On 2 March 2011 06:33, Devil505 <devil505li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/3/1 Russell Dickenson <russelldicken...@gmail.com>:
>> I have pushed the first newsletter issue - issue 76- which includes
>> the Disqus feature, allowing readers to provide feedback/comments.
>> Devil505 (and possibly others) tweaked the layout of the newsletter,
>> including nice icons for each section.
>> In viewing newsletter issue 76 I realise that there's no section
>> banner or icon for the feedback/comments section. I'll go ahead and
>> add such a section and icon but I wanted feedback about the title
>> itself. Disqus automatically labels everything "comments" so it would
>> be consistent to have the new section titled "Comments". Is this
>> understood internationally? I've now realised that I don't know if
>> Disqus is available in languages other than English. :( Sorry for not
>> thinking of this earlier.
> The newsletter is not translated so we don't care if disqus is only in 
> english.

Good point, although I wish it *was* translated. :( I lie in bed at
night, thinking of the millions of people around the world who miss
out on reading my brilliant prose, simply because they can't read
English or don't trust Google Translate. Oh, I forgot to mention that
while I am awake at night with these thoughts, I'm also weeping.

> For your title section, try:
>  <br />
>  <div class="postheader">Comments</div>
>  <img class="face" src="/images/newsletter/users.png" width="85"
> height="85" alt="" /><br />

Should I use your face or mine?


May you always be Frugal,

Russell Dickenson (AKA phayz)
Frugalware-devel mailing list

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