On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 09:46:19AM +1000, Russell Dickenson 
<russelldicken...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I recently reported and discussed in the dev IRC channel a problem
> where my MSI Wind U200 won't boot with the 2.6.36 series kernel. Last
> night I did a complete "pacman-g2 -Syu", including kernel, to see if
> the 2.6.37 kernel would boot and it did! Yay! However it now won't
> boot properly, possibly because of my early experimentation with the
> systemd repository. I am going to completely reinstall Frugalware and
> try again with a later kernel but sysvinit init scripts. I have to
> reinstall from 1.3 first because I could not boot to the USB image of
> the FW 1.4 RC1 because it contains kernel 2.6.36.

I just uploaded frugalware-1.4rc1.708.g9984339-i686-usb.img to the
-current-iso directory, containing 2.6.37.

And recently you can experiment with systemd easily:


Whenever something gets broken, you can just remove that extra kernel
parameter and you have sysvinit back.

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