-current Testsuite Results
[PASSED] bigfiles
[PASSED] chkacc
[PASSED] deps-extra-x86_64
[PASSED] deps-x86_64
[PASSED] docs-en
[PASSED] emptydirs
[PASSED] fpmcorrupt
[PASSED] fpminvalid
[PASSED] fpmjunk-x86_64
[PASSED] fpmmissing
[PASSED] fst
[PASSED] groups
[PASSED] j2sdk
[PASSED] kde-apps
[PASSED] kf5
[PASSED] lib64
[PASSED] missing-clean-x86_64
[PASSED] perms
[PASSED] pkgdup
[PASSED] plasma5
[PASSED] python
[PASSED] sourceforge
[PASSED] srcjunk
[PASSED] srcmissing
[PASSED] up2date
[PASSED] xorg
TOTAL  =  26
PASSED =  26 (100%)
FAILED =  0 (0%)

-current Statistics Results
[FAILED] chkworld
[FAILED] oldies
[FAILED] scm-packages
[FAILED] syncpkgd
TOTAL  =  4
PASSED =  0 (0%)
FAILED =  4 (100%)

Details of 'chkworld'
outdated packages

| Last updated: Wed Sep 27 00:20:01 2017

| apps-extra/e4rat-0.2.3 There was no output! ????????
| xapps-extra/gparted-0.29.0 There was no output! Anthony Jorion
| xapps-extra/xxkb-1.11.1 There was no output! Anthony Jorion
| xapps-extra/parcellite-1.2.1 There was no output! Anthony Jorion
| xapps-extra/mirage- There was no output! Anthony Jorion
| xlib-extra/podofo-0.9.5 There was no output! Anthony Jorion
| xlib-extra/simgear-2017.3.1 There was no output! Anthony Jorion
| games-extra/flightgear-data-2017.3.1 There was no output! Anthony
| Jorion
| games-extra/flightgear-2017.3.1 There was no output! Anthony Jorion
| games-extra/mednafen-0.9.47 != 0.9.48 Anthony Jorion
| apps-extra/cclive-0.9.3 There was no output! Anthony Jorion
| lib-extra/libquvi-scripts-0.9.20131130 There was no output! Anthony
| Jorion
| lib-extra/quvi-0.9.5 There was no output! Anthony Jorion
| devel-extra/python-sqlobject-3.4.0 There was no output! Anthony Jorion
| devel-extra/python-sphinx-1.6.3 != 1.6.4 Anthony Jorion
| multimedia-extra/mpg123-1.25.6 != 1.25.7 Anthony Jorion
| xlib/gtkspell3-3.0.8 There was no output! Baste
| lib/lcms2-2.8 There was no output! Baste
| gnome-extra/gtkpod-2.1.5 There was no output! Baste
| base/libusb1-1.0.21 There was no output! Baste
| base/cracklib-2.9.5 There was no output! Baste
| gnome/liboauth-1.0.3 There was no output! Baste
| locale-extra/hunspell-hu-1.6.1 There was no output! boobaaa
| xapps-extra/fontforge-20120731 There was no output! bouleetbil
| apps/qpdf-7.0.0 There was no output! bouleetbil
| lib/libatasmart-0.19 There was no output! bouleetbil
| devel-extra/pyparsing-2.2.0 There was no output! bouleetbil
| devel-extra/python-gnupginterface-0.3.2 There was no output! Cedrick
| Hannier alias Cedynamix
| xapps-extra/mdbtools-0.6pre1 There was no output! Christian Hamar alias
| krix
| multimedia/libavc1394-0.5.4 There was no output! Christian Hamar alias
| krix
| base/libusb-0.1.5 There was no output! Christian Hamar alias krix
| network/traceroute-2.1.0 There was no output! crazy
| xlib/sdl_gfx-2.0.25 There was no output! crazy
| xlib/freeglut-3.0.0 There was no output! crazy
| xlib/xine-lib-1.2.8 There was no output! crazy
| xlib/djvulibre-3.5.27 There was no output! crazy
| xlib/poppler-0.56.0 != 0.59.0 crazy
| xlib/libdv-1.0.0 There was no output! crazy
| xlib/libgif-5.1.4 There was no output! crazy
| x11/libwacom-0.26 There was no output! crazy
| x11/wqy-bitmapfont-ttf-0.7.0_4 There was no output! crazy
| xapps-extra/scim-1.4.10 There was no output! crazy
| xapps-extra/qownnotes-17.09.8 There was no output! crazy
| apps/cdrtools-3.01 There was no output! crazy
| x11-extra/fluxbox-1.3.7 There was no output! crazy
| x11-extra/i3-4.14 != 4.14.1 crazy
| fonts-extra/dejavu-lgc-ttf-2.37 There was no output! crazy
| multimedia/faad2-2.8.3 There was no output! crazy
| multimedia/opencore-amr-0.1.5 There was no output! crazy
| multimedia/sox-14.4.2 There was no output! crazy
| multimedia/gphoto2-2.5.14 There was no output! crazy
| multimedia/faac- There was no output! crazy
| multimedia/libmodplug- There was no output! crazy
| apps-extra/squashfs-4.3 There was no output! crazy
| apps-extra/firejail-0.9.50 There was no output! crazy
| apps-extra/openobex-1.7.2 There was no output! crazy
| apps-extra/acpitool-0.5.1 There was no output! crazy
| apps-extra/mhash- There was no output! crazy
| lib/aalib-1.4rc5 There was no output! crazy
| lib/libpng-1.6.32 There was no output! crazy
| lib/libmcrypt-2.5.8 There was no output! crazy
| lib/freetype2-2.7.1 There was no output! crazy
| lib/libmms-0.6.4 There was no output! crazy
| lib/libgphoto2-2.5.14 There was no output! crazy
| lib/libexif-0.6.21 There was no output! crazy
| lib/libvisual-0.4.0 There was no output! crazy
| lib/libdmtx-0.7.4 There was no output! crazy
| lib/libqalculate-1.0.0a != 2.0.0 crazy
| lib/libevent-2.0.22 There was no output! crazy
| lib/icu4c-58.2 != 59.1 crazy
| lib/botan-1.10.15 != 2.2.0 crazy
| network-extra/msmtp-1.6.6 There was no output! crazy
| network-extra/iperf-2.0.10 There was no output! crazy
| network-extra/xmlrpc-c-1.39.12 There was no output! crazy
| xmultimedia/x264-20170716_2245 != 20170926_2245 crazy
| base/readline-6.3 != 7.0 crazy
| base/glibc-2.25 != 2.26 crazy
| base/db-6.2.23 There was no output! crazy
| base/expat-2.2.4 There was no output! crazy
| base/e2fsprogs-1.43.6 There was no output! crazy
| lib-extra/libtimidity-0.1.0 There was no output! crazy
| lib-extra/gavl-1.4.0 There was no output! crazy
| lib-extra/ode-0.13 There was no output! crazy
| lib-extra/liblo-0.29 There was no output! crazy
| xapps/mjpegtools-2.1.0 There was no output! crazy
| xmultimedia-extra/opencv-3.2.0 != 3.3.0 crazy
| devel-extra/swig-3.0.12 There was no output! crazy
| kde5-extra/krita-3.2.1 != 3.3.0 crazy
| multimedia-extra/twolame-0.3.13 There was no output! crazy
| devel/lua-5.3.3 != 5.3.4 crazy
| devel/gcc-6.3.1 != 6.3.1_20170920 crazy
| devel/binutils-2.28 != 2.29.1 crazy
| devel/re2c-1.0.1 There was no output! crazy
| devel/strace-4.19 There was no output! crazy
| devel/python3-3.5.4 != 3.7.0 crazy
| apps/clucene- There was no output! CSÉCSY László
| apps-extra/detox-1.2.0 There was no output! CSÉCSY László
| apps-extra/monit-5.23.0 != 5.24.0 CSÉCSY László
| network-extra/postfixadmin-3.1 There was no output! CSÉCSY László
| xapps-extra/blueproximity-1.2.5 There was no output! Devil505
| lib-extra/fluidsynth-1.1.6 != 1.1.7 Devil505
| lib-extra/cryptopp-5.6.4 There was no output! Devil505
| network/fetchmail-6.3.26 There was no output! DeX77
| network/openslp-2.0.0 There was no output! DeX77
| xlib/libgpod-0.8.3 There was no output! DeX77
| xlib/glew-2.1.0 There was no output! DeX77
| xlib/libquicktime-1.2.4 There was no output! DeX77
| xapps-extra/qbittorrent-3.3.16 There was no output! DeX77
| xapps-extra/linuxconsole-1.6.0 There was no output! DeX77
| xapps-extra/uget-2.0.10 There was no output! DeX77
| xapps-extra/enblend-enfuse-4.2 There was no output! DeX77
| xapps-extra/sweethome3d-5.5.2 There was no output! DeX77
| xapps-extra/lives-2.8.7 There was no output! DeX77
| xlib-extra/irrlicht-1.8.4 There was no output! DeX77
| xlib-extra/wildmidi-0.4.1 There was no output! DeX77
| xlib-extra/openjfx-8u141 != 8u162-b00 DeX77
| xlib-extra/freeimage-3.17.0 There was no output! DeX77
| xlib-extra/cegui-0.8.7 There was no output! DeX77
| xlib-extra/lensfun-0.3.2 There was no output! DeX77
| games-extra/opencity- There was no output! DeX77
| games-extra/smc-music-5.0 There was no output! DeX77
| games-extra/ufoai-2.5 There was no output! DeX77
| games-extra/pioneers-15.4 There was no output! DeX77
| games-extra/enigma-1.21 There was no output! DeX77
| games-extra/spring-104.0 There was no output! DeX77
| apps-extra/joe-4.5 There was no output! DeX77
| apps-extra/hfsprogs-332.25 != 589 DeX77
| apps-extra/dvbsnoop-1.4.50 There was no output! DeX77
| apps-extra/hspell-1.4 There was no output! DeX77
| apps-extra/gpshell-1.4.4 There was no output! DeX77
| apps-extra/pngcrush-1.8.13 There was no output! DeX77
| apps-extra/hplip-3.17.9 There was no output! DeX77
| apps-extra/statifier-1.7.4 There was no output! DeX77
| apps-extra/s3cmd-2.0.0 There was no output! DeX77
| lib/libupnp-1.6.22 There was no output! DeX77
| lib/libomxil-bellagio-0.9.3 There was no output! DeX77
| lib/check-0.10.0 There was no output! DeX77
| lib/libmtp-1.1.13 There was no output! DeX77
| lib/libmng-2.0.3 There was no output! DeX77
| network-extra/openvpn-2.4.3 != 2.4.4 DeX77
| network-extra/e1000e-3.3.6 There was no output! DeX77
| network-extra/bwping-1.9 There was no output! DeX77
| network-extra/net-snmp-5.7.3 There was no output! DeX77
| base-extra/nilfs-utils-2.2.6 There was no output! DeX77
| base-extra/rng-tools-5 There was no output! DeX77
| xmultimedia/xine-ui-0.99.9 There was no output! DeX77
| lib-extra/libaal-1.0.6 There was no output! DeX77
| lib-extra/globalplatform-6.0.0 There was no output! DeX77
| lib-extra/gppcscconnectionplugin-1.1.0 There was no output! DeX77
| lib-extra/sphinxbase-5prealpha There was no output! DeX77
| lib-extra/libbs2b-3.1.0 There was no output! DeX77
| lib-extra/ladspa-bs2b-0.9.1 There was no output! DeX77
| lib-extra/sofia-sip-1.12.11 There was no output! DeX77
| xoffice/libwpg-0.3.2 There was no output! DeX77
| xmultimedia-extra/qtractor-0.8.4 There was no output! DeX77
| devel-extra/nodejs-8.5.0 != 8.6.0 DeX77
| devel-extra/coffee-script-1.12.7 != 2.0.0 DeX77
| devel-extra/scons-3.0.0 There was no output! DeX77
| kde5-extra/smb4k-2.0.2 There was no output! DeX77
| kde5-extra/calamares-frugalware-3.1.4 != 3.1.5 DeX77
| kde5-extra/kchmviewer-7.7 There was no output! DeX77
| multimedia-extra/pocketsphinx-5prealpha There was no output! DeX77
| multimedia-extra/portmidi-217 There was no output! DeX77
| devel/expect-5.45 There was no output! DeX77
| xapps-extra/socnetv-2.3 There was no output! Elentir
| network-extra/tcpreplay-4.2.6 There was no output! Elentir
| devel-extra/scikit-learn-0.17 There was no output! Elentir
| apps-extra/exif-0.6.21 There was no output! exceed
| multimedia-extra/vamp-plugin-sdk-2.2.1 There was no output! exceed
| lib-extra/libuninameslist-20091231 There was no output! gholafox
| multimedia-extra/lsdvd-0.17 There was no output! gholafox
| apps/lesspipe-1.83 There was no output! James Buren
| fonts-extra/artwiz-fonts-1.3 There was no output! James Buren
| apps-extra/optipng-0.7.6 There was no output! James Buren
| apps-extra/vhba-module-20170610 There was no output! James Buren
| network-extra/nfs-utils-2.1.1 There was no output! James Buren
| base-extra/zfs-0.7.1 != 0.7.2 James Buren
| base-extra/frandom-1.1 There was no output! James Buren
| base/gptfdisk-1.0.3 There was no output! James Buren
| base/acpid-2.0.28 There was no output! James Buren
| base/setserial-2.17 There was no output! James Buren
| base/dracut-045 != 046 James Buren
| base/psmisc-22.21 There was no output! James Buren
| base/less-487 != 520 James Buren
| base/procps-ng-3.3.12 != Looking for the latest version? James Buren
| lib-extra/dialog-1.3_20160828 != 1.3_20170509 James Buren
| devel-extra/gnu-efi-3.0.6 There was no output! James Buren
| network-extra/phppgadmin-5.1 There was no output! Janos Kovacs
| network-extra/zd1211-firmware-1.5 There was no output! Janos Kovacs
| apps-extra/aide-0.16 There was no output! jercel
| network-extra/wepdecrypt-0.8 There was no output! jercel
| apps-extra/sablotron-1.0.3 There was no output! Kapolnasi Tamas
| xlib/mpeg2dec-0.5.1 There was no output! kikadf
| xapps-extra/gentoo-0.20.7 There was no output! kikadf
| apps/ebook-tools-0.2.2 There was no output! kikadf
| multimedia/libdc1394-2.2.5 There was no output! kikadf
| multimedia/libdvb- There was no output! kikadf
| apps-extra/arc-5.21p There was no output! kikadf
| apps-extra/iat-0.1.7 There was no output! kikadf
| apps-extra/obexftp-0.24.2 There was no output! kikadf
| apps-extra/srm-1.2.15 There was no output! kikadf
| apps-extra/7zip-16.02 There was no output! kikadf
| apps-extra/rkhunter-1.4.4 There was no output! kikadf
| apps-extra/ms-sys-2.4.1 There was no output! kikadf
| apps-extra/foomatic-db-nonfree-20170923 != 20170926 kikadf
| apps-extra/foomatic-db-20170923 != 20170926 kikadf
| apps-extra/ccd2iso-0.3 There was no output! kikadf
| network-extra/slrn-1.0.1 There was no output! kikadf
| network-extra/p3scan-2.3.2 There was no output! kikadf
| lib-extra/jsch-0.1.54 There was no output! kikadf
| devel-extra/ntru-1.2 There was no output! kikadf
| devel-extra/httpcomponents-core-4.4.6 != 4.4.7 kikadf
| multimedia-extra/mp3splt-gtk-0.9.2 There was no output! kikadf
| multimedia-extra/libmp3splt-0.9.2 There was no output! kikadf
| multimedia-extra/mp3splt-2.6.2 There was no output! kikadf
| apps-extra/logwatch-7.4.3 There was no output! Krisztian VASAS
| x11/dejavu-ttf-2.37 There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| xapps-extra/tuxguitar-1.4 There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| xapps-extra/retroshare-0.5.5 There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| xapps-extra/pidgin-facebookchat-66ee77378d82 != 0.9.5-9ff9acf9fa14
| Marius Cirsta
| xapps-extra/smtube-17.1.0 There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| xapps-extra/graphicsmagick-1.3.26 There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| xapps-extra/teamviewer-11.0.57095 != 12.0.85001 Marius Cirsta
| xapps-extra/lxmed-20120515 There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| xapps-extra/smplayer-17.9.0 There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| xlib-extra/libvirt-python-3.6.0 != 3.7.0 Marius Cirsta
| xlib-extra/libvirt-3.6.0 != 3.7.0 Marius Cirsta
| xlib-extra/pyqt5-5.9 There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| apps-extra/xqilla-2.3.3 There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| apps-extra/mediainfo-0.7.99 There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| apps-extra/libguestfs-1.36.5 != 1.36.6 Marius Cirsta
| apps-extra/fop-1.1 != 2.2 Marius Cirsta
| gnome-extra/virt-manager-1.4.2 != 1.4.3 Marius Cirsta
| base/xfsprogs-4.12.0 != 4.13.0 Marius Cirsta
| lib-extra/intel-tbb-2017_U7 != 2018_U1 Marius Cirsta
| lib-extra/ois-1.3 There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| lib-extra/libmediainfo-0.7.99 There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| lib-extra/krb5-1.15.1 != 1.15.2 Marius Cirsta
| devel-extra/boost-1.61.0 != 1.65.1 Marius Cirsta
| devel-extra/fpc-3.0.0 There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| kde5-extra/trojita-0.7 There was no output! Marius Cirsta
| xapps-extra/stellarium-0.16.1 There was no output! Melko
| xapps-extra/ufraw-0.22 There was no output! Melko
| xapps-extra/codeblocks-16.01 There was no output! Melko
| xapps-extra/gnuplot-5.2.0 There was no output! Melko
| xapps-extra/spyder-2.3.9 != 3.0.0b2 Melko
| xapps-extra/maxima-5.40.0 There was no output! Melko
| xapps-extra/scribus-1.5.3 There was no output! Melko
| xapps-extra/luminance-hdr-2.5.1 There was no output! Melko
| xlib-extra/sip-4.19.3 There was no output! Melko
| games-extra/rolisteam-1.8.2 There was no output! Melko
| apps-extra/cx-freeze-4.3.3 There was no output! Melko
| apps-extra/freehdl-0.0.8 There was no output! Melko
| apps-extra/pdfcrack-0.16 There was no output! Melko
| lib/jsoncpp-1.8.2 != 1.8.3 Melko
| network-extra/aria2-1.19.0 There was no output! Melko
| base/pcre2-10.23 There was no output! Melko
| lib-extra/libpano13-2.9.19 There was no output! Melko
| lib-extra/quazip-0.7.3 There was no output! Melko
| lib-extra/libpgf-6.14.12 There was no output! Melko
| devel-extra/julia-0.5.2 != 0.6.0 Melko
| devel-extra/pyzmq-16.0.2 != 17.0.0b1 Melko
| devel/numpy-1.11.2 There was no output! Melko
| x11/xf86-input-wacom-0.35.0 There was no output! Michel Hermier
| apps-extra/acpi-1.7 There was no output! Michel Hermier
| network/rpcbind-1.0.7 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| network/bridge-utils-1.5 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xlib/imlib2-1.4.10 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xapps-extra/anyremote-6.6.1 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xapps-extra/transfig-3.2.5e There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xapps-extra/freemind-1.0.0 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xapps-extra/gnubiff-2.2.17 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xapps-extra/dblatex-0.3.10 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| apps/opensp-1.5.2 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| apps/aspell- There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| apps/quota-tools-4.04 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| apps/smartmontools-6.5 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| apps/openjade-1.3.2 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| apps/hdparm-9.52 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| multimedia/live-2017.07.18 != 2017.09.12 Miklos Vajna
| multimedia/id3lib-3.8.3 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| multimedia/libid3tag-0.15.1b There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| multimedia/mpg321-0.3.1 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| multimedia/lame-3.99.5 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| apps-extra/fuseiso-20070708 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| apps-extra/fuse-2.9.7 != 3.2.0 Miklos Vajna
| apps-extra/docbook2x-0.8.8 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| apps-extra/firebird- There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| apps-extra/sshfs-2.9 != 3.3.0 Miklos Vajna
| lib/libtirpc-1.0.8 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| network-extra/linux-atm-2.5.2 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| network-extra/pptp-1.9.0 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| network-extra/pootle- There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| base/vim-8.0.1138 != 8.0.1155 Miklos Vajna
| base/jfsutils-1.1.15 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| lib-extra/geoip-1.4.8 != 1.6.11 Miklos Vajna
| lib-extra/plib-1.8.5 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| lib-extra/librsync-1.0.0 != 2.0.0 Miklos Vajna
| lib-extra/libnet-1.1.6 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/librevenge-0.0.4 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/libzmf-0.0.1 != 0.0.2 Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/libwpd-0.10.1 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/libcdr-0.1.3 != 0.1.4 Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/libreoffice- != Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/hyphen-2.8.8 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/libmwaw-0.3.12 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/lp_solve- There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/libwps-0.4.7 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/graphite2-1.3.10 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/libexttextcat-3.4.4 != 3.4.5 Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/libfreehand-0.1.1 != 0.1.2 Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/liborcus-0.12.1 != 0.13.0 Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/libe-book-0.1.2 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/libcmis-0.5.0 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/libodfgen-0.1.6 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xoffice/mythes-1.2.4 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| xapps/gvim-8.0.1138 != 8.0.1155 Miklos Vajna
| devel-extra/docutils-0.14 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| devel-extra/pso-0.98.9_beta There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| devel-extra/lxml-3.8.0 != 4.0.0 Miklos Vajna
| devel-extra/python3-lxml-3.8.0 != 4.0.0 Miklos Vajna
| devel-extra/ant-contrib-1.0b3 There was no output! Miklos Vajna
| devel-extra/apache-log4j-2.8.2 != 2.9.1 Miklos Vajna
| devel-extra/python-m2crypto-0.26.3 != 0.26.4 Miklos Vajna
| network-extra/pptpd-1.4.0 There was no output! pete
| xlib/libquvi-0.9.4 There was no output! Pingax
| xapps-extra/x11vnc-0.9.13 There was no output! Pingax
| xapps-extra/pidgin-2.12.0 There was no output! Pingax
| xapps-extra/dosbox-0.74 There was no output! Pingax
| xapps-extra/pympd-0.08.1 There was no output! Pingax
| games-extra/megaglest-data-3.9.0 There was no output! Pingax
| games-extra/freeciv-2.5.9 != 2.6.0_beta1 Pingax
| games-extra/extreme-tuxracer-0.7.4 There was no output! Pingax
| games-extra/naev-0.7.0 There was no output! Pingax
| games-extra/assaultcube- There was no output! Pingax
| games-extra/gtans-1.99.0 There was no output! Pingax
| games-extra/wesnoth-1.13.8 There was no output! Pingax
| games-extra/supertuxkart-0.9.2 There was no output! Pingax
| multimedia/libcddb-1.3.2 There was no output! Pingax
| apps-extra/w3m-0.5.3 There was no output! Pingax
| apps-extra/potrace-1.15 There was no output! Pingax
| apps-extra/ranger-1.8.0 != 1.9.0b5 Pingax
| gnome-extra/roxterm-3.3.2 There was no output! Pingax
| gnome-extra/pidgin-libnotify-0.14 There was no output! Pingax
| gnome-extra/keepnote-0.7.8 There was no output! Pingax
| lib-extra/sqlalchemy-1.1.11 != 1.2.0b2 Pingax
| devel-extra/epydoc-3.0.1 There was no output! Pingax
| devel-extra/python-setuptools-36.2.7 != 36.5.0 Pingax
| devel-extra/ctags-5.8 There was no output! Pingax
| devel-extra/python-clientform-0.2.10 There was no output! Pingax
| devel-extra/python-mechanize-0.2.5 There was no output! Pingax
| multimedia-extra/minidlna-1.2.1 There was no output! Pingax
| apps-extra/inotify-tools-3.13 There was no output! Priyank Gosalia
| apps-extra/ccrypt-1.10 There was no output! Priyank Gosalia
| network-extra/bogofilter-1.2.4 There was no output! Priyank Gosalia
| network-extra/wput-0.6.2 There was no output! Priyank Gosalia
| network-extra/ddclient-3.8.3 There was no output! Priyank Gosalia
| lib-extra/libofx-0.9.12 There was no output! Priyank Gosalia
| devel-extra/xerces-c-3.1.4 != 3.2.0 Priyank Gosalia
| fonts-extra/terminusmod-1.9.9 There was no output! Slown
| fonts-extra/termsyn-1.8.7 There was no output! Slown
| fonts-extra/ohsnap-1.8.0 There was no output! Slown
| lib-extra/libclastfm-0.5 There was no output! Slown
| devel-extra/cunit-2.1_2 There was no output! Slown
| devel-extra/uncrustify-0.65 There was no output! Slown
| devel/python-six-1.10.0 != 1.11.0 Slown
| network/mailx-12.4 There was no output! voroskoi
| fonts-extra/terminus-font-4.46 There was no output! voroskoi
| multimedia/cdrdao-1.2.3 There was no output! voroskoi
| multimedia/a52dec-0.7.4 There was no output! voroskoi
| apps-extra/gutenprint-5.2.13 There was no output! voroskoi
| apps-extra/lirc-0.9.4d There was no output! voroskoi
| apps-extra/asciidoc-8.6.9 There was no output! voroskoi
| network-extra/leafnode-1.11.11 There was no output! voroskoi
| network-extra/privoxy-3.0.26 There was no output! voroskoi
| network-extra/vtun-3.0.4 There was no output! voroskoi
| network-extra/dspam-3.10.2 There was no output! voroskoi
| base/pcre-8.41 There was no output! voroskoi
| multimedia-extra/libmatroska-1.4.7 != 1.4.8 voroskoi
| multimedia/libieee1284-0.2.11 There was no output! Zsolt Szalai
| multimedia/libmad-0.15.1b There was no output! Zsolt Szalai
| lib-extra/libmikmod- There was no output! Zsolt Szalai
| devel/perl-5.24.3 != 5.26.1 Zsolt Szalai

| Total packages checked: 2853
| Passed                  2470
| Need to update:         73
| Timed out:              0
| Maybe broken up2date:   310

Details of 'oldies'
Packages not recompiled at least for one year.

| 2011 arch=64bit -> apps/docbook-xml-4.5-8-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> games-extra/opensfx-0.2.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2011 arch=64bit -> 
| 2012 arch=64bit -> apps/urw-fonts-1.0.7pre44-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/antlr-openjava-2.7.7-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/avalon-framework-4.2.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/avalon-logkit-2.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/bsh-2.0b4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/concurrent-1.3.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/forms-1.5.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/gnuinetlib-1.1.2-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/gnumail-1.1.2-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/jakarta-regexp-1.5-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/jaxp-1.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/libbase-1.1.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/libfonts-1.1.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/libformula-1.1.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/liblayout-0.2.10-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/libloader-1.1.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/libserializer-1.1.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/ntru-1.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> 
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/servletapi-2.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/xjavac-1244198-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/xml-commons-external-1.4.01-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/xml-commons-resolver-1.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/glick2-0.0.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/keepnote-0.7.8-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> gnome/gnome-doc-utils-0.20.10-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> gnome/gnome-js-common-0.1.2-7-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> gnome/rarian-0.8.1-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> locale-extra/huhyphn-hu-0.g44c6a77-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> network-extra/freerapid-0.86u1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> network-extra/imapfilter-2.2.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2012 arch=64bit -> 
| 2012 arch=64bit -> network-extra/oneswarm-
| 2012 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/lxmed-20120515-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/jakarta-oro-2.0.8-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> games-extra/gtans-1.99.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> gnome-docs/seahorse-sharing-doc-3.8.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/polkit-gnome-0.105-11-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> gnome/gnome-shell-frugalware-theme-2.0.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> gnome/seahorse-sharing-3.8.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> gnome/xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.10-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/bip-0.8.9-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/inetd-1.79s-11-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/noip2-2.1.9-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/p3scan-2.3.2-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/rdate-1.5-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/slrn-1.0.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> network-extra/tftp-hpa-5.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/gv-3.7.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2013 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/lilyterm-
| 2014 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/xalan-j-2.7.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/xerces-j-2.11.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> games-extra/assaultcube-
| 2014 arch=64bit -> games-extra/childsplay-2.6.5-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/alacarte-3.10.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/mousetweaks-3.12.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/nautilus-postr-0.13.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> gnome/gnome-fwtweak-0.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/bogofilter-1.2.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/ices-2.0.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/isaac-0.2.6-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/phppgadmin-5.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/wepdecrypt-0.8-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/xcache-3.2.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> network-extra/zopeinterface-4.0.5-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/ninja-ide-2.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2014 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/postr-0.13.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/adjtimex-1.29-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/asciidoc-8.6.9-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/elvis-2.2_0-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/fop-1.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/hftirc-20110625-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/tty-clock-20110429-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/w3m-0.5.3-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> devel/telepathy-python-0.15.19-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> games-extra/performous-songs-20130329-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> games-extra/smc-music-5.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/ocrfeeder-0.8.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> gnome/gnome-frugalware-1.8.2-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> gnome/gtk+2-theme-frugalware-1.8.2-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> gnome/liboauth-1.0.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/librsync-1.0.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libuninameslist-20091231-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/net6-1.3.14-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/telepathy-sofiasip-0.7.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> multimedia/alsa-firmware-1.0.29-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/aria2-1.19.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/faifa-0.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/gnunet-0.10.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/knock-0.7-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> 
| 2015 arch=64bit -> network-extra/wput-0.6.2-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> x11/xorg-cf-files-1.0.6-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/fontforge-20120731-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/ibus-m17n-1.3.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/mirage-
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/obconf-2.0.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/transmageddon-1.5-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/unoconv-0.7-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/xcfa-5.0.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/xsel-1.2.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/xxkb-1.11.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/feedparser-5.2.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/libmpeg3-1.8-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2015 arch=64bit -> xlib/frugalware-menus-0.7-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/4ti2-1.6.7-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/7zip-16.02-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/acpitool-0.5.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/aide-0.16-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/autopano-sift-c-2.5.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/bluez-firmware-1.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/cclive-0.9.3-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/createtorrent-1.1.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/docbook-sgml-dtd-3.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/docbook-utils-0.6.14-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/dstat-0.7.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/e2fsimage-0.2.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/e4rat-0.2.3-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/exif-0.6.21-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/git-imerge-1.0.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/grfcodec-6.0.6-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/htop-2.0.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/iotop-0.6-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/lbzip2-2.5-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/linuxdoc-tools-0.9.72-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/logwatch-7.4.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/lshw-B.02.18-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/mhash-
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/ncdu-1.12-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/obexftp-0.24.2-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/openobex-1.7.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/pbzip2-1.1.13-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/progsreiserfs-
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/remind-03.01.15-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/ssh-contact-0.7-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/sub2srt-0.5.5-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/tidy-1306.g4387491-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/unifdef-2.11-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/wgetpaste-2.28-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps-extra/xqilla-2.3.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps/aspell-
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps/aspell6-en-7.1r0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps/cdrtools-3.01-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps/clucene-
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps/dvd+rw-tools-7.1-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps/lesspipe-1.83-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps/loudmouth-1.5.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps/meanwhile-1.1.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps/memtest86+-5.01-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps/pm-quirks-20100619-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps/sgml-common-0.6.3-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> apps/usbmuxd-1.1.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> base-extra/rtkit-0.11-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> base-extra/vile-9.8-7-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> base/grub-theme-frugalware-1.7-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> base/pam-frugalware-20160519-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/anyvc-
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/apipkg-1.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/babel-1.3-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> 
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/barcode-0.99-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/bzr-2.7.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/clisp-2.49-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/configobj-5.0.6-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/cvs-1.11.23-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/cvs2svn-2.4.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/diffstat-1.61-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/distcc-3.2rc1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/epydoc-3.0.1-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/fastjar-0.98-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/flute-1.3.0_OOo31-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/fpc-3.0.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/fpc-src-3.0.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/gengetopt-2.22.6-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/genshi-0.7-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/itstool-2.0.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/jam-2.5-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/java-hamcrest-1.3-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/jzlib-1.1.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/librepository-1.1.3-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/monotone-1.1-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/patchutils-0.3.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/pathtools-0.1.2-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/pentaho-libxml-1.1.3-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/php-pear-db-1.9.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/pso-0.98.9_beta-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/py-1.4.12-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/pypdf2-1.26.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/python-characteristic-14.3.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/python-formencode-1.3.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/python-gnupginterface-0.3.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/python-imagesize-0.7.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/python-isodate-0.5.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/python-lockfile-0.12.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/python-nose-1.3.7-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/python-snowballstemmer-1.2.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/pyxml-0.8.4-8-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/pyyaml-3.12-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/pyyaml3-3.12-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/qdox-1.12.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/rcs-5.9.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/rhino-1_7R3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/sac-1.3-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/scikit-learn-0.17-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/source-highlight-3.1.8-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/sparsehash-2.0.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/sphinx-httpdomain-1.5.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/tcc-0.9.26-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/urwid-1.3.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/watchdog-0.8.3-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/xalan-c-1.11-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel-extra/yaml-cpp-0.5.3-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel/autoconf-2.69-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel/autoconf213-2.13-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel/dbus-python-1.2.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel/dbus-python-devel-1.2.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel/dbus-python3-1.2.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel/intltool-0.51.0-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel/pacman-tools-1.3.4-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel/pycurl-7.43.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel/python-six-1.10.0-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> devel/python3-six-1.10.0-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> docs-extra/librevenge-docs-0.0.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> docs-extra/libwpd-docs-0.10.1-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> games-extra/enigma-1.21-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> games-extra/maxr-0.2.9-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> games-extra/netpanzer-0.8.7-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> games-extra/opencity-
| 2016 arch=64bit -> games-extra/pioneers-15.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> games-extra/solarus-zsdx-1.11.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> games-extra/solarus-zsxd-1.11.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> 
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/frugalware-backgrounds-gnome-1.5-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/giggle-0.7-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/glade-gtk3-3.20.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/gnome-common-3.18.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/gnome-screensaver-3.6.1-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/gtkhtml-4.10.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/gtkpod-2.1.5-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/gtksourceview-2.10.5-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/libsocialweb-0.25.21-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/liferea-1.10.19-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/nautilus-python-1.1-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/pidgin-libnotify-0.14-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/pygtksourceview-2.10.1-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/roxterm-3.3.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/seahorse-3.20.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome-extra/yelp-tools-3.18.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome/cups-pk-helper-0.2.6-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome/frugalware-gnome-shell-icon-theme-1.7-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome/gconf-editor-3.0.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome/gtk+2-engines-equinox-1.50-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome/gtk+2-engines-murrine-0.98.2-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome/gtk+3-engines-unico-1.0.2.bzr-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome/libcryptui-3.12.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome/libgnome-keyring-3.12.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome/libgtkhtml-2.11.1-15-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome/nautilus-open-terminal-0.20-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> gnome/yelp-xsl-3.20.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> kde5-extra/frugalware-backgrounds-kde-1.5-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/anthy-9100h-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/celt051-
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/cgal-4.6.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/dialog-1.3_20160828-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/ffcall-1.10-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/fonttools-2.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/freetds-0.91-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/geoip-1.4.8-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/globalplatform-6.0.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/gppcscconnectionplugin-1.1.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/html5lib-python-1.0b10-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/ladspa-bs2b-0.9.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libgda-5.2.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libgsasl-1.8.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libhangul-0.1.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libhidapi-0.8.0_rc1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libpano13-2.9.19-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libquvi-scripts-0.9.20131130-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libsearpc-3.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libtimidity-0.1.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libtorrent-0.13.6-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libunicap-0.9.12-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libxml++2-2.40.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/libyubikey-1.13-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/lucene++-3.0.7-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/m17n-db-1.7.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/muparser-2.2.5-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/pyinotify-0.9.6-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/qqwing-1.3.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/quvi-0.9.5-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/ucl-1.03-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/usbredir-0.7-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib-extra/zziplib-0.13.62-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> lib/vte-data-0.28.1-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> locale-extra/hunspell-de-20051213-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> locale-extra/hunspell-en-20061130-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> locale-extra/hunspell-es-20050510-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> locale-extra/hunspell-hu-1.6.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> locale-extra/hunspell-it-20061130-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> locale-extra/hunspell-sk-20050911-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> multimedia-extra/cuetools-1.4.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> multimedia-extra/flvstreamer-2.1c1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> multimedia-extra/mpc-0.28-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> multimedia-extra/twolame-0.3.13-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> multimedia/sound-theme-freedesktop-0.8-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network-extra/adns-1.5.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network-extra/aircrack-ng-1.2_rc4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network-extra/bwping-1.9-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network-extra/ddclient-3.8.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network-extra/ebtables-
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network-extra/icecast-2.4.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network-extra/leafnode-1.11.11-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network-extra/minbif-1.0.5-7-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network-extra/pptpd-1.4.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network-extra/rtorrent-0.9.6-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network-extra/ufw-0.35-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network-extra/vsftpd-3.0.3-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network/elinks-0.12pre6-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network/fetchmail-6.3.26-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network/libotr-4.1.1-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network/mailx-12.4-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> network/netkit-telnet-0.17-10-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11-extra/fluxbox-1.3.7-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11-extra/s2tc-1.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/appres-1.0.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/bigreqsproto-1.1.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/bitmap-1.0.8-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/calibrateproto-0.1.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/compositeproto-0.4.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/dejavu-ttf-2.37-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/dmxproto-2.3.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/dri3proto-1.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/editres-1.0.6-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/encodings-1.0.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/evieext-1.1.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/font-util-1.3.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/fontcacheproto-0.1.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/fontsproto-2.1.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/fonttosfnt-1.0.4-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/fstobdf-1.0.6-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/gccmakedep-1.0.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/inputproto-2.3.2-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/luit-1.1.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/mkfontscale-1.1.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/printproto-1.0.5-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/randrproto-1.5.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/recordproto-1.14.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/renderproto-0.11.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/resourceproto-1.2.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/scrnsaverproto-1.2.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/trapproto-3.4.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/videoproto-2.3.3-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/windowswmproto-1.0.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/x11-protos-0.1-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/x11perf-1.6.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xbitmaps-1.1.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xcmiscproto-1.2.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xf86bigfontproto-1.2.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xf86dgaproto-2.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xf86driproto-2.1.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xf86miscproto-0.9.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xf86rushproto-1.1.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xf86vidmodeproto-2.3.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xfd-1.1.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xfindproxy-1.0.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xfontsel-1.0.5-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xfs-1.1.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xfsinfo-1.0.5-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xfwp-1.0.3-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xgamma-1.0.6-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xgc-1.0.5-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xhost-1.0.7-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xineramaproto-1.2.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xinit-1.3.4-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xinput-1.6.2-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xkbevd-1.1.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xkbprint-1.0.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xkbutils-1.0.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xkill-1.0.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xload-1.1.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xlogo-1.0.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xlsatoms-1.1.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xlsclients-1.1.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xlsfonts-1.0.5-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xmag-1.0.6-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xman-1.1.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xmessage-1.0.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xmh-1.0.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xmodmap-1.0.9-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xmore-1.0.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xplsprinters-1.0.1-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xpr-1.0.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xprehashprinterlist-1.0.1-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xprop-1.2.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xproxymanagementprotocol-1.0.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xrandr-1.5.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xrdb-1.1.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xrefresh-1.0.5-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xrx-1.0.4-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xset-1.2.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xsetmode-1.0.0-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xsetpointer-1.0.1-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xsetroot-1.1.1-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xsm-1.0.3-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xstdcmap-1.0.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> x11/xtrans-1.3.5-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/dillo-3.0.5-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/distcc-gui-3.2rc1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/easytag-2.3.7-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/fetchmailconf-6.3.26-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/gadmin-dhcpd-0.5.2-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/gadmin-httpd-0.1.5-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/gadmin-proftpd-0.4.7-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/gadmin-samba-0.3.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/gtk-lshw-B.02.18-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/mdbtools-0.6pre1-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/notification-daemon-3.20.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/oxygen-gtk-1.4.6-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/pidgin-facebookchat-66ee77378d82-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/pidgin-otr-4.0.2-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/pympd-0.08.1-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/redshift-1.11-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/scim-1.4.10-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/spyder-2.3.9-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/sysprof-1.2.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/transfig-3.2.5e-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/volumeicon-0.5.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps-extra/x11vnc-0.9.13-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps/colord-gtk-0.1.26-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps/gftp-2.0.19-8-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps/mtools-4.0.18-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps/pm-utils-1.4.1-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps/radeontool-1.6.3-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xapps/vte-0.28.1-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/freealut-1.1.0-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/freeimage-3.17.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/frugalware-backgrounds-1.5-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/frugalware-backgrounds-extra-1.3-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/gtkspell-2.0.16-17-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/gupnp-dlna-0.10.5-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/irrlicht-1.8.4-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/lasem-0.4.3-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/libappindicator-12.10.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/libfprint-0.6.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/libgdiplus-4.2-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/libglade-gtk3-3.20.0-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/libindicator-12.10.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/libotf-0.9.13-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/m17n-lib-1.7.0-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/nvidia-cg-toolkit-3.0_February2011-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> 
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/open-sans-1.10-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/openbox-frugalware-1.6-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/opencolorio-1.0.9-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/sdl2_image-2.0.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/sdl2_net-2.0.1-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/sdl2_ttf-2.0.14-1-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/sdl_mixer-1.2.12-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/sdl_net-1.2.8-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/sdl_ttf-2.0.11-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/sdlimage-1.2.12-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/vte-python-0.28.1-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib-extra/wxwidgets-3.1.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib/frugalware-icon-theme-1.7-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib/gtk+2-engines-2.20.2-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xlib/gtk+3-engines-2.91.1-10-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xmultimedia-extra/pavucontrol-3.0-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xmultimedia-extra/smpeg-0.4.5-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xmultimedia-extra/smpeg2-2.0.0-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xmultimedia/xine-ui-0.99.9-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xoffice/libabw-0.1.1-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xoffice/libcmis-0.5.0-6-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xoffice/libetonyek-0.1.6-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xoffice/libfreehand-0.1.1-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xoffice/libodfgen-0.1.6-3-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xoffice/libpagemaker-0.0.3-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xoffice/librevenge-0.0.4-2-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xoffice/libwpd-0.10.1-5-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xoffice/mythes-1.2.4-4-x86_64.fpm
| 2016 arch=64bit -> xoffice/opencollada-22.git69b844d-4-x86_64.fpm

| Total packages found: 483

Details of 'scm-packages'
Packages using SCM builds.

| -> kde5-extra/babe
| -> kde5/libkvkontakte
| -> lib/libclc
| -> network-extra/vpnc
| -> xapps-extra/conky-manager
| -> xapps-extra/mumble

| Total SCM packages found: 6

Details of 'syncpkgd'
usage: syncpkgd [-h]

Utility to manage not yet synced packages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

| caribou-0.4.21-5-x86_64 is missing (FB is 6 days old; Baste 
| open-sans-1.10-2-x86_64 is missing (FB is 2 months old; Devil505 
| trojita-0.7-7-x86_64 is missing (FB is 5 weeks old; Marius Cirsta 
| ttf-agave-008a-4-x86_64 is missing (FB is 2 months old; Slown 

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