I would like to do the following change to install.rst (and
consequently INSTALL).  This is mostly change due to Ralf,
but I did small change to Aldor instructions. Now it is
enough to give '--enable-aldor' to make Aldor interface,
do I removed part about changing directores and 'make'
in the subdirectory.

I also did small change to performance comparison corresponding
to my latest measurements.

                              Waldek Hebisch

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--- ../trunk/src/doc/sphinx/source/install.rst	2023-12-08 22:01:51.482242753 +0100
+++ install.rst	2024-01-08 01:07:05.703057253 +0100
@@ -70,10 +70,11 @@
 testing.  Also CMU CL seem to have problems on some machines.  By
 default FriCAS tries to use SBCL, since it is fast and reliable.  On
 64-bit AMD64 on average SBCL is the fastest one (9 times faster than
-CLISP), Clozure CL the second (about 1.5 times slower than SBCL), than
-GCL and ECL (about 3 times slower than SBCL) and CLISP is the slowest
-one.  Note: very old versions of ECL were much (about 4 times) slower, you
-should use reasonably new version if you care about speed.
+CLISP), Clozure CL and GCL the second (about 3 times slower than SBCL), than
+ECL (about 7 times slower than SBCL) and CLISP is the slowest
+one.  Note: very old versions of ECL were much (about 4 times) slower,
+versions from about 7-10 years ago gave best performance and
+newest ECL versions are progressively slower.
 Some computation work much faster on 64-bit machines, especially
 when using SBCL.
@@ -192,9 +193,34 @@
 Aldor (optional)
-If you want to use Aldor_ to extend the FriCAS library, you must, of
-course, have Aldor_ installed, and add ``--enable-aldor`` to your
-configure options when you compile FriCAS.
+Aldor_ was originally invented to be the next generation compiler for
+Axiom_ (the system that FriCAS_ forked from). If you want to use
+Aldor_ to extend the FriCAS_ library, you must, of course, have Aldor_
+installed, and add ``--enable-aldor`` to your configure options when
+you compile FriCAS.
+The commands below download the Aldor_ git repository into
+``$ALDORDIR`` and install it into ``$ALDORINSTALLDIR``. Adapt the
+directories to whatever you like.
+   ALDORDIR=$HOME/aldor
+   mkdir -p $ALDORDIR
+   cd $ALDORDIR
+   git clone https://github.com/aldorlang/aldor.git
+   mkdir $ALDORDIR/build
+   cd $ALDORDIR/build
+   $ALDORDIR/aldor/aldor/configure --prefix=$ALDORINSTALLDIR --disable-maintainer-mode
+   make -j8
+   make install
+Then make the aldor executable available in your ``PATH`` by adding
+the following lines to your ``.bashrc``.
+   ALDORINSTALLDIR=/absolute/path/to/aldor/install
 Extra libraries needed by ECL
@@ -531,13 +557,19 @@
 programs), but also by ``.as`` files (Aldor_ programs).  For the latter
 to work FriCAS needs a library ``libfricas.al``.
-This library can be build as follows.
-(An Aldor compiler is of course a prerequisite.)
-   configure --enable-aldor --prefix=/tmp/usr
-   ( cd src/aldor &&  make )
-   make install
+Note that building the interface temporarily needs about 2 GB extra
+disk space. Since currently, building the Aldor interface accesses the
+build files of a previous FriCAS_ build, you need about 3 GB disk
+If you configured FriCAS using ``--enable-aldor`` option, then
+``make`` will also build ``libfricas.al`` and ``make install``
+will install it together with FriCAS.
+If the ``aldor`` binary is not reachable during build via your ``PATH``,
+you can add ``--with-aldor-binary=/path/to/aldor`` to configure
+command line.  Note: at runtime Aldor binary either must be available
+in the PATH or specified via ALDOR_COMPILER environment variable.
 After that you should be able to compile and use the program below in
 a FriCAS session via
@@ -731,7 +763,7 @@
 Make Jupytext available
-In Ubuntu 22.04 you need not do run the commands from this section.
+In Ubuntu 22.04 you need not run the commands from this section.
 It seemingly works without having to change something in the
 configuration file. There were even reports that jFriCAS_ stopped
 working if ``c.NotebookApp.contents_manager_class`` was set.  However,
@@ -1050,6 +1082,7 @@
 .. _Aldor: https://github.com/aldorlang/aldor
+.. _Axiom: http://axiom-developer.org/
 .. _CLISP: http://clisp.cons.org
 .. _Clozure CL: http://ccl.clozure.com/manual/chapter2.2.html
 .. _CMUCL: https://www.cons.org/cmucl/

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