Dear friends,

Join us this Wednesday, August 23, at 7:30 pm, at BES for a screening
of "Beyond Borders" from the Ironweed Film Club:

Beyond Borders moves past the headlines and takes an in-depth look at
the hot-button issues of legal and illegal immigration. The film
explores the forces driving the immigration controversy from both
sides of the debate. Anti-immigration activists demand we stop this
"illegal alien invasion," while some pro-immigration forces speak of a
Reconquista, a reclaiming of the American Southwest by Mexico. In
search of a middle ground, Beyond Borders travels across the U.S. and
beyond to give voice to those on the front-line of the issue,
including candid interviews with Border Patrol agents, radio talk show
celebrities, demographers, the Minute Men, potential migrants, and a
host of experts including Noam Chomsky (Distorted Morality) and
Gustavo Arellano (Ask A Mexican). Beyond Borders is an entertaining
and enlightening film that asks: Is migration a basic human right? (75

Membership in the BES Ironweed Film Club is free.  Contact Emil
Volcheck at if interested in joining.



Emil Volcheck, Secretary
Baltimore Ethical Society

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