Currently, draw(x,x=0..10,unit==[1.0,2.0])
does not show units by default, you have to click the control
panel button or use 'units(%,1,"on")'.

I think that by specifying "unit" options in "draw", the intention
is to show units.

This is also the case in some of the graphs in reference book,
for example in section 7.1.4 (page 234-236), where several graphs
should show units, but they didn't.

Following patch fixes this.

- Qian

diff --git a/src/algebra/view2D.spad b/src/algebra/view2D.spad
index bda55299..4799f336 100644
--- a/src/algebra/view2D.spad
+++ b/src/algebra/view2D.spad
@@ -808,6 +808,8 @@ TwoDimensionalViewport () : Exports == Implementation where
       viewport               := viewport2D()
       viewport.graphsField.1 := g
       viewport.optionsField := opts
+      if not empty? units(opts, []) then
+        viewport.graphStatesField.1.units := yes
       makeViewport2D0 viewport

     makeViewport2D viewport == makeViewport2D0 copy(viewport::Rep)

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