On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 13:10 +0100, Russell Dickenson wrote:
> Git-Url: 
> http://git.frugalware.org/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=homepage-ng.git;a=commitdiff;h=2396757dfe539dae723edcdcd931b739f9053ff5
> commit 2396757dfe539dae723edcdcd931b739f9053ff5
> Author: Russell Dickenson (phayz) <russelldicken...@gmail.com>
> Date:   Wed Jan 28 12:07:16 2009 +1000
> Newsletter issue 38
> diff --git a/frugalware/images/interviews/juky_desktop.jpg 
> b/frugalware/images/interviews/juky_desktop.jpg
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..71f62f2
> Binary files /dev/null and b/frugalware/images/interviews/juky_desktop.jpg 
> differ
> diff --git a/frugalware/weeklynews/issue38.html 
> b/frugalware/weeklynews/issue38.html
> new file mode 100755
> index 0000000..be4bc39
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/frugalware/weeklynews/issue38.html
> @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
> +<p><h2>Frugalware Linux Newsletter - Issue 38</h2></p>
> +
> +<p><h2>...to inform...to educate...to entertain</h2></p>
> +
> +<p>The future depends on what we do in the present.   <em>Mahatma 
> Gandhi</em></p>
> +
> +
> +<a name="welcome"><h2>Welcome</h2></a>
> +    <p>The newsletter's aim is to keep you up to date with what's happened 
> recently in the world of the Linux distribution 'Frugalware'.</p>
> +
> +<p>Features of this issue include:
> +    <ul>
> +        <li>Frugalware 1.0 pre2 is released</li>
> +        <li>Elentir's officially a developer!</li>
> +        <li>Frugalware's users are people too - juky</li>
> +        <li>Focus On Package(s) - dkopp</li>
> +    </ul>
> +</p>
> +
> +
> +<a name="events"><h2>Events</h2></a>
> +
> +<p>Here's a selection of events which have occurred since the previous 
> newsletter:</p>
> +
> +<ul>
> +    <li>
> +        <h3>Parlez-vous français?</h3>
> +        <p>Soon after the release of newsletter issue 37, Devil505 said that 
> I had missed translating just one word - "humour".  I looked at where the 
> word was used and was sure it was correct.  I learned then that this word has 
> the same spelling and meaning in both English and French.  Many French words 
> are commonly used in modern spoken and written English, so it shouldn't have 
> surprised me, but it did!</p>
> +    </li>
> +    <li>
> +        <h3>Xfce 4.6 work continues</h3>
> +        <p>Work on Xfce 4.6 continues, with the development team continuing 
> to release beta versions.  This is great news for Xfce users, but it means 
> more work for Priyank.  :(  He's been kept busy packaging the latest beta 
> version - 4.5.93.  These packages are maintained in a separate repository 
> which must be added manually to pacman's repository list.  If you want to 
> test these packages, follow the instructions in newsletter issue FIXME on how 
> to get these packages with pacman-g2.  Since the release and the repository 
> are beta, be prepared for bugs.</p>
> +    </li>

forgot to remove a FIXME ? :)

> +    <li>
> +        <h3>It seemed like a good idea at the time :)</h3>
> +        <p>When I thought of the Frugalware developer questions, I thought 
> it would be interesting to know where people lived and where they were born.  
> I'm Australian and a large percentage of those living in Australia were born 
> in other countries.  Unfortunately every other Frugalware developer, 
> contributor and user who has replied to the interview questions was born in 
> the country that they live in.  I had thought about removing the question "In 
> what country were you born?" but I'm still hoping that someone will give a 
> different answer to everyone else.  Anyone?</p>
> +    </li>
> +    <li>
> +        <h3>Elentir's officially a developer!</h3>
> +        <p>Elentir has created several FrugalBuilds, and is developing 
> Fwife, the Frugalware GUI installer (which is undergoing heavy development).  
> VMiklos recently proposed on the developers' mailing list that he become an 
> official developer.  Soon after this was proposed, the developers voted and 
> agreed that Elentir become an official developer so congratulations to 
> him.</p>
> +    </li>
> +    <li>
> +        <h3>"Many hands make light work"</h3>
> +        <p>Now that Elentir is officially a developer, this will ease the 
> load of other developers, particularly the French developers.  Office duties 
> assigned to each member of the "French development team" have been reviewed 
> and the following has been proposed:</a></p>
> +        <p>
> +            <ul>
> +                <li>Hermier - accommodation</li>
> +                <li>Bouleetbil - coffee</li>
> +                <li>Devil505 - entertainment (games, mainly Pac Man)</li>
> +                <li>gholafox - donuts</li>
> +                <li>Elentir - lunches</li>
> +            </ul>
> +        </p>
> +    </li>
> +    <li>
> +        <h3>Frugalware 1.0 pre2 is released</h3>
> +        <p>On 13 January 2009, VMiklos <a 
> href="http://www.frugalware.org/news/123";>announced</a> the release of 
> Frugalware 1.0 pre2.  It's exciting that we're getting closer to the final 
> release of 1.0 and amazing that this release includes 100 new packages and 
> 800 updates/bug fixes.  Well done to the development team.  If you have the 
> bandwidth and time available, please download and test this release.</p>
> +    </li>
> +    <li>
> +        <h3>Death to developers? :P</h3>
> +        <p>This is quite old news, but it's interesting.  On 18 December 
> 2008, the following was said in the #frugalware IRC channel:</p>
> +        <p>
> +            <code>
> +            &lt <strong>olegfink</strong>&gt   thanks a lot, that's 
> something I really missed with archlinux -- ability to bug developers to 
> death with silly stuff :-P<br />
> +            &lt <strong>vmiklos</strong> &gt   :)<br />
> +            &lt <strong>rafaelmartins</strong> &gt   I agree with olegfink :P
> +            </code>
> +        </p>
> +        <p>If I understood this conversation correctly, it was definitely 
> <strong>not</strong> meant as a death threat.  Instead olegfink was grateful 
> for the ability to talk directly with developers, even about minor things.  
> I'm also grateful for this; in fact it's one thing that makes Frugalware 
> different from other distributions.</p>
> +    </li>
> +    <li>
> +        <h3>It's "hats off" to Devil505</h3>
> +        <p>It was once traditional in the Western world to take your hat off 
> when you met someone, as a sign of your respect for them.  I take my hat off 
> to Devil505 for the Frugalware Christmas and New Year images he provided.  I 
> was a little worried when I first saw the New Year logo because the hat 
> looked like a "fedora".  Devil505 said that it certainly 
> <strong>wasn't</strong> a fedora and that next time he would probably use a 
> red hat.  :P</p>
> +    </li>
> +</ul>
> +
> +<a name="upgrades"><h2>Upgrades</h2></a>
> +
> +<p>Here's a selection of packages which have been upgraded since the 
> previous newsletter:</p>
> +
> +<ul>
> +    <li><strong>NEW</strong> - gservice 0.1.0</li>
> +    <li>kernel 2.6.28</li>
> +    <li>git</li>
> +    <li>gcc 4.3.3</li>
> +    <li>spamassasin 3.2.5</li>
> +</ul>
> +
> +
> +
> +<a name="interview"><h2>Frugalware's users are people too - juky</h2></a>
> +
> +<p>This interview is the second in a series of interviews with Frugalware 
> users.  Please read on...</p>
> +
> +<dl>
> +    <dt><strong>What's your name?</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p>thierry</p></dd>
> +
> +    <dt><strong>What's your IRC/forum nickname?</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p>tyrry & juky</p></dd>
> +
> +    <dt><strong>In what country do you live?</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p>France</p></dd>
> +
> +    <dt><strong>In what country were you born?</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p>France</p></dd>
> +
> +    <dt><strong>What do you like the most about where you live (the 
> town/city and country)?</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p>The great wines :)</p></dd>
> +
> +    <dt><strong>What operating system(s) did you use before FW 
> ?</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p>Windows 3.1 ---> XP then Ubuntu, Freespire, Parsix, Frugalware 
> and I'm testing a lot of distros.  LOL.</p></dd>
> +
> +    <dt><strong>When did you start to use Linux (Frugalware)?</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p>I've been using Linux for about 4 years and Frugalware since 
> Wanda - thanks to a test published on Quebecos - and more seriously since 
> Siwenna.</p></dd>
> +
> +    <dt><strong>What do you like most about Frugalware?</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p>Using it and the users' community</p></dd>
> +
> +    <dt><strong>What would you like to see changed in 
> Frugalware?</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p>Make a single CD for installation or a live DVD with an installer 
> like Ubunutu's one.</p></dd>
> +
> +    <dt><strong>Do you do something active in order to spread the knowledge 
> of Frugalware?</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p>I install it on the most peoples' computers I can with a dual 
> boot (Windows), because many people don't want to remove their mswin.</p></dd>
> +
> +    <dt><strong>For what purpose(s) do you use Frugalware?</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p>Usual purpose, it's my only distro</p></dd>
> +
> +    <dt><strong>How did you find Frugalware - e.g. a friend/Google 
> search?</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p>Quebecos, forums and Devil505 !</p></dd>
> +
> +    <dt><strong>What do you do when you're not using 
> Frugalware?</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p>heu , work, family life etc.........</p></dd>
> +
> +    <dt><strong>Please show us a screenshot of your desktop(s)</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p><img 
> src="http://frugalware.org/images/interviews/juky_desktop.jpg"/></p></dd>
> +
> +    <dt><strong>What's the view from your front door? (please provide a 
> photograph,
> +with no people in view)
> +</strong></dt>
> +    <dd><p>It's the neighbours' door LOL, so no photo.  It's only buildings 
> around here.......</p></dd>
> +
> +</dl>
> +
> +
> +<a name="gettingtoknowyou"><h2>Getting To Know You</h2></a>
> +
> +    <p>In this section of the newsletter, we get to know Frugalware Linux a 
> little at a time.  This is not meant to replace the official documentation 
> but instead make it easier to read.  This should suit those those people who, 
> like me, have short attention spans.  :)</p>
> +
> +    <h3>SHA-1 hash</h3>
> +    <p>Every Frugalware package has a <a 
> href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sha-1";>SHA1 hash</a> which is used to 
> validate its integrity when it's downloaded.  Before installing a package, 
> pacman-g2 checks its SHA1 hash against the package database.  If it fails the 
> integrity test, pacman-g2 will tell you and offer to delete the package.  
> This feature avoids corrupt files being installed, saving you time you might 
> spend troubleshooting an executable with just one corrupt bit.</p>
> +
> +
> +<a name="tips"><h2>Tips and tricks</h2></a>
> +
> +    <b>Disclaimer</b> - Be aware that the hints &amp; tips provided here 
> have NOT been tested and so come with no warranty.
> +<ul>
> +    <li>
> +        <h3>W3C Markup Validation Service</h3>
> +        <p>The W3C offers a <a href="http://validator.w3.org/";>markup 
> validation service</a> which checks the markup validity  of Web documents in 
> HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc.  At this site you can provide the URL of the 
> document to be validated, upload a file containing the document, or paste the 
> contents of the document.  The service then presents a report which confirms 
> whether or not the content provided is valid.  If it's not valid it provides 
> details as to where the content has problems.</p>
> +    </li>
> +    <li>
> +        <h3>If you're ugly, you need to read this...</h3>
> +        <p>Do people sometimes cross the street to avoid you, or offer you a 
> paper bag to put over your head?  Read on for a practical solution to this 
> problem.  To look more attractive, you could have cosmetic surgery but it's 
> expensive and honestly, the results might not be too good.  Here's a cheaper 
> and easier solution - put a good-looking wallpaper on your PC.  If you then 
> hold your PC's monitor in front of your head you're instantly more 
> attractive!  Note that this works best if your PC is a laptop, otherwise you 
> need to either (1) buy a very long power cord, or (2) stay in your room.</p>
> +        <p>Remember:</p>
> +        <ul>
> +            <li>the wallpaper should be chosen based on its attractiveness 
> to other people, <strong>not</strong> yourself;</li>
> +            <li>wallpapers featuring movie stars are <strong>NOT</strong> 
> recommended because these will bring you too much attention, mainly from 
> paparazzi;</li>
> +            <li>you should measure the size of your monitor so you can be 
> sure it matches the size of your head;</li>
> +            <li>you <strong>must</strong> enable the X server's Composite 
> extension to enable transparency, so that you can see through the wallpaper.  
> If you don't do this, you will not be able to see where you're walking.</li>
> +        </ul>
> +        <p>The following are a few sites from where you can get attractive 
> wallpapers:</p>
> +        <ul>
> +            <li><a href="http://www.digitalblasphemy.com";>Digital 
> Blasphemy</a></li>
> +            <li><a href="http://www.kde-look.org";>KDE Look</a></li>
> +            <li><a href="http://www.gnome-look.org";>Gnome Look</a></li>
> +            <li><a href="http://gucken.deviantart.com/gallery/";>Gucken's 
> gallery at Deviant Art</a></li>
> +        </ul>
> +        <p><strong>DISCLAIMER:</strong>  Individual results may vary and are 
> dependent upon your selection of wallpaper.  Frugalware is not responsible 
> for any actions which result from following the above advice.</p>
> +    </li>
> +</ul>
> +
> +
> +    <p>This section relies on your contributions! If have some tips and 
> tricks that you would like to be shown in the newsletter, <em>please</em> 
> post them on the forums.</p>
> +
> +
> +<a name="packages"><h2>Focus On Package(s)</h2></a>
> +
> +    <h3>dkopp</h3>
> +        <p>"dkopp is a free open source Linux program used to copy or 
> back-up disk files to DVD. Full or incremental backups can be done, with full 
> or incremental DVD verification. A GUI is used to navigate through 
> directories to select or de-select files or directories at any level. Backup 
> jobs can be saved for later re-use. New, deleted, and updated disk files are 
> handled automatically, without re-editing the backup job. An incremental 
> backup updates the same DVD used for a prior full backup. Files can be 
> restored to the same or another location on disk. Large backup jobs can be 
> done using multiple DVD media."</p>
> +
> +
> +<a name="fixes"><h2>Bug fixes</h2></a>
> +
> +    <p>The following table gives you a overview of activity on bugs and 
> feature requests as at 27 January 2009.  In each cell of the table is a link 
> to a detailed list of the relevant bugs or feature requests.</p>
> +
> +    <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>
> +    <tr>
> +        <th>Activity</th>
> +        <th>Bugs</th>
> +        <th>Feature<br>Requests</th>
> +    </tr>
> +    <tr>
> +        <td>Open</td>
> +        <td><a 
> href="http://bugs.frugalware.org/index.php?string=&project=1&type[]=1&sev[]=&pri[]=&due[]=&reported[]=&cat[]=&status[]=open&percent[]=&opened=&dev=&closed=&duedatefrom=&duedateto=&changedfrom=&changedto=&openedfrom=&openedto=&closedfrom=&closedto=&do=index";>216</a></td>
> +        <td><a 
> href="http://bugs.frugalware.org/index.php?string=&project=1&type[]=2&sev[]=&pri[]=&due[]=&reported[]=&cat[]=&status[]=open&percent[]=&opened=&dev=&closed=&duedatefrom=&duedateto=&changedfrom=&changedto=&openedfrom=&openedto=&closedfrom=&closedto=&do=index";>210</a></td>
> +    </tr>
> +    <tr>
> +        <td>Opened since the last newsletter</td>
> +        <td><a 
> href="http://bugs.frugalware.org/index.php?string=&project=1&type[]=1&sev[]=&pri[]=&due[]=&reported[]=&cat[]=&status[]=open&percent[]=&opened=&dev=&closed=&duedatefrom=&duedateto=&changedfrom=&changedto=&openedfrom=2009-01-10&openedto=&closedfrom=&closedto=&do=index";>10</a></td>
> +        <td><a 
> href="http://bugs.frugalware.org/index.php?string=&project=1&type[]=2&sev[]=&pri[]=&due[]=&reported[]=&cat[]=&status[]=open&percent[]=&opened=&dev=&closed=&duedatefrom=&duedateto=&changedfrom=&changedto=&openedfrom=2009-01-10&openedto=&closedfrom=&closedto=&do=index";>3</a></td>
> +    </tr>
> +    <tr>
> +        <td>Closed since the previous newsletter</td>
> +        <td><a 
> href="http://bugs.frugalware.org/index.php?string=&project=1&type%5B%5D=1&sev%5B%5D=&pri%5B%5D=&due%5B%5D=&reported%5B%5D=&cat%5B%5D=&status%5B%5D=closed&percent%5B%5D=&opened=&dev=&closed=&duedatefrom=&duedateto=&changedfrom=&changedto=&openedfrom=&openedto=&closedfrom=2009-01-10&closedto=&do=index";>30</a></td>
> +        <td><a 
> href="http://bugs.frugalware.org/index.php?string=&project=1&type%5B%5D=2&sev%5B%5D=&pri%5B%5D=&due%5B%5D=&reported%5B%5D=&cat%5B%5D=&status%5B%5D=closed&percent%5B%5D=&opened=&dev=&closed=&duedatefrom=&duedateto=&changedfrom=&changedto=&openedfrom=&openedto=&closedfrom=2009-01-10&closedto=&do=index";>7</a></td>
> +    </tr>
> +    </table>
> +
> +
> +<a name="security"><h2>Security announcements</h2></a>
> +
> +    <p><b>Remember</b> - According to the normal support arrangements for 
> Frugalware, the release of 0.9 ("Solaria") means that no further security or 
> bug fixes will be released for Frugalware 0.8 ("Kalgan") or earlier 
> releases.</p>
> +
> +    <p>Here is a list of <a href="/security">security issues</a> which have 
> been discovered and fixed in the 0.9 release since the previous 
> newsletter.</p>
> +
> +<table border=1 cellpadding=5 
> cellspacing=0><tr></tr><th>FSA</th><th>Package</th><th>FSA 
> Description</th><th>Upgrade 
> To</th></tr><tr><td>FSA575</td><td>openssl</td><td>OpenSSL 0.9.8i and earlier 
> does not properly check the return value from the EVP_VerifyFinal function, 
> which allows remote attackers to bypass validation of the certificate chain 
> via a malformed SSL/TLS signature for DSA and ECDSA 
> keys.</td><td>openssl-0.9.8-15solaria1</td></tr>
> +<tr><td>FSA574</td><td>kernel</td><td>A vulnerability has been reported in 
> the Linux Kernel, which can be exploited by malicious, local users to cause a 
> DoS (Denial of Service)</td><td>kernel-2.6.26-2solaria2</td></tr>
> +<tr><td>FSA573</td><td>mplayer</td><td>Tobias Klein has reported a 
> vulnerability in MPlayer, which potentially can be exploited by malicious 
> people to compromise a user's 
> system</td><td>mplayer-1.0rc2-7solaria2</td></tr>
> +<tr><td>FSA572</td><td>mantis</td><td>This release solves more issues 
> relating to the security fixes introduced by 
> 1.1.3.</td><td>mantis-1.1.5-1solaria1</td></tr>
> +<tr><td>FSA571</td><td>thunderbird</td><td>Some vulnerabilities have been 
> reported in Mozilla Thunderbird, which can be exploited by malicious people 
> to disclose sensitive information, bypass certain security restrictions, or 
> compromise a user's system</td><td>thunderbird-</td></tr>
> +<tr><td>FSA570</td><td>graphviz</td><td>Roee Hay has discovered a 
> vulnerability in Graphviz, which can be exploited by malicious people to 
> compromise a user's system</td><td>graphviz-2.20.3-1solaria1</td></tr>
> +<tr><td>FSA569</td><td>ndiswrapper</td><td>Multiple buffer overflows in the 
> ndiswrapper module 1.53 for the Linux kernel 2.6 allow remote attackers to 
> execute arbitrary code by sending packets over a local wireless network that 
> specify long ESSIDs.</td><td>ndiswrapper-1.53-6solaria2</td></tr>
> +<tr><td>FSA568</td><td>rails</td><td>Some vulnerabilities have been reported 
> in Ruby on Rails, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct SQL 
> injection attacks</td><td>rails-2.1.1-1solaria1</td></tr>
> +<tr><td>FSA567</td><td>drupal6</td><td>A vulnerability has been reported in 
> the Content Translation module for Drupal, which can be exploited by 
> malicious users to bypass certain security 
> restrictions</td><td>drupal6-6.9-1solaria1</td></tr>
> +<tr><td>FSA566</td><td>drupal</td><td>A security issue has been reported in 
> Drupal, which can potentially be exploited by malicious people to conduct SQL 
> injection attacks</td><td>drupal-5.15-1solaria1</td></tr>
> +<tr><td>FSA565</td><td>drupal-i18n</td><td>A vulnerability has been reported 
> in the Internationalization (i18n) Translation module for Drupal, which can 
> be exploited by malicious users to bypass certain security 
> restrictions</td><td>drupal-i18n-5.x_2.5-1solaria1</td></tr>
> +<tr><td>FSA564</td><td>phpmyadmin</td><td>This fixes an SQL injection, see 
> http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/7382 for more 
> info.</td><td>phpmyadmin-</td></tr>
> +</table>
> +
> +
> +<a name="about"><h2>About the newsletter</h2></a>
> +
> +    <h3>Author</h3>
> +        <p>The Frugalware newsletter is written and edited by Russell 
> Dickenson (AKA phayz).  Credit for the Frugalware distribution goes to the 
> development team.</p>
> +    <h3>Translations</h3>
> +        <p>The newsletter is currently translated into French and Danish.  
> The <a 
> href="http://frugalware-fr.tuxfamily.org/forums/index.php?board=34.0";>French 
> translation</a> is provided by the French Frugalware community.  The <a 
> href="http://frugalware.dk/?cat=5";>Danish translation</a> is provided by the 
> Danish Frugalware community.  Thanks to all those involved in providing and 
> hosting these translations.</p>
> +    <h3>Release</h3>
> +        <p>To allow time for review and corrections, each newsletter is 
> written ahead of its release date.  Therefore it may not mention events which 
> occured in the few days before its release - e.g. security fixes.  To be sure 
> that you've got the very latest information on these topics, go to the 
> appropriate page of the Frugalware web site.</p>
> +    <h3>Feedback</h3>
> +        <p>If you have feedback about the Frugalware newsletter - whether 
> good or bad - please provide it via the forums.  Your feedback is valuable 
> because we want the newsletter to meet the needs of Frugalware's users.</p>
> \ No newline at end of file
> diff --git a/frugalware/xml/news.xml b/frugalware/xml/news.xml
> index 225f355..daaf649 100644
> --- a/frugalware/xml/news.xml
> +++ b/frugalware/xml/news.xml
> @@ -22,6 +22,25 @@ Example: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 12:34:56 -0600 -->
> <news>
> <post>
> +        <id>124</id>
> +        <title>Frugalware Newsletter Issue 38</title>
> +        <date>Wed, 28 Jan 2009 12:00:45 +1000</date>
> +        <author>phayz</author>
> +        <hidden>0</hidden>
> +        <content><![CDATA[
> +            The newsletter's aim is to keep you up to date with what's 
> happened recently in the world of Frugalware.<br />
> +            Features of this issue include:
> +            <ul>
> +                <li>Frugalware 1.0 pre2 is released</li>
> +                <li>Elentir's officially a developer!</li>
> +                <li>Frugalware's users are people too - juky</li>
> +                <li>Focus On Package(s) - dkopp</li>
> +                 </ul>
> +            You can read it <a href="/newsletter/38">here</a>. We hope you 
> like it!
> +            ]]>
> +        </content>
> +    </post>
> +    <post>
> <id>123</id>
> <title>Frugalware 1.0pre2 (Anacreon) released</title>
> <date>Tue, 13 Jan 2009 06:52:36 +0100</date>
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