The following file contains:

**** mysolv.input ****

F := PF 13

VF ==> Vector F
LZ ==> List Integer

fsol(a: List LZ, b: LZ): LZ ==_
  x := solve(a :: SquareMatrix(3, F), b :: VF).particular
  if x case VF then x :: LZ else [0,0,0] :: LZ

**** End of mysolv.input

The following run outputs an error:

(1) -> )r mysolv
F := PF 13

   (1)  PrimeField(13)

VF ==> Vector F
LZ ==> List Integer

fsol(a: List LZ, b: LZ): LZ ==_
  x := solve(a :: SquareMatrix(3, F), b :: VF).particular
  if x case VF then x :: LZ else [0,0,0] :: LZ
   Function declaration fsol : (List(List(Integer)), List(Integer)) -> 
      List(Integer) has been added to workspace.
(5) -> 
(5) -> fsol([[1,2,3],[5,7,9],[11,2,8]],[4,0,3])
   case is only used for Unions and the object on the left-hand side 
      does not belong to a union.

(5) ->

Isn't solve.particular of Union type?

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