Karen and Don Helm will be hosting a pot-luck supper on Saturday, March 
24, at 6 p.m.   It will be an opportunity for BES members and friends to 
socialize with Katharine Archibald, Executive Director of the American 
Ethical Union, who will be speaking at BES the next morning.  Karen and 
Don live at 1413 Bolton Street and their phone number is 410-728-4150.  
If you're coming south on Route 83, take the North Avenue exit, but go 
straight onto Mt. Royal.  Turn right on Lafayette, go a few blocks and 
turn right on Bolton Street.  You will know you're at the right house 
when you see the ship's wheel in the window.

The pot-luck is open to all of us.  Please give Fritz and Belva a call 
to let us know you're attending and what you're bringing for the 
pot-luck.  They'll have a master list and they can help you coordinate 
your contribution with what others are bringing.  So far we have a 
tossed salad and some bread.
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