On Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 04:12:59PM +0200, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
> I must be doing something wrong, but I do not see what.
> Attached you can find a minimal example that does not compile
> if line (*1) is uncommented. The compiler has no problem to compile
> the cases (*2) and (3).
> I thought that the Join with two categories might be a problem, but no such
> things appear in the FriCAS algebra sources, for example, in rec.spad.

Thanks for the testcase.  There was missing transformation, before
main compile in effect your program was transformed into a wrong
form (not handled by the rest of compiler).  The following worked:

)abbrev package Q1PI QEtaOneOverPi
QEtaOneOverPi(C): Exports == Implementation where
  C: IntegralDomain
  NN ==> NonNegativeInteger
  Exports ==> with
    if C has OrderedRing and C has Field then -- OK
    -- if C has Join(OrderedRing,Field) then -- mistransformed
        kleinJInterval: (NN, C, C, C) -> Segment C
  Implementation ==> add
    foo(): Integer == 1

Early transformation was supposed to transform your Join into
'and' above.  However, the 'and' was supposed to be transformed
in turn into:

)abbrev package Q1PI QEtaOneOverPi
QEtaOneOverPi(C): Exports == Implementation where
  C: IntegralDomain
  NN ==> NonNegativeInteger
  Exports ==> with 
    if C has OrderedRing then
      if C has Field then -- OK
        kleinJInterval: (NN, C, C, C) -> Segment C
  Implementation ==> add
    foo(): Integer == 1

and this transformation happended when 'and' was explicit in the
source, but did not happen with generated 'and'.  Fixed now.

BTW: Those transformations are applicable only to 'Join' within 'has'.
Existing 'Join'-s withing 'has' in the algebra where inside 'and', which
masked the problem (needed transformation happended as part of
processing of 'and' and 'if').

                              Waldek Hebisch

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