On sam. 11 janv. 15:44:24 2020, thomas brenac wrote:
> j'ai deux serveur mail, un IPv4 et l'autre IPv6. Question idiote: pour les
> enregistrement DNS mettriez vous les deux avec la meme priorite ?

Oui. Les clients smtp sont assez intelligents pour essayer un mix des deux.

Voir le manuel postfix (man 5 postconf), mais ne pas regarder le IPV6_README, 
il est complétement dépassé :

smtp_address_preference (default: any) 
      The address type ("ipv6", "ipv4" or "any") that the Postfix SMTP client 
      will try first, when a destination has IPv6  and  IPv4  addresses  with 
      equal  MX preference. This feature has no effect unless the inet_proto‐ 
      cols setting enables both IPv4 and IPv6. 

      Postfix SMTP client address preference has evolved.  With  Postfix  2.8 
      the default is "ipv6"; earlier implementations are hard-coded to prefer 
      IPv6 over IPv4. 

      Notes for mail delivery between sites that have both IPv4 and IPv6 con‐ 

      •      The  setting "smtp_address_preference = ipv6" is unsafe.  It can 
             fail to deliver mail when there is an outage that affects  IPv6, 
             while the destination is still reachable over IPv4. 

      •      The  setting "smtp_address_preference = any" is safe. With this, 
             mail will eventually be delivered even if  there  is  an  outage 
             that affects IPv6 or IPv4, as long as it does not affect both. 

      This feature is available in Postfix 2.8 and later.


smtp_balance_inet_protocols (default: yes)
       When  a  remote  destination resolves to a combination of IPv4 and IPv6
       addresses, ensure that the Postfix SMTP client  can  try  both  address
       types before it runs into the smtp_mx_address_limit.

       This  avoids an interoperability problem when a destination resolves to
       primarily IPv6 addresses,  the  smtp_address_limit  feature  eliminates
       most  or  all IPv4 addresses, and the destination is not reachable over

       This feature is available in Postfix 3.3 and later.

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