remove cycle related functions from Tree

As I said in previous mail, cyclic structure are not allowed
by definition of the tree data structure.  Also, these
functions are not used at all, so removing them will not
break anything.

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diff --git a/src/algebra/tree.spad b/src/algebra/tree.spad
index 4a4d4898..07b140d3 100644
--- a/src/algebra/tree.spad
+++ b/src/algebra/tree.spad
@@ -20,20 +20,7 @@ Tree(S : SetCategory) : T==C where
        ++ tree(ls) creates a tree from a list of elements of s.
      tree : S -> %
        ++ tree(nd) creates a tree with value nd, and no children.
-     cyclic? : % -> Boolean
-       ++ cyclic?(t) tests if t is a cyclic tree.
-     cyclicCopy : % -> %
-      ++ cyclicCopy(l) makes a copy of a (possibly) cyclic tree l.
-     cyclicEntries :    % -> List %
-       ++ cyclicEntries(t) returns a list of top-level cycles in tree t.
-     cyclicEqual? : (%, %) -> Boolean
-       ++ cyclicEqual?(t1, t2) tests if two cyclic trees have
-       ++ the same structure.
-     cyclicParents : % -> List %
-       ++ cyclicParents(t) returns a list of cycles that are parents of t.
  C== add
-    cycleTreeMax ==> 5
     Rep := Union(node:Record(value: S, args: List %),empty:"empty")
     import from Record(value: S, args: List %)
@@ -118,178 +105,23 @@ Tree(S : SetCategory) : T==C where
           s := hashUpdate!(s, subt)
-    ---Functions that guard against cycles: =, #, copy-------------
-    -----> =
-    equal? : (%, %, %, %, Integer) -> Boolean
-    t1 = t2 == equal?(t1, t2, t1, t2, 0)
-    equal?(t1, t2, ot1, ot2, k) ==
-      k = cycleTreeMax and (cyclic? ot1 or cyclic? ot2) =>
-        error "use cyclicEqual? to test equality on cyclic trees"
-      t1 case empty => t2 case empty
-      t2 case empty => false
-      not (value t1 = value t2 and (c1 := children t1) = (c2 := children t2))
-          => false
-      for x in c1 for y in c2 | not equal?(x, y, ot1, ot2, k + 1) repeat
-          return false
-      true
-    -----> #
-    treeCount : (%, %, NonNegativeInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger
-    # t == treeCount(t, t, 0)
-    treeCount(t, origTree, k) ==
-      k = cycleTreeMax and cyclic? origTree =>
-        error "# is not defined on cyclic trees"
-      t case empty => 0
-      1 + +/[treeCount(c, origTree, k + 1) for c in children t]
-    -----> copy
-    copy1 : (%, %, Integer) -> %
-    copy t == copy1(t, t, 0)
-    copy1(t, origTree, k) ==
-      k = cycleTreeMax and cyclic? origTree =>
-        error "use cyclicCopy to copy a cyclic tree"
-      t case empty  => t
-      empty? children t => tree value t
-      tree(value t, [copy1(x, origTree, k + 1) for x in children t])
-    -----------Functions that allow cycles---------------
-    --local utility functions:
-    eqUnion : (List %, List %) -> List %
-    eqMember? : (%, List %) -> Boolean
-    eqMemberIndex : (%, List %, Integer) -> Integer
-    insert : (%, List %) -> List %
+    t1 = t2 ==
+        empty? t1 => empty? t2
+        value t1 = value t2 and children t1 = children t2
-    -----> coerce to OutputForm
-    multipleOverbar : (OutputForm, Integer, List %) -> OutputForm
-    coerce1 : (%, List %, List %) -> OutputForm
+    # t ==
+        empty? t => 0
+        1 + "+"/[# c for c in children t]
-    coerce(t : %) : OutputForm == coerce1(t, empty()$(List %), cyclicParents t)
+    copy t ==
+        empty? t => empty()
+        tree(value t, [copy c for c in children t])
-    coerce1(t, parents, pl) ==
-        t case empty => empty()@List(S)::OutputForm
-        eqMember?(t, parents) =>
-            multipleOverbar((message(".")), eqMemberIndex(t, pl,0),pl)
-        empty? children t => value t::OutputForm
+    coerce(t : %) : OutputForm ==
+        empty? t => empty()@List(S)::OutputForm
         nodeForm := (value t)::OutputForm
-        if (k := eqMemberIndex(t, pl, 0)) > 0 then
-            nodeForm := multipleOverbar(nodeForm, k, pl)
-        prefix(nodeForm,
-            [coerce1(br, cons(t, parents), pl) for br in children t])
-    multipleOverbar(x, k, pl) ==
-        k < 1 => x
-        #pl = 1 => overbar x
-        s : String := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-        c := s.(1 + ((k - 1) rem 26))
-        overlabel(c::OutputForm, x)
-    -----> cyclic?
-    cyclic2? : (%, List %) -> Boolean
-    cyclic? t == cyclic2?(t, empty()$(List %))
-    cyclic2?(x, parents) ==
-      empty? x => false
-      eqMember?(x, parents) => true
-      for y in children x repeat
-        cyclic2?(y, cons(x, parents)) => return true
-      false
-    -----> cyclicCopy
-    cyclicCopy2 : (%, List %) -> %
-    copyCycle2 : (%, List %) -> %
-    copyCycle4 : (%, %, %, List %) -> %
-    cyclicCopy(t) == cyclicCopy2(t, cyclicEntries t)
-    cyclicCopy2(t, cycles) ==
-      eqMember?(t, cycles) => copyCycle2(t, cycles)
-      tree(value t, [cyclicCopy2(c, cycles) for c in children t])
-    copyCycle2(cycle, cycleList) ==
-      newCycle := tree(value cycle, [])
-      setchildren!(newCycle,
-        [copyCycle4(c, cycle, newCycle, cycleList) for c in children cycle])
-      newCycle
-    copyCycle4(t, cycle, newCycle, cycleList) ==
-      empty? cycle => empty()
-      eq?(t, cycle) => newCycle
-      eqMember?(t, cycleList) => copyCycle2(t, cycleList)
-      tree(value t,
-           [copyCycle4(c, cycle, newCycle, cycleList) for c in children t])
-    -----> cyclicEntries
-    cyclicEntries3 : (%, List %, List %) -> List %
-    cyclicEntries(t) == cyclicEntries3(t, empty()$(List %), empty()$(List %))
-    cyclicEntries3(t, parents, cl) ==
-      empty? t => cl
-      eqMember?(t, parents) => insert(t, cl)
-      parents := cons(t, parents)
-      for y in children t repeat
-        cl := cyclicEntries3(t, parents, cl)
-      cl
-    -----> cyclicEqual?
-    cyclicEqual4? : (%, %, List %, List %) -> Boolean
-    cyclicEqual?(t1, t2) ==
-      cp1 := cyclicParents t1
-      cp2 := cyclicParents t2
-      #cp1 ~= #cp2 or empty?(cp1) => t1 = t2
-      cyclicEqual4?(t1, t2, cp1, cp2)
-    cyclicEqual4?(t1, t2, cp1, cp2) ==
-      t1 case empty => t2 case empty
-      t2 case empty => false
-      0 ~= (k := eqMemberIndex(t1, cp1, 0)) => eq?(t2, cp2 . k)
-      value t1 ~= value t2 => false
-      for x in children t1 for y in children t2 _
-          | not cyclicEqual4?(x, y, cp1, cp2) repeat
-          return false
-      true
-    -----> cyclicParents t
-    cyclicParents3 : (%, List %, List %) -> List %
-    cyclicParents t == cyclicParents3(t, empty()$(List %), empty()$(List %))
-    cyclicParents3(x, parents, pl) ==
-      empty? x => pl
-      eqMember?(x, parents) =>
-        cycleMembers := [y for y in parents while not eq?(x, y)]
-        eqUnion(cons(x, cycleMembers), pl)
-      parents := cons(x, parents)
-      for y in children x repeat
-        pl := cyclicParents3(y, parents, pl)
-      pl
-    insert(x, l) ==
-      eqMember?(x, l) => l
-      cons(x, l)
-    eqMember?(y, l) ==
-      for x in l repeat eq?(x, y) => return true
-      false
-    eqMemberIndex(x, l, k) ==
-      empty?(l) => k
-      k := k + 1
-      eq?(x, first l) => k
-      eqMemberIndex(x, rest l, k)
-    eqUnion(u, v) ==
-      empty?(u) => v
-      x := first u
-      newV :=
-        eqMember?(x, v) => v
-        cons(x, v)
-      eqUnion(rest u, newV)
+        empty? children t => nodeForm
+        prefix(nodeForm, [coerce(c) for c in children t])
 )abbrev category BTCAT BinaryTreeCategory
 ++ Author: W. H. Burge
@@ -310,8 +142,6 @@ BinaryTreeCategory(S : SetCategory) : Category ==
      ++ node(l, v, r) creates a binary tree with value \spad{v},
      ++ left subtree \spad{l}, and right subtree \spad{r}.
-     cycleTreeMax ==> 5
      copy t ==
        empty? t => empty()
        node(copy left t, value t, copy right t)
@@ -324,14 +154,11 @@ BinaryTreeCategory(S : SetCategory) : Category ==
          map!(f, left t)
          map!(f, right t)
-     treeCount : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger
-     #t == treeCount(t, 0)
-     treeCount(t, k) ==
-         empty? t => k
-         k := k + 1
-         k = cycleTreeMax and cyclic? t => error "cyclic binary tree"
-         k := treeCount(left t, k)
-         treeCount(right t, k)
+     # t ==
+         empty? t => 0
+         1 + # left t + # right t
      distance1(t1 : %, t2 : %) : Integer ==
        t1 = t2 => 0
        empty? t2 => -1

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