Cool, Qian!

You are a genius. You seem to have digged out the right place.

Now, of course, the question is how to condition that part.

  map(x+->(real x + sqrt(-1)@AN*imag(x)), z)

to work R must provide "real" and "imag" and
their target should be coercible to AN.

I think, just testing "R is Complex Integer" or
"R is Complex Fraction Integer" would already be
quite some progress in my eyes.

I only hope that this does not change the behaviour of the interpreter too much so that, i.e. the interpreter shouldn't invest time in trying to needlessly coerce something to AN.


On 3/22/24 13:59, Qian Yun wrote:
Line 615 of expr.spad.

(Related function: smp2an, k2an, R2AN).

- Qian

On 3/22/24 20:57, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
Maybe this signature
   retractIfCan : % -> Union(AlgebraicNumber,"failed")
should support it, when % is EXPR COMPLEX INT.

Implemented where?


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