Summer Sunday Discussions every Sunday at 10:30 am all Summer long until and including Aug 28.

_*This Sunday 6/26*_: 10:30 am "The AEU and You" with Stephen Meskin who will report on the 96th Assembly of the American Ethical Union held last week.

   * What do you think of the resolutions which passed and which did
     not pass at the Assembly?
   * Find out who won the Elliott-Black Award, The Anna Garlin Spencer
     Volunteer Awards, The Felix Adler Lifetime Achievement Award, and why.
   * Find out what the AEU is.
   * Find out what is going on at the AEU.
   * Find out how the AEU affects BES.
   * Find out the news about how BES will be affecting the AEU.
   * And much more.

_*Next Sunday 7/3*_ *_9:30 am -- Poetry Group _*with Kirk Mullen

10:30 am "The Secular Coalition for America" with Emil Volcheck The Secular Coalition for America (SCA) lobbies for the rights of non theistic Americans. Emil Volcheck will report on the SCA Biennial Summit that he attended this past May. He'll sketch the SCA's "Secular Decade" strategic plan and describe the SCA's first Lobbying Day. Discussion will center on whether non theistic Americans face discrimination and how the SCA and the Ethical Movement should respond.

_*Sunday 7/10*_ 10:30 am"The Atheist Spirituality of Andre Comte-Sponville" with Hugh Taft-Morales:

In /The Little Book of Atheist Spirituality/, French philosopher Comte-Sponville reaches into Eastern philosophy to offer a form of spirituality that even an atheist could love. It is a spirituality devoid of supernaturalism but full of friendship and community. He embraces a rational humanism that avoids both nihilism and hostility towards religion. Hugh will explore if such a perspective is consistent with Ethical Culture.

_*Sunday 7/10*_ _*Noon -- Board meeting*_; all BES members are welcome.

*_Sunday 7/17_* 10:30 am "The Dream of Earth: a proposed origin story for our time" by Tom Berry with Bob Corbett.

_*Sunday 7/24*_ 10:30 am "Potluck Discussion" with Stephen Meskin. Bring your own topics for discussion. Find out what others are interested in and put in your own two cents.

                          11:30 am Car Pool to
12:30 pm joint *_Potluck PICNIC_* with NoVES and an informal *_Platform_* by Jone Johnson Lewis in a beautiful setting on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay about 45 min from downtown Baltimore. Please reply if you are considering going. More information as we get closer.

/Stephen A Meskin/,
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