On 5/4/24 12:43, Grégory Vanuxem wrote:

I have found 'devaluate' in some Spad files and it can be handy. Some
domains are parameterized and it is not possible, or at least I don't
know how to do it, to use ' is ' instead of ' has ' (Domain vs.
Category) for them:

if R is Foo then
     new(n) == bar(n)

it is not possible to use:
if Foo(p) then

Or like #1 in "SubDomain(Integer, #1 >= 0)" used for NonNegativeInteger?

I'm not sure I understand your problem 100%, are you looking for
something like PrimeField in ffdoms.spad?

    if not prime?(p)$IntegerPrimesPackage(Integer) then

Also it's difficult to know your problem with 'devaluate' in your
code snippet. Is there a minimal reproducible example?

- Qian

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