Come and enjoy The Baltimore Ethical Society's traditional start of the new 
meeting year from noon to 3 on Sunday, September 5, with talk and food. (Isn’t 
that what Ethical Societies are all about? At least in part!) Bring something 
to share; if it’s as large a crowd as it sometimes is, you may want to bring 
folding chairs as well. Our hosts this year will again be members John and 
Janet Nugent, at their home in Parkville at 7937 Westmoreland Ave., 21234. 
The Nugents will provide the following:  paper products; beverages; we will 
have the grill going with buns and hot dogs(regular beef) condiments;  chips 
and dip and lots of vanilla ice cream.  
        Janet suggests the following ideas to accompany what they'll provide:  
other grilling meats and veggies; bean salads; pasta salads; pasta dishes or 
casseroles ; potato salads; fried chicken; veggie tray and dip; lovely sliced 
summer tomatoes  and dessert stuff like cookies, pies, fruit etc.  
        In case of rain, call the Society to find out alternate plans. 
Directions from the Baltimore Beltway: Take exit 30A to MD Rte. 41—Perring 
Parkway, heading south. At the second traffic light, turn left onto Taylor Ave. 
Turn left onto Westmoreland Ave. Look for the mailbox a little ways down on the 
right. There is some parking by the house, or park nearby and walk down the 
The September BESpeak will be “in the mail” shortly with details about the 
thought provoking and informative platforms we have lined up for you beginning 
on Sunday, September 12. with a talk from  Leader Hugh Taft-Morales on “Is 
Social Justice Too Radical for Ethical Culture?”

see you there!
Karen Elliott
Program Committee Chair
The Baltimoe Ethical Society
Friends mailing list

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