-current Testsuite Results
[PASSED] bigfiles
[FAILED] chkacc
[PASSED] deps-extra-x86_64
[FAILED] deps-x86_64
[PASSED] docs-en
[PASSED] emptydirs
[PASSED] fpmcorrupt
[PASSED] fpminvalid
[PASSED] fpmjunk-x86_64
[PASSED] fpmmissing
[PASSED] fst
[FAILED] groups
[PASSED] j2sdk
[PASSED] lib64
[FAILED] missing-clean-x86_64
[PASSED] perms
[PASSED] pkgdup
[PASSED] python
[PASSED] sourceforge
[FAILED] srcjunk
[FAILED] srcmissing
[PASSED] up2date
[PASSED] xorg
TOTAL  =  23
PASSED =  17 (73%)
FAILED =  6 (26%)

Details of 'chkacc'
unused developer accounts (no commits in the last half year)

| ryuo

Details of 'deps-x86_64'
check if all the packages can be downloaded via pacman-g2 -Sw

| could not satisfy dependencies:
| :: gespeaker: requires espeak

Details of 'groups'
packages in wrong directory

| ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ERROR: Bailing out, please fix your package..

Details of 'missing-clean-x86_64'
missing package removes (use 'repoman clean --exclusivearch=x86_64 
group/pkgname' to fix)

| a52dec
| aacplusenc
| aalib
| abstractdark-sddm-theme
| accountsservice
| acpid
| adns
| adwaita-icon-theme
| aircrack-ng
| aisleriot
| ajaxterm
| akonadi
| akonadi-calendar
| akonadi-calendar-tools
| akonadi-contacts
| akonadi-import-wizard
| akonadi-mime
| akonadi-notes
| akonadi-search
| akonadiconsole
| akregator
| alacarte
| allegro
| alsa-firmware
| alsa-info
| alsa-lib
| alsa-plugin-ffmpeg
| alsa-plugin-jack
| alsa-plugin-pulseaudio
| alsa-plugin-samplerate
| alsa-plugin-speex
| alsa-plugins
| alsa-tools
| alsa-utils
| amarok
| amavisd-new
| amrnb
| amrwb
| analitza
| anjuta
| anjuta-extras
| anonymous-pro-ttf
| ant-contrib
| anthy
| antlr-openjava
| antlr3
| anyremote
| anyvc
| apache
| apache-ant
| apache-ivy
| apache-log4j
| apipkg
| appres
| appstream
| appstream-glib
| appstream-qt
| appy
| apr
| apr-util
| aqemu
| argyllcms
| aria2
| ark
| arpack-ng
| artikulate
| artwiz-fonts
| aspell
| aspell6-en
| assaultcube
| at-spi2-atk
| at-spi2-core
| atk
| atkmm
| atkmm-docs
| atom
| atomix
| attica
| audiofile
| autoconf
| autoconf-archive
| autoconf213
| autogen
| automake
| autossh
| avahi
| avahi-compat
| avahi-dnsconfd
| avahi-glib
| avahi-python
| avalon-framework
| avalon-logkit
| b43-fwcutter
| babel
| babl
| backports.ssl_match_hostname
| baka-mplayer
| baloo-widgets
| baloo5
| bamf
| baobab
| baobab-doc
| barcode
| bash
| bash-completion
| batik
| bc
| bcel
| bcmail
| bcmwl
| bcpg
| bcpkix
| bcprov
| bctoolbox
| bdftopcf
| beautifulsoup4
| beforelight
| bigreqsproto
| bijiben
| bin86
| bind
| binutils
| bip
| bison
| bitlbee
| bitlbee-common
| bitlbee-libpurple
| bitlbee-otr
| bitlbee-skype
| bitmap
| bitten
| blas
| blender
| blinken
| blogilo
| bluedevil5
| bluefish
| bluez
| bluez-qt
| bogofilter
| bomber
| boost
| botan
| bovo
| brasero
| brasero-doc
| breeze
| breeze-grub
| breeze-gtk
| breeze-icons
| bridge-utils
| bsh
| btpd
| btrfs-progs
| bullet
| bwping
| byacc
| bzip2
| bzr
| c-ares
| ca-certificates
| ca-certificates-java
| cairo
| cairomm
| calendarsupport
| calibrateproto
| calibre
| cantarell-fonts
| cantata
| cantor
| cargo
| caribou
| catdoc
| ccache
| ccnet
| cdparanoia
| cdrdao
| cdrskin
| cdrtools
| cegui
| celt
| celt051
| cfitsio
| cgal
| cgit
| check
| cheese
| cheese-devel
| cheese-doc
| cherokee
| cherokee-ffmpeg
| cherokee-geoip
| cherokee-ldap
| cherrytree
| childsplay
| chmlib
| chromaprint
| chromium-browser
| chromium-dev
| chrony
| chrpath
| cifs-utils
| clang
| claws-mail
| claws-mail-plugin-acpi_notifier
| claws-mail-plugin-address_keeper
| claws-mail-plugin-archive
| claws-mail-plugin-att-remover
| claws-mail-plugin-attachwarner
| claws-mail-plugin-bogofilter
| claws-mail-plugin-bsfilter
| claws-mail-plugin-clamd
| claws-mail-plugin-fancy
| claws-mail-plugin-fetchinfo
| claws-mail-plugin-gdata
| claws-mail-plugin-libravatar
| claws-mail-plugin-mailmbox
| claws-mail-plugin-newmail
| claws-mail-plugin-notification
| claws-mail-plugin-pdf_viewer
| claws-mail-plugin-perl
| claws-mail-plugin-pgpcore
| claws-mail-plugin-pgpinline
| claws-mail-plugin-pgpmime
| claws-mail-plugin-python
| claws-mail-plugin-rssyl
| claws-mail-plugin-smime
| claws-mail-plugin-spam-report
| claws-mail-plugin-spamassassin
| claws-mail-plugin-tnef-parse
| claws-mail-plugin-vcalendar
| clisp
| cln
| clucene
| clutter
| clutter-gst
| clutter-gst3
| clutter-gtk
| cmake
| cnetworkmanager
| codeblocks
| codecs
| cogl
| colord
| colord-gtk
| commons-cli
| commons-codec
| commons-collections
| commons-httpclient
| commons-io
| commons-lang
| commons-logging
| commons-net
| compositeproto
| concurrent
| configobj
| confuse
| connman
| corebird
| coreutils
| corkscrew
| courier-authlib
| courier-imap
| courier-maildrop
| courier-unicode
| cpio
| cppunit
| cpupower
| cracklib
| crawl
| crawl-tiles
| crda
| crosextrafonts-caladea
| crosextrafonts-carlito
| cryptopp
| cryptsetup-luks
| cssutils
| ctags
| cuetools
| cunit
| cups
| cups-filters
| cups-pk-helper
| cups-x2go
| curl
| cutemaze
| cvs
| cvs2svn
| cyrus-sasl
| cyrus-sasl-gssapiv2
| cyrus-sasl-sql
| cython
| damageproto
| dante
| database-browser-sqlite
| db
| dblatex
| dbus
| dbus-glib
| dbus-python
| dbus-python-devel
| dbus-python3
| dbus-x11
| dconf
| dconf-doc
| dconf-editor
| dcron
| ddclient
| deja-dup
| dejavu-lgc-ttf
| dejavu-ttf
| deluge
| denyhosts
| desktop-file-utils
| dev86
| devhelp
| devil
| dhclient
| dhcp
| dhcpcd
| dialog
| diffstat
| diffutils
| digikam
| dillo
| dirmngr
| dirmngr-ldap
| discover
| distcc
| distcc-gui
| django
| djmount
| djvulibre
| dkopp
| dmenu
| dmraid
| dmxproto
| dnsmasq
| dnsmasq-contrib
| docbook-xml
| docbook-xsl
| docutils
| dolphin
| dolphin-plugins
| dom4j
| dosbox
| dosfstools
| dotconf
| dovecot
| doxygen
| doxywizard
| dracut
| dracut-network
| dragon
| dri2proto
| dri3proto
| dropbear
| dspam
| dunst
| dvd+rw-tools
| e1000e
| e2fsprogs
| easyrpg-player
| easytag
| ebook-tools
| ebtables
| econnman
| ed
| editres
| efibootmgr
| efilinux
| efivar
| efl
| eflete
| eigen
| eigen2
| eiskaltdc
| elfutils
| elilo
| elinks
| emacs
| empathy
| empathy-doc
| enblend-enfuse
| enca
| enchant
| enchant-aspell
| enchant-hspell
| enchant-myspell
| encodings
| enet
| enigma
| enlightenment
| enscript
| entrance
| enventor
| eog
| eog-doc
| eog-plugins
| epiphany
| epiphany-doc
| epydoc
| erlang
| erlang-odbc
| etckeeper
| ethtool
| eventviews
| evieext
| evince
| evince-nautilus
| evolution
| evolution-base
| evolution-bogofilter
| evolution-data-server
| evolution-data-server-docs
| evolution-data-server-ldap
| evolution-ews
| evolution-pst
| evolution-spamassassin
| exempi
| exif
| exiv2
| expat
| expect
| extra-cmake-modules
| extreme-tuxracer
| faac
| faad2
| facter
| faifa
| fail2ban
| fakeroot
| farstream
| fastjar
| fatrat
| fbset
| feedparser
| feh
| fetchmail
| fetchmailconf
| ffcall
| ffmpeg
| ffmpegthumbnailer
| ffmpegthumbs
| fftw
| fgcom
| fgcomgui
| file
| file-roller
| file-roller-doc
| filelight
| filezilla
| filter_audio
| finch
| findutils
| firebird
| firefox
| firefox-ach
| firefox-af
| firefox-an
| firefox-ar
| firefox-as
| firefox-ast
| firefox-az
| firefox-be
| firefox-bg
| firefox-bn-bd
| firefox-bn-in
| firefox-br
| firefox-bs
| firefox-ca
| firefox-cak
| firefox-cs
| firefox-cy
| firefox-da
| firefox-de
| firefox-dsb
| firefox-el
| firefox-en-gb
| firefox-en-us
| firefox-en-za
| firefox-eo
| firefox-es-ar
| firefox-es-cl
| firefox-es-es
| firefox-es-mx
| firefox-et
| firefox-eu
| firefox-fa
| firefox-ff
| firefox-fi
| firefox-fr
| firefox-fy-nl
| firefox-ga-ie
| firefox-gd
| firefox-gl
| firefox-gn
| firefox-gu-in
| firefox-he
| firefox-hi-in
| firefox-hr
| firefox-hsb
| firefox-hu
| firefox-hy-am
| firefox-i18n
| firefox-id
| firefox-is
| firefox-it
| firefox-ja
| firefox-kk
| firefox-km
| firefox-kn
| firefox-ko
| firefox-lij
| firefox-lt
| firefox-lv
| firefox-mai
| firefox-mk
| firefox-ml
| firefox-mr
| firefox-ms
| firefox-nb-no
| firefox-nl
| firefox-nn-no
| firefox-or
| firefox-pa-in
| firefox-pl
| firefox-pt-br
| firefox-pt-pt
| firefox-rm
| firefox-ro
| firefox-ru
| firefox-si
| firefox-sk
| firefox-sl
| firefox-son
| firefox-sq
| firefox-sr
| firefox-sv-se
| firefox-ta
| firefox-te
| firefox-th
| firefox-tr
| firefox-uk
| firefox-uz
| firefox-vi
| firefox-xh
| firefox-zh-cn
| firefox-zh-tw
| firejail
| fish
| five-or-more
| fixesproto
| flac
| flex
| fltk
| fluidsynth
| flute
| fluxbox
| flvstreamer
| flvtool2
| folks
| font-alias
| font-cursor-misc
| font-misc-misc
| font-util
| fontcacheproto
| fontconfig
| fontforge
| fontsproto
| fonttools
| fonttosfnt
| foo2zjs
| foomatic-db
| foomatic-db-engine
| foomatic-filters
| fop
| forms
| fotoxx
| four-in-a-row
| fox
| fpc
| fpc-src
| fprintd
| frameworkintegration
| frandom
| freealut
| freeciv
| freeciv-gtk2
| freeciv-gtk3
| freeciv-qt
| freefont-ttf
| freeglut
| freehdl
| freeimage
| freemind
| freeorion
| freerapid
| freerdp
| freetds
| freetuxtv
| freetype2
| frei0r-plugins
| freshplayerplugin
| fribidi
| frobby
| frogr
| frugalware
| frugalware-backgrounds
| frugalware-backgrounds-extra
| frugalware-backgrounds-extra-gnome
| frugalware-backgrounds-gnome
| frugalware-backgrounds-kde
| frugalware-cursor-theme
| frugalware-gnome-shell-icon-theme
| frugalware-icon-theme
| frugalware-menus
| fsarchiver
| fslint
| fslsfonts
| fstobdf
| fuse
| fusedav
| fuseiso
| gadmin-bind
| gadmin-dhcpd
| gadmin-httpd
| gadmin-proftpd
| gadmin-rsync
| gadmin-samba
| gadmin-squid
| gail
| gambas
| gambas-cairo
| gambas-compress
| gambas-crypt
| gambas-db-mysql
| gambas-db-odbc
| gambas-db-postgresql
| gambas-db-sqlite3
| gambas-desktop
| gambas-gtk
| gambas-image-imlib
| gambas-image-io
| gambas-net
| gambas-opengl
| gambas-pcre
| gambas-pdf
| gambas-qt4
| gambas-sdl2
| gambas-xml
| gamin
| gammu
| ganttproject
| gavl
| gawk
| gcab
| gcc
| gcc-g++
| gcc-gfortran
| gcc-objc
| gcc-objc++
| gccmakedep
| gconf
| gconf-editor
| gconf-ldap
| gcr
| gcr-doc
| gd
| gdal
| gdb
| gdbm
| gdk-pixbuf2
| gdl
| gdm
| geany
| geany-plugin-webhelper
| geany-plugins
| geary
| gedit
| gedit-doc
| gedit-plugins
| gegl
| gengetopt
| genshi
| gentoo
| geoclue2
| geocode-glib
| geoip
| geos
| gespeaker
| get_steam
| gettext
| gfbgraph
| gfpm
| gfpm-nautilus
| gfs2-utils
| gftp
| ghc
| ghex
| ghostscript
| gifsicle
| giggle
| gimp
| ginac
| git
| git-cola
| git-gui
| git-imerge
| gitg
| gitk
| gitweb
| gjs
| glabels
| glade-gtk3
| glade3
| glade3-doc
| glade3-icons
| glew
| glfw
| glib-networking
| glib2
| glibc
| glibc-memusagestat
| glibmm
| glibmm-docs
| glick2
| glm
| globalplatform
| gloox
| glpk
| glproto
| glyr
| gmime2
| gmm
| gmp
| gnokii
| gnokii-gui
| gnokii-mysql
| gnokii-pq
| gnome-2048
| gnome-applets
| gnome-autoar
| gnome-backgrounds
| gnome-bluetooth
| gnome-bluetooth-doc
| gnome-boxes
| gnome-builder
| gnome-calculator
| gnome-calculator-doc
| gnome-calendar
| gnome-characters
| gnome-chess
| gnome-clocks
| gnome-color-manager
| gnome-common
| gnome-contacts
| gnome-control-center
| gnome-control-center-doc
| gnome-desktop
| gnome-desktop-doc
| gnome-devel-docs
| gnome-dictionary
| gnome-disk-utility
| gnome-doc-utils
| gnome-documents
| gnome-font-viewer
| gnome-frugalware
| gnome-fwtweak
| gnome-js-common
| gnome-keyring
| gnome-klotski
| gnome-logs
| gnome-mahjongg
| gnome-maps
| gnome-menus
| gnome-mines
| gnome-mpv
| gnome-multi-writer
| gnome-music
| gnome-nibbles
| gnome-online-accounts
| gnome-online-accounts-doc
| gnome-online-miners
| gnome-panel
| gnome-photos
| gnome-pie
| gnome-power-manager
| gnome-robots
| gnome-screensaver
| gnome-screenshot
| gnome-search-tool
| gnome-session
| gnome-session-doc
| gnome-settings-daemon
| gnome-settings-daemon-doc
| gnome-shell
| gnome-shell-classic
| gnome-shell-doc
| gnome-shell-extension-gpaste
| gnome-shell-extensions
| gnome-shell-extensions-auto-move-windows
| gnome-shell-extensions-drive-menu
| gnome-shell-extensions-native-window-placement
| gnome-shell-extensions-theme
| gnome-shell-extensions-windows-navigator
| gnome-shell-extensions-workspace-indicator
| gnome-shell-frugalware-theme
| gnome-sudoku
| gnome-system-monitor
| gnome-system-monitor-doc
| gnome-taquin
| gnome-terminal
| gnome-terminal-doc
| gnome-tetravex
| gnome-themes-standard
| gnome-todo
| gnome-tweak-tool
| gnome-user-docs
| gnome-user-share
| gnome-video-effects
| gnome-weather
| gnote
| gnu-crypto
| gnu-efi
| gnubiff
| gnucap
| gnuinetlib
| gnumail
| gnumeric
| gnunet
| gnupg2
| gnuplot
| gnutls
| go
| gobject-introspection
| goffice
| gogglesmm
| gom
| goocanvas2
| gottet
| gparted
| gpaste
| gperf
| gpg-agent
| gpgme
| gpgv
| gphoto2
| gpm
| gppcscconnectionplugin
| gpsd
| gpshell
| gptfdisk
| granatier
| grantlee
| grantlee-editor
| grantleetheme
| graphicsmagick
| graphicsmagick-docs
| graphite2
| graphviz
| grep
| grfcodec
| grilo
| grilo-plugins
| groff
| grub-theme-frugalware
| grub2
| grub2-mkfont
| grub2-mount
| gsettings-desktop-schemas
| gsl
| gsm
| gsound
| gspell
| gssdp
| gst-libav
| gst-python
| gst1-plugins-bad
| gst1-plugins-bad-bzip2
| gst1-plugins-bad-dts
| gst1-plugins-bad-faac
| gst1-plugins-bad-faad2
| gst1-plugins-bad-mms
| gst1-plugins-bad-mpeg2enc
| gst1-plugins-bad-resindvd
| gst1-plugins-bad-soundtouch
| gst1-plugins-base
| gst1-plugins-base-alsa
| gst1-plugins-base-cdparanoia
| gst1-plugins-base-docs
| gst1-plugins-base-gio
| gst1-plugins-base-libvisual
| gst1-plugins-base-ogg
| gst1-plugins-base-opus
| gst1-plugins-base-pango
| gst1-plugins-base-theora
| gst1-plugins-base-vorbis
| gst1-plugins-good
| gst1-plugins-good-aalib
| gst1-plugins-good-avc1394
| gst1-plugins-good-caca
| gst1-plugins-good-docs
| gst1-plugins-good-dv
| gst1-plugins-good-flac
| gst1-plugins-good-gdkpixbuf
| gst1-plugins-good-jack
| gst1-plugins-good-jpeg
| gst1-plugins-good-libsoup
| gst1-plugins-good-png
| gst1-plugins-good-pulseaudio
| gst1-plugins-good-shout
| gst1-plugins-good-speex
| gst1-plugins-good-taglib
| gst1-plugins-good-video4linux2
| gst1-plugins-good-videobox
| gst1-plugins-good-vpx
| gst1-plugins-good-wavpack
| gst1-plugins-good-ximage
| gst1-plugins-ugly
| gst1-plugins-ugly-a52dec
| gst1-plugins-ugly-cdio
| gst1-plugins-ugly-docs
| gst1-plugins-ugly-dvdread
| gst1-plugins-ugly-lame
| gst1-plugins-ugly-mad
| gst1-plugins-ugly-mpeg2dec
| gst1-plugins-ugly-x264
| gstreamer1
| gstreamer1-docs
| gtans
| gthumb
| gtk+2
| gtk+2-demos
| gtk+2-docs
| gtk+2-engines
| gtk+2-engines-equinox
| gtk+2-engines-murrine
| gtk+2-libs
| gtk+2-theme-frugalware
| gtk+3
| gtk+3-demos
| gtk+3-doc
| gtk+3-engines
| gtk+3-engines-unico
| gtk+3-immodules
| gtk+3-immodules-xim
| gtk+3-tools
| gtk-doc
| gtk-handbrake
| gtk-lshw
| gtk-update-icon-cache
| gtk-vnc
| gtkhash
| gtkhash-nautilus
| gtkhtml
| gtkman
| gtkmm
| gtkmm-docs
| gtkmm2
| gtkpod
| gtksourceview
| gtksourceview3
| gtksourceview3-doc
| gtkspell
| gtkspell3
| gucharmap
| guile
| gupnp
| gupnp-av
| gupnp-dlna
| gv
| gvfs
| gvfs-apple
| gvfs-fuse
| gvfs-gnome-online-accounts
| gvfs-gphoto2
| gvfs-mtp
| gvfs-smb
| gvim
| gwenview
| gzip
| hack
| handbrake
| harfbuzz
| haskell-data-default
| haskell-data-default-class
| haskell-data-default-instances-base
| haskell-data-default-instances-containers
| haskell-data-default-instances-dlist
| haskell-data-default-instances-old-locale
| haskell-dataenc
| haskell-dlist
| haskell-hashable
| haskell-json
| haskell-mtl
| haskell-network
| haskell-network-uri
| haskell-old-locale
| haskell-old-time
| haskell-parsec
| haskell-primitive
| haskell-quickcheck
| haskell-random
| haskell-regex-base
| haskell-regex-posix
| haskell-regex-tdfa
| haskell-semigroups
| haskell-tagged
| haskell-text
| haskell-tf-random
| haskell-transformers-compat
| haskell-unordered-containers
| hd2u
| hddtemp
| hdf5
| hdf5-fortran
| hdparm
| help2man
| hexchat
| hfsplus
| hfsutils
| hftirc
| hicolor-icon-theme
| hills
| hiredis
| hitori
| hivex
| hostapd
| hplip
| hplip-driver
| hsakmt
| hspell
| html5lib-python
| htmldoc
| htop
| httpcomponents-client
| httpcomponents-core
| huhyphn-hu
| hunspell
| hunspell-be
| hunspell-br
| hunspell-de
| hunspell-de_ch
| hunspell-en
| hunspell-en_us
| hunspell-es
| hunspell-es_mx
| hunspell-fr
| hunspell-hu
| hunspell-it
| hunspell-nl
| hunspell-sk
| hwdata
| hyphen
| i3
| i3lock
| i3status
| iagno
| iana-etc
| iasl
| iat
| ibus
| ibus-anthy
| ibus-docs
| ibus-hangul
| ibus-m17n
| ibus-table
| ibus-table-extraphrase
| iceauth
| icecast
| icedtea-web
| ices
| ico
| icoutils
| icu4c
| icu4j
| id3lib
| ifuse
| ijs
| ikvm
| ilmbase
| imagemagick
| imaging
| imake
| imap
| imapfilter
| imlib2
| incidenceeditor
| inconsolata-otf
| indent
| inetd
| inkscape
| inotify-tools
| inputproto
| intel-gpu-tools
| intel-tbb
| intel-ucode
| intltool
| inxi
| iotop
| ipaddr
| ipcheck
| iperf
| iproute2
| iptables
| iptraf
| iputils
| irqbalance
| irrlicht
| irssi
| irssi-otr
| isaac
| iscsi
| iso-codes
| iso-relax
| itext
| itstool
| iw
| jack
| jaf
| jakarta-oro
| jakarta-regexp
| jam
| jansson
| jasper
| java-hamcrest
| javacup
| jaxp
| jbigkit
| jdownloader
| jedi
| jemalloc
| jfsutils
| jgoodies-common
| jircii
| jitsi
| joe
| joe-theme1
| john
| jreen
| jsch
| json-c
| json-glib
| jsoncpp
| julia
| junit
| jzlib
| k3b
| kaccounts-integration
| kaccounts-providers
| kactivities-stats
| kactivities5
| kactivitymanagerd
| kaddressbook
| kaffeine
| kalarm
| kalarmcal
| kalgebra
| kalzium
| kamera
| kanagram
| kapidox
| kapman
| kapptemplate
| karchive
| kate
| katomic
| kauth
| kbd
| kblackbox
| kblocks
| kblog
| kbookmarks
| kbounce
| kbproto
| kbreakout
| kbruch
| kcachegrind
| kcalc
| kcalcore
| kcalutils
| kcharselect
| kchmviewer
| kcmutils
| kcodecs
| kcolorchooser
| kcompletion
| kconfig
| kconfigwidgets
| kcontacts
| kcoreaddons
| kcrash
| kcron
| kdbusaddons
| kde-baseapps
| kde-cli-tools
| kde-gtk-config
| kde-theme-qtcurve
| kdebugsettings
| kdeclarative
| kdeconnect
| kdecoration
| kded
| kdeedu-data
| kdegraphics-thumbnailers
| kdelibs4support
| kdenetwork-filesharing
| kdenlive
| kdepim
| kdepim-apps-libs
| kdepim-runtime
| kdeplasma-addons5
| kdesdk-thumbnailers
| kdesignerplugin
| kdesu
| kdevelop
| kdevplatform
| kdewebkit
| kdiagram
| kdialog
| kdiamond
| kdiff3
| kdnssd
| kdoctools
| keditbookmarks
| keepass
| keepnote
| kemoticons
| kernel
| kernel-docs
| kernel-headers
| kernel-initrd
| kernel-source
| kexec-tools
| keychain
| keyutils
| kfilemetadata5
| kfind
| kfloppy
| kfourinline
| kgamma5
| kgeography
| kglobalaccel
| kgoldrunner
| kgpg
| kguiaddons
| khangman
| khelpcenter5
| kholidays
| khotkeys5
| khr-headers
| khtml
| ki18n
| kicad
| kiconthemes
| kidentitymanagement
| kidletime
| kig
| kile
| killbots
| kimageformats
| kimap
| kinfocenter5
| kinit
| kio
| kio-extras
| kirigami
| kiriki
| kitemmodels
| kitemviews
| kiten
| kiwi
| kjobwidgets
| kjs
| kjsembed
| kjumpingcube
| kldap
| klettres
| klickety
| klines
| kmag
| kmail
| kmail-account-wizard
| kmailtransport
| kmbox
| kmediaplayer
| kmenuedit5
| kmime
| kmines
| kmod
| kmplot
| knavalbattle
| knemo
| knetwalk
| knewstuff
| knock
| knotes
| knotifications
| knotifyconfig
| kollision
| kolourpaint
| kompare
| konqueror
| konsole
| kontact
| kontactinterface
| konversation
| korganizer
| kpackage
| kparts
| kpat
| kpeople5
| kpimtextedit
| kplotting
| kpmcore
| kpty
| kqtquickcharts
| krb5
| krdc
| krename
| krfb
| krita
| kross
| kross-interpreters
| kruler
| krunner5
| krusader
| kscreen5
| kscreenlocker
| kservice
| kshisen
| ksplice
| ksquares
| ksshaskpass5
| kst
| kstars
| ksysguard5
| ksystemlog
| kteatime
| ktexteditor
| ktextwidgets
| ktimer
| ktnef
| ktouch
| ktp-accounts-kcm
| ktp-approver
| ktp-auth-handler
| ktp-call-ui
| ktp-common-internals
| ktp-contact-list
| ktp-contact-runner
| ktp-desktop-applets
| ktp-filetransfer-handler
| ktp-kded-module
| ktp-send-file
| ktp-text-ui
| ktuberling
| kturtle
| ktux
| kunitconversion
| kup
| kvirc
| kwallet-pam
| kwallet5
| kwalletmanager
| kwave
| kwayland
| kwayland-integration
| kwidgetsaddons
| kwin5
| kwindowsystem
| kwordquiz
| kwrited5
| kxmlgui
| kxmlrpcclient
| labplot
| ladspa-bs2b
| ladspa_sdk
| lame
| lapack
| laptop-mode-tools
| lasem
| latex2html
| lbzip2
| lcdf-typetools
| lcms
| lcms2
| leafnode
| leatherman
| lensfun
| less
| lesspipe
| lib32-alsa-lib
| lib32-atk
| lib32-avahi
| lib32-avahi-compat
| lib32-avahi-glib
| lib32-bison
| lib32-bzip2
| lib32-cairo
| lib32-clang
| lib32-cracklib
| lib32-db
| lib32-dbus-glib
| lib32-elfutils
| lib32-expat
| lib32-fftw
| lib32-flac
| lib32-flex
| lib32-fontconfig
| lib32-freetype2
| lib32-gconf
| lib32-gdbm
| lib32-gdk-pixbuf2
| lib32-gettext
| lib32-glib2
| lib32-gmp
| lib32-gnutls
| lib32-gtk+2-libs
| lib32-harfbuzz
| lib32-icu4c
| lib32-json-c
| lib32-khr-headers
| lib32-lcms2
| lib32-libasyncns
| lib32-libblkid
| lib32-libcap
| lib32-libcap-ng
| lib32-libcl
| lib32-libclc
| lib32-libcups
| lib32-libdaemon
| lib32-libdbus
| lib32-libdmx
| lib32-libdrm
| lib32-libedit
| lib32-libegl
| lib32-libepoxy
| lib32-libffi
| lib32-libfontenc
| lib32-libgbm
| lib32-libgcrypt
| lib32-libgl
| lib32-libglapi
| lib32-libgles
| lib32-libglu
| lib32-libglx
| lib32-libgpg-error
| lib32-libgudev
| lib32-libice
| lib32-libidn
| lib32-libjpeg
| lib32-libmpg123
| lib32-libndp
| lib32-libnl
| lib32-libogg
| lib32-libomxil-bellagio
| lib32-libosmesa
| lib32-libpciaccess
| lib32-libpng
| lib32-libpulse
| lib32-libsm
| lib32-libsndfile
| lib32-libsystemd
| lib32-libtasn1
| lib32-libtiff
| lib32-libtool
| lib32-libudev0-shim
| lib32-libusb1
| lib32-libuuid
| lib32-libva-mesa-driver
| lib32-libvdpau
| lib32-libvorbis
| lib32-libwayland-egl
| lib32-libx11
| lib32-libxatracker
| lib32-libxau
| lib32-libxaw
| lib32-libxcb
| lib32-libxcomposite
| lib32-libxcursor
| lib32-libxdamage
| lib32-libxdmcp
| lib32-libxext
| lib32-libxfixes
| lib32-libxfont
| lib32-libxfont2
| lib32-libxft
| lib32-libxi
| lib32-libxinerama
| lib32-libxkbfile
| lib32-libxml2
| lib32-libxmu
| lib32-libxpm
| lib32-libxrandr
| lib32-libxrender
| lib32-libxres
| lib32-libxscrnsaver
| lib32-libxshmfence
| lib32-libxt
| lib32-libxtst
| lib32-libxxf86dga
| lib32-libxxf86misc
| lib32-libxxf86vm
| lib32-llvm
| lib32-llvm-libs
| lib32-mesa-dri-drivers
| lib32-mesa-libgl-headers
| lib32-mesa-nine
| lib32-mesa-opemax
| lib32-mesa-pipe-drivers
| lib32-mesa-vdpau-drivers
| lib32-mesa-vulkan-amd
| lib32-mesa-vulkan-intel
| lib32-modemmanager
| lib32-ncurses
| lib32-nettle
| lib32-networkmanager
| lib32-newt
| lib32-nspr
| lib32-nss
| lib32-openal
| lib32-openssl
| lib32-orc
| lib32-p11-kit
| lib32-pam
| lib32-pango
| lib32-pcre
| lib32-pixman
| lib32-polkit
| lib32-popt
| lib32-readline
| lib32-sbc
| lib32-slang
| lib32-speexdsp
| lib32-spidermonkey
| lib32-sqlite3
| lib32-tdb
| lib32-util-linux
| lib32-vulkan-icd-loader
| lib32-vulkan-loader-layers
| lib32-wayland
| lib32-xcb-util
| lib32-xcb-util-image
| lib32-xcb-util-keysyms
| lib32-xcb-util-renderutil
| lib32-xcb-util-wm
| lib32-xorg-server
| lib32-xorg-server-dmx
| lib32-xorg-server-fbdev
| lib32-xorg-server-xephyr
| lib32-xorg-server-xwayland
| lib32-xz
| lib32-zlib
| libaal
| libabw
| libaccounts-glib
| libaccounts-qt
| libaio
| libao
| libao-pulse
| libappindicator
| libarchive
| libass
| libassuan
| libasyncns
| libatasmart
| libatomic
| libatomic_ops
| libatspi
| libavc1394
| libbase
| libblkid
| libbluray
| libboost
| libboost-mpi
| libboost-static
| libbs2b
| libburn
| libcaca
| libcanberra
| libcanberra-alsa
| libcanberra-gst
| libcanberra-gtk
| libcanberra-gtk2
| libcanberra-pulseaudio
| libcap
| libcap-ng
| libcddb
| libcdio
| libcdio-paranoia
| libcdr
| libchamplain
| libcl
| libclastfm
| libclc
| libcmis
| libcroco
| libcryptui
| libcue
| libcups
| libdaemon
| libdbusmenu
| libdbusmenu-gtk2
| libdbusmenu-gtk3
| libdbusmenu-qt5
| libdc1394
| libdca
| libdiscid
| libdmapsharing
| libdmx
| libdrm
| libdv
| libdvb
| libdvbpsi
| libdvdcss
| libdvdnav
| libdvdread
| libe-book
| libebml
| libechonest
| libedit
| libegl
| libenca
| libepoxy
| liberation-fonts
| libestr
| libetonyek
| libetpan
| libev
| libevdev
| libevent
| libexif
| libextractor
| libexttextcat
| libfakekey
| libfastjson
| libfbclient
| libffi
| libfilezilla
| libfontenc
| libfonts
| libformula
| libfprint
| libfreehand
| libfs
| libgadu
| libgbm
| libgc
| libgcc
| libgcrypt
| libgda
| libgdata
| libgdata-doc
| libgdiplus
| libgee
| libgee8
| libgepub
| libgexiv2
| libgfortran
| libgif
| libgit2
| libgit2-glib
| libgl
| libglade
| libglade-gtk3
| libglade3
| libglapi
| libgles
| libgltf
| libglu
| libglx
| libgnome-games-support
| libgnome-keyring
| libgnomekbd
| libgomp
| libgpg-error
| libgpgmepp
| libgphoto2
| libgpod
| libgravatar
| libgsasl
| libgsf
| libgssglue
| libgtkhtml
| libgtop
| libgudev
| libguess
| libguestfs
| libgusb
| libgweather
| libgweather-doc
| libgxps
| libhangul
| libhidapi
| libical
| libice
| libid3tag
| libidl
| libidn
| libidn2
| libiec61883
| libieee1284
| libimobiledevice
| libindicate
| libindicate-gtk
| libindicate-python
| libindicator
| libinput
| libiodbc
| libisofs
| libjpeg
| libkcddb
| libkcompactdisc
| libkdcraw
| libkdegames
| libkdepim
| libkeduvocdocument
| libkexiv2
| libkface
| libkgapi
| libkgeomap
| libkipi
| libkleo
| libkmahjongg
| libkomparediff2
| libkrb5
| libksane
| libksba
| libkscreen5
| libksieve
| libksysguard5
| libkvkontakte
| liblangtag
| liblastfm
| liblayout
| liblcf
| libldap
| liblirc
| liblo
| libloader
| liblogging
| liblqr
| libmad
| libmatroska
| libmcrypt
| libmediaart
| libmediainfo
| libmediawiki
| libmicrohttpd
| libmikmod
| libmms
| libmng
| libmnl
| libmodplug
| libmp3splt
| libmp4v2
| libmpc
| libmpcdec
| libmpdclient
| libmpeg3
| libmpg123
| libmspub
| libmtp
| libmusicbrainz
| libmwaw
| libmypaint
| libmysqlclient
| libmysqld
| libndp
| libnet
| libnfsidmap
| libnftnl
| libnl
| libnotify
| liboauth
| libobjc
| libodfgen
| libofx
| libogg
| liboil
| liboldx
| libomxil-bellagio
| libopenraw
| libopenraw-gnome
| liborcus
| libosinfo
| libosmesa
| libotf
| libotr
| libpaccurl
| libpagemaker
| libpano13
| libpaper
| libpcap
| libpciaccess
| libpeas
| libpeas-demo
| libpeas-doc
| libpeas-gtk
| libpgf
| libpipeline
| libplist
| libpng
| libpq
| libproxy
| libproxy-gnome
| libproxy-networkmanager
| libproxy-python
| libproxy-vala
| libpst
| libpst-python
| libpthread-stubs
| libpulse
| libpurple
| libpwquality
| libqalculate
| libqgpgme
| libqt3support
| libqtclucene
| libqtcore
| libqtdbus
| libqtdeclarative
| libqtdesigner
| libqtgui
| libqthelp
| libqtmultimedia
| libqtnetwork
| libqtopengl
| libqtscript
| libqtscripttools
| libqtsql
| libqtsvg
| libqttest
| libqtuitools
| libqtwebkit
| libqtxml
| libqtxmlpatterns
| libquadmath
| libquicktime
| libquvi
| libquvi-scripts
| libraw
| libraw1394
| librdf
| librecad
| libreoffice
| libreoffice-gnome
| libreoffice-l10n-af
| libreoffice-l10n-am
| libreoffice-l10n-ar
| libreoffice-l10n-as
| libreoffice-l10n-ast
| libreoffice-l10n-be
| libreoffice-l10n-bg
| libreoffice-l10n-bn
| libreoffice-l10n-bn-in
| libreoffice-l10n-bo
| libreoffice-l10n-br
| libreoffice-l10n-brx
| libreoffice-l10n-bs
| libreoffice-l10n-ca
| libreoffice-l10n-ca-valencia
| libreoffice-l10n-cs
| libreoffice-l10n-cy
| libreoffice-l10n-da
| libreoffice-l10n-de
| libreoffice-l10n-dgo
| libreoffice-l10n-dz
| libreoffice-l10n-el
| libreoffice-l10n-en-gb
| libreoffice-l10n-en-za
| libreoffice-l10n-eo
| libreoffice-l10n-es
| libreoffice-l10n-et
| libreoffice-l10n-eu
| libreoffice-l10n-fa
| libreoffice-l10n-fi
| libreoffice-l10n-fr
| libreoffice-l10n-ga
| libreoffice-l10n-gd
| libreoffice-l10n-gl
| libreoffice-l10n-gu
| libreoffice-l10n-gug
| libreoffice-l10n-he
| libreoffice-l10n-hi
| libreoffice-l10n-hr
| libreoffice-l10n-hu
| libreoffice-l10n-id
| libreoffice-l10n-is
| libreoffice-l10n-it
| libreoffice-l10n-ja
| libreoffice-l10n-ka
| libreoffice-l10n-kk
| libreoffice-l10n-km
| libreoffice-l10n-kmr-latn
| libreoffice-l10n-kn
| libreoffice-l10n-ko
| libreoffice-l10n-kok
| libreoffice-l10n-ks
| libreoffice-l10n-lb
| libreoffice-l10n-lo
| libreoffice-l10n-lt
| libreoffice-l10n-lv
| libreoffice-l10n-mai
| libreoffice-l10n-mk
| libreoffice-l10n-ml
| libreoffice-l10n-mn
| libreoffice-l10n-mni
| libreoffice-l10n-mr
| libreoffice-l10n-my
| libreoffice-l10n-nb
| libreoffice-l10n-ne
| libreoffice-l10n-nl
| libreoffice-l10n-nn
| libreoffice-l10n-nr
| libreoffice-l10n-nso
| libreoffice-l10n-oc
| libreoffice-l10n-om
| libreoffice-l10n-or
| libreoffice-l10n-pa-in
| libreoffice-l10n-pl
| libreoffice-l10n-pt
| libreoffice-l10n-pt-br
| libreoffice-l10n-ro
| libreoffice-l10n-ru
| libreoffice-l10n-rw
| libreoffice-l10n-sa-in
| libreoffice-l10n-sat
| libreoffice-l10n-sd
| libreoffice-l10n-si
| libreoffice-l10n-sid
| libreoffice-l10n-sk
| libreoffice-l10n-sl
| libreoffice-l10n-sq
| libreoffice-l10n-sr
| libreoffice-l10n-sr-latn
| libreoffice-l10n-ss
| libreoffice-l10n-st
| libreoffice-l10n-sv
| libreoffice-l10n-sw-tz
| libreoffice-l10n-ta
| libreoffice-l10n-te
| libreoffice-l10n-tg
| libreoffice-l10n-th
| libreoffice-l10n-tn
| libreoffice-l10n-tr
| libreoffice-l10n-ts
| libreoffice-l10n-tt
| libreoffice-l10n-ug
| libreoffice-l10n-uk
| libreoffice-l10n-uz
| libreoffice-l10n-ve
| libreoffice-l10n-vi
| libreoffice-l10n-xh
| libreoffice-l10n-zh-cn
| libreoffice-l10n-zh-tw
| libreoffice-l10n-zu
| libreoffice-nlpsolver
| libreoffice-postgresql
| libreoffice-scripting-beanshell
| libreoffice-scripting-javascript
| libreoffice-sdk
| librepository
| librest
| librest-doc
| libreswan
| librevenge
| librevenge-docs
| librsvg
| librsync
| libsamplerate
| libsearpc
| libsecret
| libsecret-vala
| libserializer
| libshout
| libsigc++2
| libsignon-glib
| libsigsegv
| libsm
| libsmbclient
| libsndfile
| libsocialweb
| libsodium
| libsoup
| libspectre
| libsrtp
| libssh
| libssh2
| libssp
| libstdc++
| libsystemd
| libtasn1
| libtheora
| libtiff
| libtimidity
| libtirpc
| libtool
| libtorrent
| libtorrent-rasterbar
| libtorrent-rasterbar-python
| libtracker
| libu2f-host
| libudev0-shim
| libunicap
| libuninameslist
| libunistring
| libunwind
| libupnp
| liburcu
| libusb
| libusb1
| libusbmuxd
| libuser
| libuuid
| libva
| libva-egl
| libva-glx
| libva-intel-driver
| libva-mesa-driver
| libva-tpi
| libva-vdpau-driver
| libvdpau
| libvdpau-va-gl
| libvirt
| libvirt-glib
| libvirt-python
| libvisio
| libvisual
| libvlc
| libvncserver
| libvorbis
| libvpx
| libwacom
| libwayland-egl
| libwbclient
| libwebp
| libwindowswm
| libwnck
| libwnck2
| libwpd
| libwpd-docs
| libwpg
| libwps
| libx11
| libx86
| libxatracker
| libxau
| libxaw
| libxaw3d
| libxcb
| libxcomposite
| libxcursor
| libxdamage
| libxdg-basedir
| libxdmcp
| libxevie
| libxext
| libxfixes
| libxfont
| libxfont2
| libxfontcache
| libxft
| libxi
| libxinerama
| libxkbcommon
| libxkbfile
| libxkbui
| libxklavier
| libxml++2
| libxml2
| libxml2-docs
| libxml2-python
| libxmu
| libxp
| libxpm
| libxpresent
| libxprintapputil
| libxprintutil
| libxrandr
| libxrender
| libxres
| libxscrnsaver
| libxshmfence
| libxslt
| libxt
| libxtrap
| libxtst
| libxv
| libxvmc
| libxxf86dga
| libxxf86misc
| libxxf86vm
| libyaml
| libykneomgr
| libytnef
| libyubikey
| libzapojit
| libzapojit-doc
| libzen
| libzip
| lifeograph
| liferea
| lightsoff
| lighttpd
| lilyterm
| lincity-ng
| links
| linux-atm
| linux-firmware
| linuxconsole
| linuxdoc-tools
| lirc
| listres
| live
| lives
| lksctp-tools
| llvm
| llvm-libs
| llvm-ocaml
| lmdb
| lmsensors
| lndir
| log4cpp
| logkeys
| logrotate
| logwatch
| lokalize
| lollypop
| loudmouth
| lp_solve
| lrzip
| lrzsz
| lsdvd
| lshw
| lsof
| lsscsi
| lua
| luajit2
| luarocks
| lucene++
| luit
| luminance-hdr
| lvm2
| lvm2-libs
| lxc
| lxmed
| lxml
| lynx
| lyx
| lz4
| lzip
| lzo
| lzop
| m17n-db
| m17n-lib
| m4
| mailcommon
| mailimporter
| mailman
| mailx
| make
| makedepend
| mako
| man-db
| man-pages
| man2html
| manaplus
| marble
| mash
| maven
| maxima
| maxr
| mbedtls
| mbox-importer
| mc
| mcabber
| md5deep
| mdadm
| mdbtools
| mdds
| meanwhile
| mediainfo
| mediainfo-qt
| mednafen
| meld
| memcached
| memtest86+
| mencoder
| mercurial
| mercurial-hgk
| mesa
| mesa-dri-drivers
| mesa-libgl-headers
| mesa-nine
| mesa-opemax
| mesa-pipe-drivers
| mesa-vdpau-drivers
| mesa-vulkan
| mesa-vulkan-amd
| mesa-vulkan-intel
| mesademos
| messagelib
| metacity
| mftrace
| mhash
| micro
| milou
| mimetic
| minbif
| minetest
| minetest-game
| minicom
| minidlna
| miniupnpc
| mirage
| mirmon
| mixxx
| mjpegtools
| mkcomposecache
| mkdocs
| mkfontdir
| mkfontscale
| mksh
| mktemp
| mkvtoolnix
| mkvtoolnix-gui
| mlocate
| mlt
| mlt-gtk2
| mlt-jack
| mlt-lumas
| mlt-python
| mlt-qt
| mlt-sdl
| mm-common
| mobile-broadband-provider-info
| mod_security
| mod_svn
| mod_wsgi
| modemmanager
| modemmanager-qt
| monaco_linux
| mongodb
| monit
| mono
| monotone
| moserial
| mosh
| mousetweaks
| mozjs
| mp3blaster
| mp3splt
| mp3splt-gtk
| mpc
| mpd
| mpeg2dec
| mpfr
| mpg123
| mpg321
| mplayer
| mpv
| ms-sys
| msmtp
| msv
| mtd-utils
| mtdev
| mtools
| mucommander
| multipath-tools
| mumble
| munin
| munin-node
| muparser
| mupdf
| mupdf-gl
| mupen64plus
| murmur
| mutagen
| mutt-devel
| mutter
| mysql
| mythes
| nano
| nasm
| nautilus
| nautilus-brasero
| nautilus-doc
| nautilus-open-terminal
| nautilus-postr
| nautilus-python
| ncdu
| ncftp
| ncmpc
| ncmpcpp
| ncurses
| ne
| neon
| net-snmp
| net-tools
| net6
| netcat
| netifaces
| netkit-base
| netkit-telnet
| netpanzer
| netpbm
| nettle
| networkmanager
| networkmanager-dispatcher-chrony
| networkmanager-dispatcher-ntp
| networkmanager-qt
| newt
| newt-snackmodule
| nfs-utils
| nghttp2
| nghttp2_asio
| nginx
| nice
| nilfs-utils
| ninja
| ninja-ide
| nm-applet
| nm-connection-editor
| nm-libreswan
| nm-libreswan-minimal
| nm-openconnect
| nm-openvpn
| nm-openvpn-minimal
| nm-pptp
| nm-pptp-minimal
| nm-vpnc
| nm-vpnc-minimal
| nmap
| nmapsi4
| nodejs
| noip2
| nomacs
| normalize
| notification-daemon
| notify-python
| noto-fonts
| npth
| nspr
| nss
| nss-mdns
| nss-winbind
| nss-wins
| ntfs-3g
| ntfsprogs
| ntp
| ntru
| numpy
| numpy-python3
| nvidia
| nvidia-cg-toolkit
| nvidia-cg-toolkit-docs
| nvidia-settings
| nvidia-xconfig
| obconf
| obex-data-server
| obexd
| obexftp
| obkey
| ocaml
| ocaml-ctypes
| ocaml-findlib
| oclock
| ocrad
| ocrfeeder
| octave
| ode
| ofono
| ogre
| ogre-docs
| ohsnap
| ois
| okteta
| okular
| oneswarm
| open-isns
| open-sans
| openal
| openbox
| openbox-frugalware
| opencity
| openclonk
| opencollada
| opencolorio
| openconnect
| opencore-amr
| opencsg
| opencv
| opencv-python2
| opencv-python3
| opencv-samples
| openexr
| opengfx
| openimageio
| openjade
| openjdk
| openjdk-source
| openjpeg
| openjre
| openldap
| openmpi
| openntpd
| openobex
| openscad
| openscenegraph
| opensfx
| openslp
| opensp
| openssh
| openssh-askpass
| openssl
| openttd
| openvas-cli
| openvas-libraries
| openvas-manager
| openvas-scanner
| openvpn
| openvswitch
| optipng
| opus
| orc
| ortp
| os-prober
| otf-texgyre
| otter-browser
| oxygen
| oxygen-gtk
| oxygen-icons5
| oxygen-sounds
| p11-kit
| p3scan
| packagekit
| packagekit-glib
| packagekit-qt5
| pacman-g2
| pacman-tools
| pairs
| pam
| pam-frugalware
| pango
| pangomm
| papirus-sddm-theme
| parallel
| paramiko
| parcellite
| pari
| parley
| partclone
| parted
| partimage
| partitionmanager
| pastebinit
| patch
| patchutils
| pathtools
| pavucontrol
| pbuilder-ubuntu
| pbzip2
| pciutils
| pcmciautils
| pcre
| pcre2
| pcsc-lite
| pdf2djvu
| pdf2svg
| pdfcrack
| pdns
| pdns-recursor
| pentaho-libxml
| pentaho-reporting-flow-engine
| pepper-flash
| perf
| performous
| performous-songs
| perl
| perl-archive-zip
| perl-berkeleydb
| perl-canary-stability
| perl-class-singleton
| perl-common-sense
| perl-convert-binhex
| perl-convert-tnef
| perl-convert-uulib
| perl-crypt-openssl-rsa
| perl-date-parse
| perl-datetime
| perl-datetime-locale
| perl-datetime-timezone
| perl-dbd-mysql
| perl-dbi
| perl-digest-hmac
| perl-digest-sha1
| perl-dist-checkconflicts
| perl-encode-detect
| perl-encode-locale
| perl-error
| perl-file-listing
| perl-file-which
| perl-gettext
| perl-html-parser
| perl-html-tagset
| perl-html-template
| perl-http-cookies
| perl-http-daemon
| perl-http-date
| perl-http-message
| perl-http-negotiate
| perl-image-exiftool
| perl-inc-latest
| perl-io-html
| perl-io-multiplex
| perl-io-socket-inet6
| perl-io-socket-ssl
| perl-io-stringy
| perl-ip-country
| perl-json-xs
| perl-libwww
| perl-list-moreutils
| perl-lwp-mediatypes
| perl-mail-dkim
| perl-mail-domainkeys
| perl-mail-spf
| perl-mail-spf-query
| perl-mailtools
| perl-math-round
| perl-mime-tools
| perl-module-build
| perl-module-implementation
| perl-namespace-autoclean
| perl-net-cidr-lite
| perl-net-dns
| perl-net-dns-resolver-programmable
| perl-net-http
| perl-net-ident
| perl-net-ip
| perl-net-server
| perl-net-ssleay
| perl-netaddr-ip
| perl-params-validate
| perl-razor2-client-agent
| perl-scalar-list-utils
| perl-sgmlspm
| perl-socket6
| perl-sys-hostname-long
| perl-test-fatal
| perl-test-pod
| perl-test-requires
| perl-text-csv
| perl-text-wrapi18n
| perl-try-tiny
| perl-unix-syslog
| perl-uri
| perl-www-robotrules
| perl-xml-namespacesupport
| perl-xml-parser
| perl-xml-sax
| perl-xml-sax-base
| perl-xml-sax-expat
| perl-xml-simple
| perl-xml-writer
| perl-xml-xslt
| phonon-backend-gstreamer
| phonon-backend-vlc
| phonon-qt5
| phoronix-test-suite
| php
| php-cgi
| php-pear-db
| phppgadmin
| physfs
| picmi
| picocom
| pidgin
| pidgin-facebookchat
| pidgin-libnotify
| pidgin-otr
| pidgin-skypeweb
| pigz
| pilot-link
| pim-data-exporter
| pim-sieve-editor
| pim-storage-service-manager
| pimcommon
| pinentry
| pinentry-gtk+2
| pinentry-qt5
| pioneers
| pixman
| pkgconfig
| plank
| plasma-applet-redshift-control
| plasma-desktop
| plasma-framework
| plasma-integration
| plasma-nm
| plasma-nm-openconnect
| plasma-pa
| plasma-sdk
| plasma-wayland-session
| plasma-workspace
| plasma-workspace-wallpapers
| plib
| pm-quirks
| pm-radeon
| pm-utils
| pngcrush
| po4a
| podofo
| poedit
| polari
| polkit
| polkit-gnome
| polkit-kde-agent-1
| polkit-qt5-1
| polysh
| pootle
| popa3d
| poppler
| poppler-data
| poppler-glib
| poppler-pdftools
| poppler-qt5
| popt
| portaudio
| portmidi
| postfix
| postfixadmin
| postgresql
| postgresql-extras
| postgresql-plperl
| postgresql-plpython
| postgresql-pltcl
| postgrey
| postr
| potrace
| powerdevil5
| powerstat
| powertop
| poxml
| ppp
| pptp
| pptpd
| presentproto
| print-manager
| printproto
| privoxy
| procmail
| procps
| proftpd
| progsreiserfs
| proj
| protobuf
| protobuf-c
| protobuf-python
| psmisc
| pso
| psutils
| ptabtools
| pth
| pulseaudio
| pulseaudio-avahi
| pulseaudio-bluetooth
| pulseaudio-esd
| pulseaudio-x11
| puppet
| pure-ftpd
| py
| py3status
| pyasn1
| pyasn1-modules
| pyatspi
| pycairo
| pycountry
| pycparser
| pycrypto
| pycups
| pycurl
| pyenchant
| pygame
| pygments
| pygobject
| pygobject3
| pygobject3-cairo
| pygobject3-devel
| pygtk
| pygtk-docs
| pygtksourceview
| pyhoca-cli
| pyhoca-gui
| pyinotify
| pykde5
| pylast
| pylibmount
| pymad
| pympd
| pyopenssl
| pyparsing
| pypdf2
| pyqt5
| pyqt5-common
| pyqt5-python3
| pyrit
| pyserial
| pysqlite2
| python
| python-3.0-docs
| python-alabaster
| python-boto
| python-cffi
| python-characteristic
| python-chardet
| python-clientform
| python-cryptography
| python-cssselect
| python-dateutil
| python-distribute
| python-distutils-extra
| python-docs
| python-efl
| python-formencode
| python-gnupginterface
| python-greenlet
| python-idna
| python-imagesize
| python-isodate
| python-jinja
| python-lockfile
| python-m2crypto
| python-markdown
| python-markupsafe
| python-mechanize
| python-mock
| python-nose
| python-ply
| python-requests
| python-service-identity
| python-simplejson
| python-six
| python-snowballstemmer
| python-speech-dispatcher
| python-sphinx
| python-sphinx-rtd-theme
| python-sqlite3
| python-sqlobject
| python-tk
| python-tools
| python2-apsw
| python2-gpgme
| python3
| python3-distutils-extra
| python3-gpgme
| python3-jedi
| python3-pycairo
| python3-pygobject3
| python3-pylast
| python3-pyxdg
| python3-requests
| python3-six
| python3-sqlite3
| python3-tk
| python3-tools
| pytz
| pyxdg
| pyxml
| pyyaml
| pyyaml3
| pyzmq
| q4wine
| qbittorrent
| qbs
| qca
| qca-botan
| qca-cyrus-sasl
| qca-gcrypt
| qca-gnupg
| qca-nss
| qca-ossl
| qdox
| qemu
| qemu-guest
| qgit
| qmmp
| qownnotes
| qpdf
| qqwing
| qr-code-creator
| qrencode
| qscintilla2-qt5
| qt-virt-manager
| qt4
| qt4-assistant
| qt4-data
| qt4-designer
| qt4-linguist
| qt4-plugin-graphicssystems
| qt4-plugin-mysql
| qt4-plugin-odbc
| qt4-plugin-psql
| qt4-plugin-script-qtdbus
| qt4-plugin-sqlite3
| qt4-private-headers
| qt4-tools
| qt5-base
| qt5-base-mysql
| qt5-base-postgresql
| qt5-connectivity
| qt5-declarative
| qt5-graphicaleffects
| qt5-gstreamer
| qt5-imageformats
| qt5-location
| qt5-multimedia
| qt5-qdbus
| qt5-quickcontrols
| qt5-quickcontrols2
| qt5-script
| qt5-sensors
| qt5-serialport
| qt5-svg
| qt5-tools
| qt5-translations
| qt5-virtualkeyboard
| qt5-wayland
| qt5-webchannel
| qt5-webengine
| qt5-webkit
| qt5-websockets
| qt5-x11extras
| qt5-xmlpatterns
| qtcreator
| qtcurve
| qtcurve-gtk2
| qtcurve-qt5
| qterminal
| qtermwidget
| qtkeychain
| qtox
| qtractor
| qtspeech
| quadrapassel
| quassel
| quazip
| quilt
| quodlibet
| quota-tools
| qupzilla
| qupzilla-gnome
| qupzilla-kde
| quvi
| r
| r8168
| radeontool
| rage
| ragel
| rake
| randrproto
| ranger
| raptor
| rarian
| rasqal
| rc
| rcs
| rdate
| rdflib
| re2c
| readline
| recode
| recorder
| recordproto
| redshift
| reflex
| reiserfsprogs
| remind
| remmina
| remmina-telepathy
| remmina-vnc
| remmina-xdmcp
| rendercheck
| renderproto
| reportlab
| resourceproto
| rfkill
| rgb
| rhino
| rhythmbox
| rhythmbox-plugins
| rkhunter
| rkward
| rocs
| rolisteam
| roxterm
| rp-pppoe
| rpcbind
| rpmextract
| rrdtool
| rsibreak
| rss2email
| rstart
| rsync
| rsyslog
| rsyslog-gssapi
| rsyslog-mysql
| rsyslog-pgsql
| rsyslog-snmp
| rsyslog-udpspoof
| rtkit
| rtmpdump
| rtorrent
| rubberband
| ruby
| ruby-bundler
| ruby-hiera
| ruby-sass
| ruby-tk
| rust
| rygel
| s2tc
| s3cmd
| sablotron
| sac
| sakura
| samba
| samba-client
| sane-backends
| saslauthd
| sbc
| scapy
| scikit-learn
| scim
| scipy
| scons
| screen
| screenfetch
| scribus
| scriptlet-core
| scripts
| scrnsaverproto
| scummvm
| scummvm-tools
| sddm
| sddm-deepin
| sddm-kcm
| sdl
| sdl2
| sdl2_image
| sdl2_mixer
| sdl2_net
| sdl2_ttf
| sdl_gfx
| sdl_mixer
| sdl_net
| sdl_sound
| sdl_ttf
| sdlimage
| sdlmame
| sdparm
| seafile
| seafile-client
| seahorse
| seahorse-sharing
| seahorse-sharing-doc
| sed
| seed
| seed-doc
| serf
| servletapi
| sessreg
| setserial
| setxkbmap
| sfml
| sg3-utils
| sgml-common
| shadow
| shared-desktop-ontologies
| shared-mime-info
| sharutils
| shellcheck
| shiboken2
| shotwell
| showfont
| sigil
| signon
| signon-kwallet-extension
| signon-plugin-oauth2
| signon-ui
| silly
| simgear
| simsu
| sip
| sip-python3
| sip-tool
| skanlite
| skrooge
| slang
| slrn
| smartmontools
| smb4k
| smc
| smc-music
| smpeg
| smpeg2
| smplayer
| smproxy
| smtube
| snappy
| sndlib
| snorenotify
| socat
| socnetv
| sofia-sip
| solarized_sddm_theme
| solarus
| solarus-zsdx
| solarus-zsxd
| solid
| sonnet
| sonnet-plugin-aspell
| sonnet-plugin-hspell
| sonnet-plugin-hunspell
| sound-theme-freedesktop
| soundtouch
| source-highlight
| sourcecodepro-fonts
| sox
| spamassassin
| sparsehash
| spectacle
| speech-dispatcher
| speex
| speexdsp
| sphinx-httpdomain
| spice
| spice-glib
| spice-gtk
| spice-protocol
| spice-server
| spice-vdagent
| spidermonkey
| spl
| spl-source
| spring
| spyder
| sqlalchemy
| sqlcipher
| sqlite3
| sqlitestudio
| squashfs
| squid
| srm
| ssh-contact
| sshfs
| ssmtp
| startup-notification
| statifier
| steam-native
| stella
| stellar
| stellarium
| step
| stepmania
| strace
| stress
| strongswan
| stunnel
| sub2srt
| subversion
| subversion-bindings
| subversion-svnserve
| sudo
| sunflower
| supermin
| supertux
| sushi
| svgpart
| sweeper
| sweethome3d
| swell-foop
| swig
| swine
| swt
| sylpheed
| syncthing
| syncthing-gtk
| syndication
| syntax-highlighting
| syslinux
| sysprof
| sysstat
| system-config-printer
| systemd
| systemd-pull
| systemd-remote
| systemd-swap
| systemd-sysvinit
| systemsettings5
| sysvinit
| t1lib
| t1utils
| taglib
| tali
| talloc
| tanglet
| tar
| tcc
| tcl
| tcp_wrappers
| tcpdump
| tcplay
| tcpreplay
| tcsh
| tdb
| telegram-qt5
| telepathy-accounts-signon
| telepathy-farstream
| telepathy-gabble
| telepathy-glib
| telepathy-haze
| telepathy-idle
| telepathy-logger
| telepathy-logger-qt
| telepathy-mission-control
| telepathy-mission-control-doc
| telepathy-morse
| telepathy-python
| telepathy-qt5
| telepathy-salut
| telepathy-sofiasip
| terminology
| terminus-font
| terminus-font-console
| terminus-font-ttf
| terminusmod
| termsyn
| tetzle
| texi2html
| texinfo
| texlive
| texlive-bibtex-extra
| texlive-extra
| texlive-formats-extra
| texlive-graphics
| texlive-htmlxml
| texlive-kpathsea
| texlive-lang-cyrillic
| texlive-lang-extra
| texlive-latex-extra
| texlive-latex3
| texlive-lua
| texlive-misc
| texlive-omega
| texlive-plain
| texlive-pstricks
| texlive-ptexen
| texlive-sciences
| texlive-synctex
| texlive-templates-extra
| texlive-utils
| texlive-xindy
| texmaker
| texstudio
| texworks
| tftp-hpa
| threadweaver
| thunderbird
| thunderbird-ar
| thunderbird-ast
| thunderbird-be
| thunderbird-bg
| thunderbird-bn-bd
| thunderbird-br
| thunderbird-ca
| thunderbird-cs
| thunderbird-cy
| thunderbird-da
| thunderbird-de
| thunderbird-dsb
| thunderbird-el
| thunderbird-en-gb
| thunderbird-en-us
| thunderbird-es-ar
| thunderbird-es-es
| thunderbird-et
| thunderbird-eu
| thunderbird-fi
| thunderbird-fr
| thunderbird-fy-nl
| thunderbird-ga-ie
| thunderbird-gd
| thunderbird-gl
| thunderbird-he
| thunderbird-hr
| thunderbird-hsb
| thunderbird-hu
| thunderbird-hy-am
| thunderbird-i18n
| thunderbird-id
| thunderbird-is
| thunderbird-it
| thunderbird-ja
| thunderbird-ko
| thunderbird-lt
| thunderbird-nb-no
| thunderbird-nl
| thunderbird-nn-no
| thunderbird-pa-in
| thunderbird-pl
| thunderbird-pt-br
| thunderbird-pt-pt
| thunderbird-rm
| thunderbird-ro
| thunderbird-ru
| thunderbird-si
| thunderbird-sk
| thunderbird-sl
| thunderbird-sq
| thunderbird-sr
| thunderbird-sv-se
| thunderbird-ta-lk
| thunderbird-tr
| thunderbird-uk
| thunderbird-vi
| thunderbird-zh-cn
| thunderbird-zh-tw
| tidy
| tiled
| time
| tk
| tmux
| tomahawk
| tor
| tornado
| totem
| totem-nautilus
| totem-pl-parser
| totem-pl-parser-doc
| totem-plugins
| tox-core
| tp-smapi
| trac
| traceroute
| tracker
| tracker-nautilus
| transcode
| transfig
| transformers
| translate-toolkit
| transmageddon
| transmission-cli
| transmission-gtk
| transmission-qt
| trapproto
| tree
| trickle
| trojita
| ttf-agave
| ttf-bitstream-vera
| ttf-croscore
| ttf-droid
| ttf-fantasque-sans
| ttf-linux-libertine
| ttf-mintspirit
| ttf-roboto
| ttf-ubuntu-font-family
| ttf-zick-fonts
| tty-clock
| tuxguitar
| tv-fonts
| twisted
| twm
| twolame
| typing
| tzdata
| uboot-tools
| ucl
| ucpp
| udiskie
| udisks
| udisks2
| udpcast
| ufraw
| ufw
| uget
| uhttpmock
| uim
| uim-emacs
| uim-gnome
| uim-qt
| ukopp
| umbrello
| unbound
| uncrustify
| unifdef
| unifont
| unionfs-fuse
| unique
| unixodbc
| unoconv
| unp
| unpaper
| unrar
| unrtf
| unzip
| unzsplit
| upower
| upx
| urlgrabber
| urw-fonts
| urwid
| usb-modeswitch
| usb-modeswitch-data
| usbmuxd
| usbredir
| usbutils
| user-manager
| util-linux
| util-macros
| utox
| uwsgi
| uwsgi-plugin-airbrake
| uwsgi-plugin-carbon
| uwsgi-plugin-cplusplus
| uwsgi-plugin-curl
| uwsgi-plugin-emperor_pg
| uwsgi-plugin-ffi
| uwsgi-plugin-geoip
| uwsgi-plugin-gevent
| uwsgi-plugin-graylog
| uwsgi-plugin-ldap
| uwsgi-plugin-logzmq
| uwsgi-plugin-lua
| uwsgi-plugin-mongrel
| uwsgi-plugin-mono
| uwsgi-plugin-nagios
| uwsgi-plugin-pam
| uwsgi-plugin-psgi
| uwsgi-plugin-python
| uwsgi-plugin-rack
| uwsgi-plugin-router
| uwsgi-plugin-ruby
| uwsgi-plugin-sqlite
| uwsgi-plugin-systemd
| uwsgi-plugin-webdav
| uwsgi-plugin-xmpp
| uwsgi-plugin-xslt
| uwsgi-plugin-zergpool
| v4l-utils
| vala
| valgrind
| vamp-plugin-sdk
| varnish
| vbetool
| vc
| vcdimager
| vde2
| vdpauinfo
| vhba-module
| videoproto
| viewres
| vigra
| vile
| vim
| vinagre
| vinagre-doc
| vino
| virt-manager
| virtualbox
| virtualbox-modules
| vlc
| vlc-caca
| vlc-dv1394
| vlc-freerdp
| vlc-libdvdnav
| vlc-lirc
| vlc-mkv
| vlc-modplug
| vlc-mtp
| vlc-opencv
| vlc-opus
| vlc-pulseaudio
| vlc-samplerate
| vlc-sdlimage
| vlc-sftp
| vlc-twolame
| vlc-upnp
| vlc-vnc
| vokoscreen
| volumeicon
| vorbis-tools
| vpnc
| vsftpd
| vte
| vte-data
| vte-python
| vte3
| vtun
| vulkan-icd-loader
| vulkan-loader-layers
| w3m
| warzone2100
| watchdog
| wavegain
| wavemon
| wavpack
| wayland
| wayland-protocols
| webencodings
| webkit-gtk2
| webkit-gtk3
| webkit2-gtk3
| websocketpp
| weechat
| wepdecrypt
| weston
| wget
| wgetpaste
| wgetpro
| whatsapp-purple
| which
| whois
| wildmidi
| windowswmproto
| wine
| wine-devel
| winetricks
| wireless-regdb
| wireless_tools
| wireshark
| wireshark-gtk
| wireshark-qt
| wpa_supplicant
| wput
| wqy-bitmapfont-pcf
| wqy-bitmapfont-ttf
| ws-jaxme
| wxerlang
| wxmaxima
| wxwidgets
| x11-protos
| x11perf
| x11vnc
| x264
| x265
| x2gobroker
| x2goserver
| x86_energy_perf_policy
| xalan-c
| xalan-j
| xalan-j-serializer
| xapian-core
| xar
| xattr
| xauth
| xbacklight
| xbiff
| xbitmaps
| xcache
| xcalc
| xcb-proto
| xcb-util
| xcb-util-cursor
| xcb-util-image
| xcb-util-keysyms
| xcb-util-renderutil
| xcb-util-wm
| xcb-util-xrm
| xcfa
| xchat-otr
| xclipboard
| xclock
| xcmiscproto
| xcmsdb
| xconsole
| xcursor-themes
| xcursorgen
| xdbedizzy
| xdelta
| xdg-user-dirs
| xdg-user-dirs-gtk
| xdg-utils
| xditview
| xdm
| xdpyinfo
| xdriinfo
| xedit
| xerces-c
| xerces-j
| xev
| xextproto
| xeyes
| xf86-input-acecad
| xf86-input-elographics
| xf86-input-evdev
| xf86-input-fpit
| xf86-input-hyperpen
| xf86-input-joystick
| xf86-input-keyboard
| xf86-input-libinput
| xf86-input-mouse
| xf86-input-mtrack
| xf86-input-mutouch
| xf86-input-penmount
| xf86-input-synaptics
| xf86-input-vmmouse
| xf86-input-void
| xf86-input-wacom
| xf86-video-amdgpu
| xf86-video-ast
| xf86-video-ati
| xf86-video-chips
| xf86-video-dummy
| xf86-video-fbdev
| xf86-video-intel
| xf86-video-nouveau
| xf86-video-qxl
| xf86-video-s3virge
| xf86-video-vesa
| xf86-video-vmware
| xf86bigfontproto
| xf86dga
| xf86dgaproto
| xf86driproto
| xf86miscproto
| xf86rushproto
| xf86vidmodeproto
| xfd
| xfindproxy
| xfontsel
| xfs
| xfsinfo
| xfsprogs
| xfsprogs-acl
| xfsprogs-attr
| xfwp
| xgamma
| xgc
| xghostscript
| xhost
| xine-lib
| xine-ui
| xineramaproto
| xinit
| xinput
| xjavac
| xkbcomp
| xkbevd
| xkbprint
| xkbutils
| xkeyboard-config
| xkill
| xload
| xlogo
| xlsatoms
| xlsclients
| xlsfonts
| xmag
| xman
| xmessage
| xmh
| xml-commons-external
| xml-commons-resolver
| xmldb-api
| xmlgraphics-commons
| xmlrpc-c
| xmlstarlet
| xmlto
| xmodmap
| xmore
| xmpp4r
| xorg-cf-files
| xorg-docs
| xorg-server
| xorg-server-dmx
| xorg-server-fbdev
| xorg-server-xephyr
| xorg-server-xwayland
| xorg-sgml-doctools
| xorriso
| xpad
| xplsprinters
| xpp2
| xpp3
| xpr
| xprehashprinterlist
| xprop
| xproto
| xproxymanagementprotocol
| xqilla
| xrandr
| xrdb
| xrdp
| xrefresh
| xrestop
| xrx
| xsane
| xsane-gimp
| xscope
| xscreensaver
| xscreensaver-data
| xsdlib
| xsel
| xset
| xsetmode
| xsetpointer
| xsetroot
| xsm
| xsp
| xstdcmap
| xterm
| xtrans
| xtrap
| xvidcore
| xvidtune
| xvinfo
| xwd
| xwininfo
| xwud
| xxkb
| xz
| yafaray
| yajl
| yakuake
| yaml-cpp
| yasm
| yelp
| yelp-tools
| yelp-xsl
| ykclient
| yokadi
| youtube-dl
| youtube-dl-qt
| yubikey-personalization
| yubikey-personalization-gui
| zd1211-firmware
| zeitgeist
| zenity
| zenity-doc
| zeroconf-ioslave
| zeromq
| zfs
| zip
| zlib
| znc
| zopeinterface
| zsh
| zsplit
| zulucrypt
| zziplib

Details of 'srcjunk'
old source files

| ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ERROR: Bailing out, please fix your package..

Details of 'srcmissing'
missing source files

| ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ERROR: Bailing out, please fix your package..
| ../source/apps-extra/ykclient: 2.15.tar.gz is missing (DeX77 
| ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ERROR: Bailing out, please fix your package..
| ../source/base/dosfstools: v4.0.tar.gz is missing (James Buren 
| ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ERROR: Bailing out, please fix your package..
| ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ERROR: Bailing out, please fix your package..
| ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ERROR: Bailing out, please fix your package..
| ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ERROR: Bailing out, please fix your package..
| ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ERROR: Bailing out, please fix your package..
| ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ERROR: Bailing out, please fix your package..
| ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ERROR: Bailing out, please fix your package..
| ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ERROR: Bailing out, please fix your package..

-current Statistics Results
[FAILED] chkworld
[FAILED] oldies
[PASSED] syncpkgd
TOTAL  =  3
PASSED =  1 (33%)
FAILED =  2 (66%)

Details of 'chkworld'
outdated packages

| Last updated: Thu Dec 15 00:20:02 2016

| Checking for xapps-extra/ukopp-5.8... There was no output! Anthony
| Jorion
| Checking for xapps-extra/gtkhash-0.7.0... != 1.0 Anthony Jorion
| Checking for xapps-extra/xpad-4.7.0... != 4.8.0 Anthony Jorion
| Checking for xapps-extra/sylpheed-3.4.3... != 3.5.1 Anthony Jorion
| Checking for xapps-extra/freetuxtv-0.6.6... There was no output!
| Anthony Jorion
| Checking for xapps-extra/mumble-1.3.099... != 1.3.099.ge88 Anthony
| Jorion
| Checking for xapps-extra/dkopp-6.7... There was no output! Anthony
| Jorion
| Checking for xlib-extra/openscenegraph-3.4.0... != 3.5.5 Anthony Jorion
| Checking for games-extra/fgcomgui-46... There was no output! Anthony
| Jorion
| Checking for games-extra/scummvm-tools-1.7.0... != 1.8.0 Anthony Jorion
| Checking for games-extra/openttd-1.5.3... != 1.6.1 Anthony Jorion
| Checking for network-extra/murmur-1.3.099... != 1.3.099.ge88 Anthony
| Jorion
| Checking for network-extra/varnish-4.1.3... != 5.0.0 Anthony Jorion
| Checking for devel-extra/doxygen-1.8.11... != 1.8.12 Anthony Jorion
| Checking for devel-extra/python-sphinx-1.4.4... != 1.5.1 Anthony Jorion
| Checking for devel-extra/python-3.0-docs-3.4.3... != 3.6.0rc1 Anthony
| Jorion
| Checking for xlib/cairomm-1.12.0... != 1.15.2 Baste
| Checking for xlib/gdk-pixbuf2-2.36.0... != 2.36.1 Baste
| Checking for gnome-extra/gucharmap-8.0.1... != 9.0.2 Baste
| Checking for gnome-extra/mash-0.2.0... There was no output! Baste
| Checking for lib-extra/libosinfo-0.3.1... != 1.0.0 Baste
| Checking for xapps/snorenotify-0.7.0... != 0.5.3 Baste
| Checking for xapps/system-config-printer-1.4.8... != 1.5.8 Baste
| Checking for devel-extra/python-requests-2.12.3... != 2.12.4 Baste
| Checking for devel-extra/python3-requests-2.12.3... != 2.12.4 Baste
| Checking for gnome/gnome-online-accounts-3.22.2... != 3.22.3 Baste
| Checking for apps-extra/mongodb-3.2.11... != 3.4.0 boobaa
| Checking for apps-extra/usb-modeswitch-data-20160612... != 20160803
| boobaa
| Checking for xlib-extra/libopenraw-0.0.9... != 0.1.0 bouleetbil
| Checking for network-extra/dhcp-4.3.4... != 4.3.5 bouleetbil
| Checking for network-extra/xsp-2.10.2... There was no output!
| bouleetbil
| Checking for base-extra/syslinux-6.02... != 6.03 bouleetbil
| Checking for xapps/speech-dispatcher-0.8.5... != 0.8.6 bouleetbil
| Checking for devel-extra/commons-collections-3.2.1... != 3.2.2
| bouleetbil
| Checking for devel-extra/python-boto-2.44.0... != 2.45.0 Cedrick
| Hannier alias Cedynamix
| Checking for devel-extra/perl-datetime-locale-1.10... != 1.11 Cedrick
| Hannier alias Cedynamix
| Checking for apps-extra/mksh-R52c... != R54 Christian Hamar alias krix
| Checking for x11/xf86-video-intel-2.99.917.ga1a0f76... != 2.99.917.g16
| crazy
| Checking for x11/intel-gpu-tools-1.16... != 1.17 crazy
| Checking for x11/xf86-video-dummy-0.3.7... != 0.3.8 crazy
| Checking for xapps-extra/wireshark-2.2.2... != 2.2.3 crazy
| Checking for xapps-extra/scim-1.4.10... There was no output! crazy
| Checking for xapps-extra/qownnotes-16.12.7... != 16.12.8 crazy
| Checking for xapps-extra/nmapsi4-0.5... != 0.5-alpha1 crazy
| Checking for apps/docbook-xml-4.5... != 5.0 crazy
| Checking for apps/hunspell-1.4.1... != 1.5.4 crazy
| Checking for apps-extra/postgresql-9.5.4... != 9.6.1 crazy
| Checking for lib/botan-1.10.12... != 1.11.34 crazy
| Checking for xmultimedia/x264-20161204_2245... != 20161214_224 crazy
| Checking for base/readline-6.3... != 7.0 crazy
| Checking for base/systemd-231... != 232 crazy
| Checking for kde5/k3b- != crazy
| Checking for lib-extra/cfitsio-3.3.90... != 3.410 crazy
| Checking for lib-extra/jemalloc-4.3.1... != 4.4.0 crazy
| Checking for devel-extra/python-sphinx-rtd-theme-0.1.9... != 0.1.10a0
| crazy
| Checking for kde5-extra/konversation- !=
| crazy
| Checking for kde5-extra/krita- != 3.1.1 crazy
| Checking for devel/ruby-2.3.3... != 2.4.0_rc1 crazy
| Checking for devel/cargo-0.14.0... != homu-tmp crazy
| Checking for devel/gcc-6.2.1... != 6.2.1_201612 crazy
| Checking for devel/strace-4.14... != 4.15 crazy
| Checking for network-extra/amavisd-new-2.7.2... != 2.11.0 CSÉCSY László
| Checking for network-extra/munin-node-1.2.6... There was no output!
| CSÉCSY László
| Checking for network-extra/memcached-1.4.15... != 1.4.33 CSÉCSY László
| Checking for network-extra/postfixadmin-2.3.6... != 3.0 CSÉCSY László
| Checking for network-extra/munin-1.2.6... There was no output! CSÉCSY
| László
| Checking for kde5-extra/umbrello-16.08.2... != 16.11.90 CSÉCSY László
| Checking for kde5-extra/kcachegrind-16.08.2.g4e5f940... != 16.08.2.ga37
| CSÉCSY László
| Checking for network/rtmpdump-2.4... != 2.3 Devil505
| Checking for x11/ttf-droid-6.0.1_r10... != android-7.1. Devil505
| Checking for xlib-extra/bamf-0.5.1... != 0.5.3 Devil505
| Checking for xlib-extra/sdl_mixer-1.2.12... There was no output!
| Devil505
| Checking for xlib-extra/libindicate-0.6.1... != 12.10.1 Devil505
| Checking for xlib-extra/sdl_ttf-2.0.11... There was no output! Devil505
| Checking for network-extra/enet-1.3.12... != 1.3.13 Devil505
| Checking for lib-extra/cryptopp-5.6.3... != 564 Devil505
| Checking for gnome/gtk+2-engines-equinox-1.50... != 1. Devil505
| Checking for network/fetchmail-6.3.26... != 6.4.0.beta2 DeX77
| Checking for xlib/qt5-virtualkeyboard-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 DeX77
| Checking for x11/noto-fonts-20161202.gfe8f853... != 20161202.g15 DeX77
| Checking for xapps-extra/qbittorrent-3.3.7... != 3.3.9 DeX77
| Checking for xapps-extra/wine-devel-1.9.23... != 1.9.24 DeX77
| Checking for xapps-extra/x2goserver- != DeX77
| Checking for xlib-extra/kiwi-1.10.3... != 1.11 DeX77
| Checking for xlib-extra/filter_audio-0.1.g2fc6695... != 0.1.gada2f4f
| DeX77
| Checking for xlib-extra/uim-1.8.6.gd63dadd... != 1.8.6.g89542 DeX77
| Checking for games-extra/solarus-1.5.1... There was no output! DeX77
| Checking for games-extra/smc-2.0.g28e5b9c... != 2.0.g2d8ba02 DeX77
| Checking for ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! /ERROR: Using
| TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! -ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ... != ERROR: Using DeX77
| Checking for apps-extra/gammu-1.37.91... != 1.38.0 DeX77
| Checking for apps-extra/criu-2.8... != 2.9 DeX77
| Checking for apps-extra/puppet-4.5.3... != 4.8.1 DeX77
| Checking for apps-extra/tp-smapi-0.41... != 0.42 DeX77
| Checking for apps-extra/facter-3.3.0... != 3.5.0 DeX77
| Checking for apps-extra/bootchart2-0.14.5... There was no output! DeX77
| Checking for apps-extra/docker-1.12.3... != 1.12.4 DeX77
| Checking for lib/libclc-0.0.1.g520743b... != 0.0.1.gb9066 DeX77
| Checking for lib/mbedtls-2.3.0.ge019296... != 2.3.0.g1808d DeX77
| Checking for network-extra/x2gobroker- != DeX77
| Checking for network-extra/openvpn-2.3.13... != 2.3.14 DeX77
| Checking for network-extra/fatrat-1.2.0.g23008bb... != 1.2.0.g14a1a
| DeX77
| Checking for network-extra/openconnect-7.07... != 7.08 DeX77
| Checking for network-extra/syncthing-0.14.13... != 0.14.14 DeX77
| Checking for kf5/kwayland-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 DeX77
| Checking for kf5/bluez-qt-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 DeX77
| Checking for base/libestr-0.1.10... There was no output! DeX77
| Checking for base/man-db-2.7.6... != DeX77
| Checking for base/iproute2-4.8.0... != 4.9.0 DeX77
| Checking for kde5/libmediawiki-16.11.90... != 16.11.90.g3d DeX77
| Checking for kde5/libkvkontakte-16.11.90... != 16.11.90.gb5 DeX77
| Checking for kde5/kgoldrunner-16.11.90... != 16.11.90.g4c DeX77
| Checking for ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! /ERROR: Using
| TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! -ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ... != ERROR: Using DeX77
| Checking for ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! /ERROR: Using
| TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! -ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ... != ERROR: Using DeX77
| Checking for lib-extra/libyubikey-1.13... != libyubikey-1 DeX77
| Checking for ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! /ERROR: Using
| TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! -ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ... != ERROR: Using DeX77
| Checking for lib-extra/rdflib-3.2.3... != 4.2.1 DeX77
| Checking for lib-extra/vigra-1.10.0... != 1.11.0 DeX77
| Checking for ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! /ERROR: Using
| TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! -ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ... != ERROR: Using DeX77
| Checking for xmultimedia-extra/papirus-sddm-theme-0.1.0.g933e1b0... !=
| 0.1.0.g DeX77
| Checking for devel-extra/shiboken2-1.99.g67664c7... != 1.99.ge554f7
| DeX77
| Checking for devel-extra/android-sdk-r24.4.1... There was no output!
| DeX77
| Checking for devel-extra/vulkan-loader-layers- !=
| sdk- DeX77
| Checking for ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! /ERROR: Using
| TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! -ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ... != ERROR: Using DeX77
| Checking for ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! /ERROR: Using
| TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! -ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ... != ERROR: Using DeX77
| Checking for kde5-extra/kchmviewer-7.5... != 7.7 DeX77
| Checking for kde5-extra/qtcurve- !=
| DeX77
| Checking for xapps-extra/texlive-20160523... != 20160523_tlp Elentir
| Checking for xapps-extra/pari-2.7.1... != 2.9.1 Elentir
| Checking for xapps-extra/recorder-1.4.5... There was no output! Elentir
| Checking for base-extra/u-boot-2012.10... There was no output! Elentir
| Checking for apps-extra/autojump-22.5.0... != release-v22. exceed
| Checking for games-extra/opengfx-0.3.4... There was no output! James
| Buren
| Checking for apps-extra/rsyslog-8.23.0... There was no output! James
| Buren
| Checking for apps-extra/hfsplus-1.0.4... There was no output! James
| Buren
| Checking for apps-extra/upx-3.91... There was no output! James Buren
| Checking for network-extra/hostapd-1.1... != 2.6 James Buren
| Checking for network-extra/r8168-8.042.00... != 8.043.02 James Buren
| Checking for network-extra/nfs-utils-1.3.3... != 1.3.4 James Buren
| Checking for base/kernel-4.8.13... != 4.9 James Buren
| Checking for base/multipath-tools-0.6.2... != 0.6.2.gd51da James Buren
| Checking for base/newt-0.52.19... There was no output! James Buren
| Checking for base/linux-firmware-20161007.ga179db9... != 20161007.g4b
| James Buren
| Checking for apps-extra/gdal-2.1.1... != 2.1.2 Janos Kovacs
| Checking for network-extra/zd1211-firmware-1.4... != 1.5 Janos Kovacs
| Checking for lib-extra/geos-3.5.0... != 3.6.0 Janos Kovacs
| Checking for apps-extra/debootstrap-1.0.56... != 1.0.87 jercel
| Checking for devel-extra/perl-dbd-mysql-4.033... != 4.041 jercel
| Checking for network-extra/mod_security-2.5.12... There was no output!
| Karoly CZOVEK
| Checking for network-extra/dovecot-2.2.25... != 2.2.27 kikadf
| Checking for lib-extra/libhidapi-0.8.0_rc1... != 0.8.0-rc1 kikadf
| Checking for devel-extra/bcprov-154... != 155 kikadf
| Checking for xlib/qt5-imageformats-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-quickcontrols2-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-base-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-location-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-graphicaleffects-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-multimedia-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-sensors-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-svg-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-tools-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-wayland-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-script-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-serialport-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-webengine-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-xmlpatterns-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-webchannel-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-declarative-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-x11extras-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-webkit-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-quickcontrols-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-connectivity-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-websockets-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-gstreamer-1.6.0... != 1.2.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/qt5-translations-5.7.0... != 5.7.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for x11/xf86-input-libinput-0.22.0... != 0.23.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for x11/libinput-1.5.2... != 1.5.3 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xapps-extra/virtualbox-5.1.8... != 5.1.10 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xapps-extra/pidgin-facebookchat-66ee77378d82... !=
| 0.9.0-c9b74a Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xapps-extra/chromium-browser-55.0.2883.75... !=
| 55.0.2883.87 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xapps-extra/filezilla- != Marius
| Cirsta
| Checking for xapps-extra/qt-virt-manager-0.37.56... != 0.37.57 Marius
| Cirsta
| Checking for xapps-extra/chromium-dev-54.0.2832.2... != 57.0.2946.0
| Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xapps-extra/teamviewer-11.0.57095... != 12.0.71510 Marius
| Cirsta
| Checking for xlib-extra/spice-gtk-0.32... != 0.33 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib-extra/libvirt-glib-0.2.3... != 1.0.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib-extra/libvirt-python-2.1.0... != 2.5.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib-extra/swt-4.5... There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib-extra/spice-0.13.2... != 0.13.3 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib-extra/libvirt-2.1.0... != 2.5.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib-extra/ogre-1.9... There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib-extra/vtk-6.2.0... != 7.1.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib-extra/opencascade-6.9.0... != 7.1.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for games-extra/supertux-0.4.0... != 0.5.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for apps-extra/virtualbox-modules-5.1.8... != 5.1.10 Marius
| Cirsta
| Checking for apps-extra/fop-1.1... != 2.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for apps-extra/wavemon-0.7.6... != 0.8.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for lib/libsrtp-1.5.4... != 2.0.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for lib/gd-2.2.3... != gd-2.2.3 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for network-extra/miniupnpc-1.9... != 2.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for base-extra/libpaccurl-7.33.0... != 7.51.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for gnome-extra/ikvm-7.0.4335.0... != 7.2.4630.5 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for base/sqlite3-3.15.1... != 3.15.2 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! /ERROR: Using
| TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! -ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ... != ERROR: Using Marius Cirsta
| Checking for lib-extra/libgc-7.4.2... != 7.6.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for lib-extra/intel-tbb-44_20160526... != 2017_2016112 Marius
| Cirsta
| Checking for lib-extra/krb5-1.14.4... != 1.15 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xapps/icedtea-web-1.6.1... != 1.6.2 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xapps/imagemagick-6.9.6... != 6.9.6_8 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xmultimedia-extra/tomahawk-0.8.4.g3e2d741... !=
| 0.8.4.g3b6ba Marius Cirsta
| Checking for devel-extra/openjdk-8u91_3.0.1... != 3.2.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for devel-extra/qbs-1.6.1... != 1.7.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for devel-extra/jgoodies-common-1.3.1... != 1.13.0 Marius
| Cirsta
| Checking for devel-extra/commons-cli-1.2... != 1.3.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for devel-extra/icu4j-49.1... != 58.2 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for devel-extra/uboot-tools-2016.09.01... != 2016.11 Marius
| Cirsta
| Checking for devel-extra/itext-5.5.9... != 5.5.10 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for devel-extra/xmlgraphics-commons-1.5... != 2.1 Marius
| Cirsta
| Checking for devel-extra/boost-1.61.0... != 1.62.0 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for devel-extra/antlr3-3.4... There was no output! Marius
| Cirsta
| Checking for devel-extra/gambas-3.9.0... != 3.9.1 Marius Cirsta
| Checking for xlib/libaccounts-qt-1.14... != 1.14.g5b272a Melko
| Checking for xlib/signon-8.58... != 8.58.g440587 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/stellarium-0.14.3... != 0.15.0 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/ibus-m17n-1.3.4... There was no output! Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/ibus-hangul-1.4.2... There was no output!
| Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/gnuplot-5.0.3... != 5.0.5 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/spyder-2.3.9... != 3.0.0b2 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/ibus-table-1.5.0... There was no output! Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/ibus-anthy-1.5.4... There was no output! Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/wxmaxima-16.04.2... != 16.12.0 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/maxima-5.38.1... != 5.39.0 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/zulucrypt-5.0.1... != 5.0.2 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/calibre-2.72.0... != 2.74.0 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/ibus-table-extraphrase- There
| was no output! Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/sigil-0.9.6... != 0.9.7 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/qtcreator-4.1.0... != 4.2.0 Melko
| Checking for apps/zsh-5.2... != 5.3 Melko
| Checking for apps-extra/octave-4.0.3... != 4.2.0 Melko
| Checking for apps-extra/unionfs-fuse-1.0... != 2.0 Melko
| Checking for lib/jsoncpp-1.7.7... != 1.8.0 Melko
| Checking for network-extra/znc-1.6.3... != 1.6.4 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdewebkit-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kcoreaddons-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kpeople5-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kpty-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kauth-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kfilemetadata5-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/krunner5-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kwindowsystem-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdbusaddons-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/karchive-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kcodecs-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/solid-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kinit-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdnssd-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/modemmanager-qt-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/knewstuff-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdesignerplugin-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdoctools-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kitemmodels-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kactivities-stats-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kimageformats-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/breeze-icons-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kemoticons-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kplotting-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kapidox-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/frameworkintegration-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kwidgetsaddons-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kio-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/ktextwidgets-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/sonnet-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kmediaplayer-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/knotifications-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/attica-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kitemviews-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kjobwidgets-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/networkmanager-qt-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/ki18n-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kidletime-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kconfigwidgets-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdesu-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kjs-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kwallet5-5.28.0... != 5.27.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kxmlgui-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kiconthemes-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kded-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kcmutils-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/baloo5-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdelibs4support-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kross-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kglobalaccel-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/threadweaver-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kcompletion-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/extra-cmake-modules-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kcrash-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kunitconversion-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kactivities5-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kservice-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kxmlrpcclient-5.28.0... != 5.27.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/ktexteditor-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kguiaddons-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdeclarative-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kparts-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kpackage-5.28.1... != 5.29.1 Melko
| Checking for kf5/plasma-framework-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kconfig-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kbookmarks-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/knotifyconfig-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/syntax-highlighting-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kjsembed-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/khtml-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kde5/knemo-16.11.90... != 16.11.90.g5f Melko
| Checking for kde5/zeroconf-ioslave-16.11.90... != 16.11.90.g74 Melko
| Checking for devel-extra/julia-0.4.5... != 0.5.0 Melko
| Checking for devel-extra/python2-apsw-3.15.2_r1... != 3.15.2-r1 Melko
| Checking for kde5-extra/amarok-2.9.0.g9449ec5... != 2.9.0.g1ccf0 Melko
| Checking for kde5-extra/krename-4.0.9.ge3e700b... != 4.0.9.g71203 Melko
| Checking for kde5-extra/kile-16.08.2.g810ea2f... != 16.08.2.ga0c Melko
| Checking for kde5-extra/kst-2.0.8.g336fcf6... != 2.0.8.ga81dc Melko
| Checking for kde5-extra/oxygen-icons5-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for xlib/libaccounts-qt-1.14... != 1.14.g5b272a Melko
| Checking for xlib/signon-8.58... != 8.58.g440587 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/stellarium-0.14.3... != 0.15.0 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/ibus-m17n-1.3.4... There was no output! Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/ibus-hangul-1.4.2... There was no output!
| Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/gnuplot-5.0.3... != 5.0.5 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/spyder-2.3.9... != 3.0.0b2 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/ibus-table-1.5.0... There was no output! Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/ibus-anthy-1.5.4... There was no output! Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/wxmaxima-16.04.2... != 16.12.0 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/maxima-5.38.1... != 5.39.0 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/zulucrypt-5.0.1... != 5.0.2 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/calibre-2.72.0... != 2.74.0 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/ibus-table-extraphrase- There
| was no output! Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/sigil-0.9.6... != 0.9.7 Melko
| Checking for xapps-extra/qtcreator-4.1.0... != 4.2.0 Melko
| Checking for apps/zsh-5.2... != 5.3 Melko
| Checking for apps-extra/octave-4.0.3... != 4.2.0 Melko
| Checking for apps-extra/unionfs-fuse-1.0... != 2.0 Melko
| Checking for lib/jsoncpp-1.7.7... != 1.8.0 Melko
| Checking for network-extra/znc-1.6.3... != 1.6.4 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdewebkit-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kcoreaddons-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kpeople5-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kpty-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kauth-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kfilemetadata5-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/krunner5-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kwindowsystem-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdbusaddons-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/karchive-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kcodecs-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/solid-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kinit-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdnssd-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/modemmanager-qt-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/knewstuff-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdesignerplugin-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdoctools-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kitemmodels-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kactivities-stats-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kimageformats-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/breeze-icons-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kemoticons-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kplotting-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kapidox-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/frameworkintegration-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kwidgetsaddons-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kio-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/ktextwidgets-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/sonnet-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kmediaplayer-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/knotifications-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/attica-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kitemviews-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kjobwidgets-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/networkmanager-qt-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/ki18n-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kidletime-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kconfigwidgets-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdesu-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kjs-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kwallet5-5.28.0... != 5.27.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kxmlgui-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kiconthemes-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kded-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kcmutils-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/baloo5-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdelibs4support-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kross-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kglobalaccel-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/threadweaver-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kcompletion-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/extra-cmake-modules-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kcrash-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kunitconversion-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kactivities5-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kservice-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kxmlrpcclient-5.28.0... != 5.27.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/ktexteditor-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kguiaddons-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kdeclarative-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kparts-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kpackage-5.28.1... != 5.29.1 Melko
| Checking for kf5/plasma-framework-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kconfig-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kbookmarks-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/knotifyconfig-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/syntax-highlighting-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/kjsembed-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kf5/khtml-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for kde5/knemo-16.11.90... != 16.11.90.g5f Melko
| Checking for kde5/zeroconf-ioslave-16.11.90... != 16.11.90.g74 Melko
| Checking for devel-extra/julia-0.4.5... != 0.5.0 Melko
| Checking for devel-extra/python2-apsw-3.15.2_r1... != 3.15.2-r1 Melko
| Checking for kde5-extra/amarok-2.9.0.g9449ec5... != 2.9.0.g1ccf0 Melko
| Checking for kde5-extra/krename-4.0.9.ge3e700b... != 4.0.9.g71203 Melko
| Checking for kde5-extra/kile-16.08.2.g810ea2f... != 16.08.2.ga0c Melko
| Checking for kde5-extra/kst-2.0.8.g336fcf6... != 2.0.8.ga81dc Melko
| Checking for kde5-extra/oxygen-icons5-5.28.0... != 5.29.0 Melko
| Checking for x11/xf86-input-wacom-0.33.0... != 0.34.0 Michel Hermier
| Checking for x11-extra/nvidia-settings-370.28... != 375.26 Michel
| Hermier
| Checking for x11-extra/nvidia-xconfig-370.28... != 375.26 Michel
| Hermier
| Checking for devel-extra/python-cryptography-1.6... != 1.7.1 Michel
| Hermier
| Checking for xapps-extra/freemind-0.9.0... != 1.0.0 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for xapps-extra/netpbm-10.72.04... != 10.76.0 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for apps-extra/fuse-2.9.7... != 3.0.0 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for apps-extra/kexec-tools-2.0.12... != 2.0.14_rc1 Miklos
| Vajna
| Checking for apps-extra/mysql-5.5.50... != 5.7.17 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for apps-extra/mtd-utils-1.5.2... != 2.0.0_rc2 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for apps-extra/etckeeper-1.18.3... != 1.18.5-1 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for network-extra/stunnel-5.33... != 5.38 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for network-extra/cgit-0.11.2... != 1.1 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for network-extra/squid-3.1.19... There was no output! Miklos
| Vajna
| Checking for network-extra/irssi-otr-9ea5cc4... != 0.3 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for network-extra/pptp-1.8.0... != 1.9.0 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for network-extra/pure-ftpd-1.0.42... != 1.0.43 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for network-extra/links-2.8... != 2.14 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for network-extra/strongswan-5.1.3... != 5.5.1 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for network-extra/mirmon-2.10... There was no output! Miklos
| Vajna
| Checking for network-extra/pootle-2.1.6... != 2.6.0-rc1 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for gnome-extra/gnubiff-2.2.16... != 2.2.17 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for base/vim-8.0.0133... != 8.0.0134 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for lib-extra/geoip-1.4.8... != 1.6.9 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for lib-extra/librsync-1.0.0... != 2.0.0 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for xoffice/libgltf-0.0.2... != 0.1.0 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for xoffice/libreoffice- != Miklos
| Vajna
| Checking for xoffice/lp_solve- != Miklos Vajna
| Checking for xapps/gvim-8.0.0133... != 8.0.0134 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/xsdlib-2010.2... != 2011.1 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/commons-logging-1.1.1... != 1.2 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/xml-commons-resolver-1.2... There was no
| output! Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/lxml-3.6.4... != 3.7.0 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/bcel-5.2... There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/javacup-11a... There was no output! Miklos
| Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/xml-commons-external-1.4.01... There was no
| output! Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/ghc-7.10.3... != 8.0.1 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/xalan-j-serializer-2.7.1... There was no
| output! Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/jaf-1.1.1... != 1.1.2 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/apache-ant-1.9.6... != 1.9.7 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/dom4j-1.6.1... != 2.0.0-RC1 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/commons-io-2.4... != 2.5 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/erlang-17.3... != 19.2 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/batik-1.7... There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel-extra/apache-log4j-1.2.17... != 2.7 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for multimedia-extra/mpd-0.19.20... != 0.19.21 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for devel/flex-2.6.1... != 2.6.2 Miklos Vajna
| Checking for xapps-extra/lifeograph-1.2.1... != 1.4.0 PacMiam
| Checking for games-extra/crawl-0.17.1... != 0.19.1 PacMiam
| Checking for games-extra/sdlmame-roms-0166... There was no output!
| PacMiam
| Checking for games-extra/crawl-tiles-0.16.2... != 0.19.1 PacMiam
| Checking for games-extra/freeciv-2.5.0... There was no output! PacMiam
| Checking for games-extra/minetest-game-0.4.12... != 0.4.14 PacMiam
| Checking for games-extra/sdlmame-0166... != mame0180 PacMiam
| Checking for games-extra/extreme-tuxracer-0.6.0... != 0.7.4 PacMiam
| Checking for games-extra/minetest-0.4.12... != 0.4.14 PacMiam
| Checking for games-extra/get_steam- != PacMiam
| Checking for games-extra/dwarffortress-0.40.24... != 64test PacMiam
| Checking for games-extra/wesnoth-1.13.1... != 1.13.6 PacMiam
| Checking for games-extra/supertuxkart-0.9.1... != 0.9.2-rc1 PacMiam
| Checking for games-extra/xonotic-0.7.0... != 0.8.1_source PacMiam
| Checking for xapps-extra/atom-1.11.1... != 1.12.7 Pingax
| Checking for xapps-extra/tiled-0.17.0... != 0.17.2 Pingax
| Checking for xapps-extra/obkey-1.0... There was no output! Pingax
| Checking for games-extra/scummvm-1.7.0... != 1.8.1 Pingax
| Checking for apps-extra/dstat-0.7.3... != 0.7.2 Pingax
| Checking for devel-extra/babel-1.3... != 2.3.4 Pingax
| Checking for multimedia-extra/ncmpcpp-0.5.10... There was no output!
| Pingax
| Checking for network-extra/bip-0.8.9... There was no output! Priyank
| Gosalia
| Checking for network-extra/jircii-0.9.0... != 404. Priyank Gosalia
| Checking for lib-extra/libpaper-1.1.24... != 1.1.24+nmu5 Priyank
| Gosalia
| Checking for ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! /ERROR: Using
| TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! -ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ... != ERROR: Using Priyank Gosalia
| Checking for lib-extra/paramiko-2.1.0... != 2.1.1 Priyank Gosalia
| Checking for xlib-extra/allegro- != Slown
| Checking for network-extra/bcmwl- There was no output!
| Slown
| Checking for lib-extra/python-mock-1.0.1... != 2.0.0 Slown
| Checking for network/imap-2006k... != 2007a1 voroskoi
| Checking for apps-extra/mailman-2.1.15... != 2.1.23 voroskoi
| Checking for apps-extra/lirc-0.9.4b... != debian-src-0 voroskoi
| Checking for ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! /ERROR: Using
| TAG_V && TAG is not allowed! -ERROR: Using TAG_V && TAG is not allowed!
| ... != ERROR: Using voroskoi
| Checking for lib/gsl-2.2.1... != 2.3 voroskoi
| Checking for network-extra/openvas-scanner-5.0.3... != 5.1.0 voroskoi
| Checking for network-extra/privoxy-3.0.23... != 3.0.26 voroskoi
| Checking for network-extra/trac-1.1.6... != 1.3.1 voroskoi
| Checking for network-extra/openvas-libraries-8.0.3... != 9.0.0 voroskoi
| Checking for network-extra/openvas-cli-1.4.1... != 1.4.5 voroskoi
| Checking for network-extra/openvas-manager-6.0.3... != 7.0.0 voroskoi
| Checking for network-extra/vtun-3.0.1... != 3.0.4 voroskoi
| Checking for xapps-extra/latex2html-2012... There was no output! Zsolt
| Szalai

| Total packages checked: 2994
| Passed                  2485
| Need to update:         458
| Timed out:              0
| Maybe broken up2date:   51

Details of 'oldies'
packages not updated at least for one year

| 2011 arch=64bit -> apps/docbook-xml-4.5-8-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/commons-cli-1.2-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> games-extra/fgcomgui-46-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> games-extra/opengfx-0.3.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> games-extra/opensfx-0.2.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> network-extra/bitten-0.6-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> network-extra/cnetworkmanager-0.21.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> network-extra/djmount-0.71-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> network-extra/fusedav-0.2-8-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> network-extra/ipcheck-0.242-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> network-extra/jdownloader-0.9581-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> network-extra/linux-atm-2.5.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> network-extra/pootle-2.1.6-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> network-extra/rss2email-2.70-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> network-extra/scapy-2.2.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> network-extra/trickle-1.07-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> network-extra/vde2-2.3.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> network-extra/zd1211-firmware-1.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> 
| 2011 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/mftrace-1.2.18-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/obkey-1.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/qr-code-creator-1.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/recorder-1.4.5-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/xrdp-0.5.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/convmv-1.15-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/hfsplus-1.0.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/hfsutils-3.2.6-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> apps/urw-fonts-1.0.7pre44-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/ant-contrib-1.0b3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/antlr-openjava-2.7.7-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/antlr3-3.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/apache-log4j-1.2.17-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/avalon-framework-4.2.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/avalon-logkit-2.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/bcel-5.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/bsh-2.0b4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/commons-collections-3.2.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/commons-io-2.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/commons-lang-2.6-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/commons-logging-1.1.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/concurrent-1.3.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/forms-1.5.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/gnuinetlib-1.1.2-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/gnumail-1.1.2-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/icu4j-49.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/jaf-1.1.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/jakarta-regexp-1.5-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/javacup-11a-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/jaxp-1.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/jgoodies-common-1.3.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/libbase-1.1.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/libfonts-1.1.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/libformula-1.1.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/liblayout-0.2.10-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/libloader-1.1.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/libserializer-1.1.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/ntru-1.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> 
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/servletapi-2.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/xalan-j-serializer-2.7.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/xjavac-1244198-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/xml-commons-external-1.4.01-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/xml-commons-resolver-1.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/glick2-0.0.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/ikvm-7.0.4335.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/keepnote-0.7.8-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> gnome/gnome-doc-utils-0.20.10-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> gnome/gnome-js-common-0.1.2-7-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> gnome/rarian-0.8.1-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> locale-extra/huhyphn-hu-0.g44c6a77-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> network-extra/ajaxterm-0.10-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> network-extra/amavisd-new-2.7.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> network-extra/freerapid-0.86u1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> network-extra/imapfilter-2.2.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> network-extra/mod_security-2.5.12-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> network-extra/munin-1.2.6-7-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> 
| 2012 arch=64bit -> network-extra/oneswarm-
| 2012 arch=64bit -> network-extra/vtun-3.0.1-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/freemind-0.9.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/lxmed-20120515-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/mucommander-0.9.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/mailman-2.1.15-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/md5deep-4.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> apps/shared-desktop-ontologies-0.11.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> base-extra/efilinux-1.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> base-extra/elilo-3.16-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> base-extra/sysvinit-2.88-18-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/commons-codec-1.9-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/jakarta-oro-2.0.8-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/xmlgraphics-commons-1.5-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> games-extra/gtans-1.99.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> gnome-docs/seahorse-sharing-doc-3.8.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/polkit-gnome-0.105-11-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> gnome/gnome-shell-frugalware-theme-2.0.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> gnome/seahorse-sharing-3.8.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> gnome/xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.10-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/bip-0.8.9-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/corkscrew-2.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/inetd-1.79s-11-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/jircii-0.9.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/munin-node-1.2.6-14-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/noip2-2.1.9-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/p3scan-2.3.2-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/rdate-1.5-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/slrn-1.0.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/tftp-hpa-5.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/xsp-2.10.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/gentoo-0.20.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/gv-3.7.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/ibus-hangul-1.4.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/ibus-table-1.5.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/lilyterm-
| 2013 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/swine-1.0.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/debootstrap-1.0.56-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/foo2zjs-2014_09_25-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> base-extra/syslinux-6.02-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/bcmail-151-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/bcpg-151-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/bcpkix-151-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/commons-httpclient-3.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/httpcomponents-client-4.3.5-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/httpcomponents-core-4.3.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/xalan-j-2.7.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/xerces-j-2.11.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> games-extra/assaultcube-
| 2014 arch=64bit -> games-extra/childsplay-2.6.5-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> games-extra/extreme-tuxracer-0.6.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/alacarte-3.10.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/mousetweaks-3.12.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/nautilus-postr-0.13.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> gnome/gnome-fwtweak-0.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> gnome/gnome-video-effects-0.4.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/bogofilter-1.2.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/denyhosts-2.6-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/enet-1.3.12-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/fail2ban-0.9.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/hostapd-1.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/ices-2.0.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/irssi-otr-9ea5cc4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/isaac-0.2.6-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/memcached-1.4.15-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/miniupnpc-1.9-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/phppgadmin-5.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/postfixadmin-2.3.6-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/squid-3.1.19-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/wepdecrypt-0.8-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/wgetpro-0.1.3-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/x2gobroker-
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/xcache-3.2.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/xmpp4r-0.5-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/zopeinterface-4.0.5-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network/procmail-3.22-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/fslint-2.44-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/gadmin-bind-0.2.5-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/gadmin-rsync-0.1.9-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/ganttproject-2.6.5_r1638-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/gespeaker-0.8.5-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/git-cola-2.0.6-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/ninja-ide-2.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/pari-2.7.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/postr-0.13.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/sunflower-0.2_59-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/xchat-otr-9ea5cc4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> xapps/pm-radeon-2-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/adjtimex-1.29-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/foomatic-db-20141201.1284-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/foomatic-db-engine-4.0.12-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/fop-1.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> apps/qt4-data-4.6.1-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> base-extra/libpaccurl-7.33.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> base-extra/lzop-1.03-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/apache-ant-1.9.6-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/perl-xml-writer-0.625-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> devel/pycups-1.9.73-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> games-extra/crawl-tiles-0.16.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> games-extra/freeciv-2.5.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> games-extra/freeciv-gtk2-2.5.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> games-extra/freeciv-gtk3-2.5.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> games-extra/freeciv-qt-2.5.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> games-extra/minetest-game-0.4.12-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> games-extra/performous-songs-20130329-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> games-extra/rolisteam-1.7.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> games-extra/sdlmame-0166-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> games-extra/smc-music-5.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/gnubiff-2.2.16-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/ocrfeeder-0.8.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> gnome/gnome-frugalware-1.8.2-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> gnome/gtk+2-theme-frugalware-1.8.2-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> gnome/liboauth-1.0.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libgc-7.4.2-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libuninameslist-20091231-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libykneomgr-0.1.8-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/net6-1.3.14-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/pyasn1-0.1.9-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/pyasn1-modules-0.0.8-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/telepathy-sofiasip-0.7.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> multimedia/alsa-firmware-1.0.29-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/aria2-1.19.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/cgit-0.11.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/dante-1.4.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/faifa-0.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/gnunet-0.10.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/knock-0.7-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/mirmon-2.10-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> 
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/ntp-4.2.8-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/openvas-cli-1.4.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/openvas-libraries-8.0.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/openvas-manager-6.0.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/openvas-scanner-5.0.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/postgrey-1.36-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/privoxy-3.0.23-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/pure-ftpd-1.0.42-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/strongswan-5.1.3-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/wput-0.6.2-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/cups-x2go-
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/dkopp-6.7-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/fontforge-20120731-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/gifsicle-1.88-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/ibus-m17n-1.3.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/jitsi-2.8.5426-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/latex2html-2012-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/lifeograph-1.2.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/mirage-
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/obconf-2.0.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/parcellite-1.1.9-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/sylpheed-3.4.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/transmageddon-1.5-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/ukopp-5.8-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/unoconv-0.7-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/x2goserver-
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/xcfa-5.0.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/xsel-1.2.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/xxkb-1.11.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps/icedtea-web-1.6.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/feedparser-5.2.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/libmpeg3-1.8-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xlib/frugalware-menus-0.7-1-x86_64.fpm

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