On 9 February 2011 06:39, James Buren <r...@frugalware.org> wrote:
>> I wonder if MirrorBrain could be useful for Frugalware's users? I
>> don't understand the underlying technology but it apparently redirects
>> requests to the nearest mirror:
>> http://www.mirrorbrain.org/
>> I know that I have published twice in the newsletter a hint to users
>> to put their nearest mirror at the top of the list but perhaps
>> MirrorBrain might make this redundant?
> NOOO!!! Not mirror roulette like sourceforge likes to do!

Wow! Now THAT'S a response! :)

What happens if there's a cartridge under the hammer? In other words,
James, why not? I honestly don't mind either way but I'm obviously
missing something.

May you always be Frugal,

Russell Dickenson (AKA phayz)
Frugalware-devel mailing list

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