Dear friends,

On this day in 1876, Felix Adler founded the Ethical
Culture Movement with an address in New York City.
You can read the full text here:

There's much that rings true today.  Consider this passage:

    Eulogies on the nineteenth century are familiar to our ears, and
    orators delight to descant upon all the glorious things which it has
    achieved.  Its railways, its printing presses, its increased comforts
    and refined luxuries -- all these are undeniable facts, and yet it is
    true none the less, that great and unexpected evils have followed in
    the train of our successes, and that the moral improvement of the
    nations and their individual components has not kept pace with the
    march of intellect and the advance of industry.

Adler had the big picture in mind and believed that the efforts of
individuals and communities can advance the progress of humankind.
It's worth reflecting on this today.



Emil Volcheck, President
Baltimore Ethical Society

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