┌─┐6┌─┐3      3┌─┐ 3│    6┌─┐3
       (- 3 b x\│3 \│3   - 9 a\│3 )\│b x \│3   + 3 a
              6┌─┐5       6┌─┐2 3│    ┌─┐
       (4 b x \│3   + 9 a \│3  )\│b x\│3  + 3 a
                             ┌─────────────┐ ┌───────────────┐2
           4 6┌─┐3        3 3│    ┌─┐       3│    6┌─┐3
     (3 b x  \│3   + 9 a x )\│b x\│3  + 3 a \│b x \│3   + 3 a
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(4) -> shouldBeZero2:=eval(integrate(shouldBeZero,z),z=1)

                                      b \│3
        3 5        2           3 6┌─┐3         2 4       3 2 3│    6┌─┐3
   ((9 b x  + (27 a  + 18 a)b x )\│3   + 27 a b x  + 81 a x )\│b x \│3   + 3 a
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)

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