
I notice that there is a function like this
D: (%, Symbol, NonNegativeInteger) -> %
in UnivariateTaylorSeries:

Why then does this Spad program not compile:

)abbrev package XSMP XSomePack
XSomePack(): Exports == Implementation where

        I ==> Integer

        Exports ==> with

                f: () -> I

        Implementation ==> add

                SYM ==> Symbol
                EXPR ==> Expression(I)
                TAY ==> UnivariateTaylorSeries(EXPR, 'x, 0$EXPR)

                diff(t: TAY, s: SYM, n: NonNegativeInteger): TAY ==
                        D(t, s, n)$TAY

                f(): I ==

This is the error message I get:

****** comp fails at level 2 with expression: ******
error in function diff

  (|UnivariateTaylorSeries| (|Expression| (|Integer|)) '|x|
                            (|Sel| (|Expression| (|Integer|)) 0))
 |t| | << s >> | |n|)
****** level 2  ******
$x:= s
$m:= (List (Symbol))
((((|n| # #) (|s| # #) (|t| # #) (|diff| #) ...)))

   >> Apparent user error:
   Cannot coerce s
      of mode (Symbol)
      to mode (List (Symbol))

The compiler seems to think that it needs List Symbol instead of Symbol??


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