
commit b10263827855fe6e8ebcbda7cbca288d3ef85cfc
Author: Russell Dickenson (phayz) <>
Date:   Thu Feb 4 22:56:47 2010 +1000

Newsletter issue 57

* initial release

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+  <h2>Frugalware Linux Newsletter - Issue 57</h2>
+  <h2> entertain</h2>
+  <p>"The number of people watching you is directly proportional to the
+  stupidity of your action."</p>
+  <h2>Welcome</h2>
+  <p>The newsletter's aim is to keep you up to date with what's happened
+  recently in the world of the Linux distribution 'Frugalware'.</p>
+  <p>Features of this issue include:</p>
+  <ul>
+    <li>Farewell to Jercel</li>
+    <li>Crazy's back</li>
+    <li>I am missing "you"...</li>
+    <li>Getting To Know You - Patches</li>
+    <li>FLOSS developers are people too - Jeff Bailes</li>
+  </ul>
+  <h2>Events</h2>
+  <p>Here's a selection of events which have occurred since the previous
+  newsletter:</p>
+  <ul>
+    <li>
+      <h3>From Last to Libre</h3>
+      <p> is a web-based service which analyses what music you play and
+      suggests music which you also might like. Until recently it was very
+      popular, including within the FLOSS community, because the service cost
+      nothing to use. However, some people were concerned about the fact that
+      it wasn't a FLOSS service, also privacy protection. announced a
+      few months ago that it would begin charging users outside the USA, UK and
+      Germany for streaming media. This change was something which many people
+      could not accept.</p>
+      <p>In response to's changes, Matt Lee, of the Free Software
+      Foundation (FSF) began a new, similar service named The name
+      represents the fact that it's truly free, with no cost to users and being
+      licenced under the Affero GPL (AGPL). This is a quite new licence aimed
+      at web-based services which collect and store data from its users. The
+      AGPL ensures not only that the code to the service's software is free,
+      but also that each user's content is available to them, to take
+      elsewhere. This is something that most people don't consider until they
+      want to move to a different service and realise too late that they're
+      "locked in" to a service provider.</p>
+      <p>"How does this relate to Frugalware?" I can hear you ask. Frugalware
+      has a group on the web-based service, which allows users to
+      submit data about the music they listen to via their media player. The
+      idea is to allow members of the Frugalware group to know what music
+      others in the group are playing. If you play music while on your PC,
+      please join the Frugalware community on</p>
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <h3>Farewell to Jercel</h3>
+      <p>On 12 December 2009, Frugalware developer Jercel announced his
+      departure from the team in a message to the developers' mailing list.
+      He's leaving for professional reasons, as his current job, together with
+      his other commitments, doesn't leave him enough time to work on
+      Frugalware. We will miss him because over the 7 months he was a
+      developer, he made made an excellent contribution. Of course we wish him
+      well for the future.</p>
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <h3>Crazy's back</h3>
+      <p>After recuperating in hospital for a while, Frugalware developer Crazy
+      has returned, already busy bumping packages. Aside from the large amount
+      of work that Crazy does, you have to admire him for his often
+      entertaining commit messages, such as:</p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>* damn , forgot the patch :|</li>
+        <li>* arghhhhh<br>
+        * that was meant as taglib-extra's' which is already there may</li>
+        <li>* Ohh lol die here #Fdie -&gt; Fdie ;)<br>
+        * I don't think it was meant like this</li>
+      </ul>
+      <p>Thankyou Crazy, for helping to make reading the developers' mailing
+      list fun. :)</p>
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <h3>KDE 4 is here!</h3>
+      <p>In newsletter issue 50 it was announced that KDE 4 was being packaged.
+      This was a major piece of work, because KDE 4 was a complete redesign and
+      a LOT changed between version 3.5 and 4. Thanks to Dex77, Hermier,
+      Exceed, Crazy and Vmiklos, KDE 4 is now available in the 'current'
+      repository for everyone to install and enjoy. Even if you don't use it
+      now, why not try it out? You never know, you just might switch to it once
+      you've tried it.</p>
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <h3>I am missing "you"...</h3>
+      <p>Each Frugalware newsletter issue starts life as an empty HTML
+      skeleton, with each piece fitted into place as it is written. One
+      unfortunate result of this method is that if there is an error in the
+      template, that error is copied into each issue. This happened early in
+      the life of the newsletter, and I only found the error recently. In the
+      text which asks readers to contribute hints and tips, the word "you" was
+      missing. A search revealed the error in 45 issues, almost the complete
+      catalogue of newsletters! They were all fixed quickly, though, thanks to
+      'sed'. For someone like me, who takes care that spelling and grammar is
+      correct, it was very embarrassing.</p>
+      <p>I <strong>hope</strong> that this is the last of any such errors, but
+      I need your help. If yoo doo find airnee erruz in thee newzletta, pleaze
+      tell mee. :P</p>
+    </li>
+  </ul>
+  <h2>Getting To Know You</h2>
+  <p>In this section of the newsletter, we get to know Frugalware Linux a
+  little at a time. This is not meant to replace the official documentation but
+  instead make it easier to read. This should suit those people who, like me,
+  have short attention spans. :)</p>
+  <h3>Patches</h3>
+  <p>Patches are often applied to the original source code of applications by
+  Linux distributors. The reasons for applying patches vary but the main reason
+  is to have the application behave according to the distribution's wishes.
+  Frugalware's policy is to maintain and apply as few patches as possible, for
+  the following reasons:</p>
+  <h4>Maintenance effort</h4>
+  <p>Every patch has to be maintained by the Frugalware development team. When
+  a package is upgraded, the package's maintainer must check if all its patches
+  (if any) are still relevant. If they're no longer relevant then they can be
+  deleted. This process is manual and can take a long time, depending on the
+  number and complexity of the patches. In summary, all this time spent
+  maintaining patches could be better spent on other activities.</p>
+  <h4>Respect for developers</h4>
+  <p>A patch is applied to a package's original source code to change its
+  behaviour from what the original developer(s) intended. Frugalware's policy
+  is to first try to have patches accepted by the original developer(s). This
+  means that (1) the original developer(s) accepts the change as being valid,
+  and (2) it avoids the cost of having the Frugalware development team maintain
+  the patch. If a patch is refused by the original developer(s) then it's not
+  likely to be maintained by the Frugalware development team.</p>
+  <h4>Troubleshooting</h4>
+  <p>Applying patches to a package's original source makes troubleshooting more
+  difficult for everyone involved. When a problem occurs, someone has to find
+  out if it's caused by any of the package's patches. If the answer is "No',
+  then the bug can be reported upstream. If the answer is "Yes", then it's the
+  responsibility of the distribution to fix the problem. This extra step in
+  troubleshooting complicates the process and adds to the workload of the
+  distribution's developers.</p>
+  <p>A design principle which Frugalware borrowed from Slackware is simplicity
+  and since patches go against this principle, they're used only when
+  absolutely necessary.</p>
+  <h2>FLOSS developers are people too</h2>
+  <p>Without developers, we wouldn't have the Linux kernel and all the software
+  that we run on the platform. What motivates FLOSS developers? Why does anyone
+  choose to spend their time writing software when they don't get paid to do
+  so? What do developers do when they're not writing software? These questions
+  and more are the inspiration behind this new section of the newsletter.</p>
+  <p>In interviews with FLOSS developers, we get to know them a little better
+  as people, and what motivates them in their quest for better software. I'm
+  very excited by this new series because I admire their work very much. I'm
+  also very grateful to them for taking the time to reply to my requests.</p>
+  <p>Interviews in the next few issues will feature:</p>
+  <ul>
+    <li>The developer of Code Browser;</li>
+    <li>Ali Abdallah - Xfce developer &amp; Parole developer;</li>
+    <li>Jesse van den Kieboom - gedit developer.</li>
+  </ul>
+  <p>This issue, we have an interview with Jeff Bailes - developer of Whaaw!, a
+  GStreamer-based media player.</p>
+  <dl>
+    <dt><strong>What's your name?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>Jeff Bailes</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>What FLOSS projects are you involved in?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>I'm the main developer for 'Whaaw! Media Player' (whaawmp for short).
+      I also do the en_GB translations for Xfce and various other projects.</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>What led to you being a FLOSS
+    developer/contributor?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>I had been using Linux and free software for a while, was interested
+      in programming and I wanted to give something back to the community.
+      (That and I was sick of putting up with 'color' popping up everywhere). I
+      looked around a bit and found that there was a lack of a GStreamer based
+      GTK+ media player without GNOME dependencies (ie Totem for Xfce). I
+      created an initial version and thought others might like it too so I
+      registered it on Google Code, later moving it to its current home on
+      GNA.</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>What do you like about being a FLOSS
+    developer/contributor?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>Writing code that other people will use and (hopefully) find useful
+      and, if they want, can change the program to their liking.</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>What don't you like about being a FLOSS
+    developer/contributor?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>Not a whole lot, the main thing I suppose is feeling bad for not doing
+      any coding for months on end.</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>What motivates you to work on your project(s)?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>Mainly wanting new features I'd like to see in a media player I use.
+      The recent addition of DVD Menu support was fun, albeit the amount of
+      code I ended up needing to add was rather disappointing compared with how
+      much time I spent on it.</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>What do you do outside the FLOSS world?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>I'm currently in my third year of a Bachelor of Science degree at the
+      University of Melbourne, majoring in Pure Mathematics. My final exams are
+      just under two weeks away, so expect at least some increase in
+      development after that's done. Though I'm planning on doing a Masters
+      degree next year so that increase may be short lived. I also do a bit of
+      work at the local supermarket when I have time.</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>What operating system(s) do you use and why?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>I've used Arch Linux for the last three years. I use it over Ubuntu
+      and others because I like its rolling release system, simple updating,
+      simple configuration and almost any package I would ever want is in the
+      AUR (and no annoying -dev packages). I'm sure there's some reason I chose
+      it over Frugalware but I can't for the life of me remember why.</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>If people are interested in helping your project(s), how might
+    they do this?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>I'd say come and visit me in #whaawmp on OFTC, but I don't go there
+      nearly as often as I'd like, though if you did you'd probably run into
+      Mark__T who helps out a bit as well. Your best bet is to send an e-mail
+      to the mailing list (the link is somewhere on the GNA project page).</p>
+    </dd>
+  </dl>
+  <h2>New Packages</h2>
+  <p>In this new section of the newsletter I'll highlight some new packages
+  which have been added since the previous issue.</p>
+  <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
+    <tr>
+      <th width="10%">Package's Name</th>
+      <th width="60%">Description</th>
+      <th width="20%">Maintainer</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>shotwell-0.4.1-1</td>
+      <td>Shotwell is an open source photo organizer designed for the GNOME
+      desktop environment.</td>
+      <td>devil505</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>pino-0.1.0-1</td>
+      <td>Pino is a Twitter client for the Linux desktop. It's simple and
+      fast.</td>
+      <td>devil505</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>moonlight-2.0-1</td>
+      <td>Moonlight is an open source implementation of Microsoft Silverlight
+      for Unix systems.</td>
+      <td>bouleetbil</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>postr-0.12.4-1</td>
+      <td>Flickr Uploader</td>
+      <td>bouleetbil</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>wired-0.7.0-1</td>
+      <td>Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer written in C++ with the Qt4
+      framework</td>
+      <td>exceed (with help from elentir)</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>connman-0.47-1</td>
+      <td>open source connection manager</td>
+      <td>bouleetbil</td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <h2>Tips and tricks</h2>
+  <p><b>Disclaimer</b> - Be aware that the hints &amp; tips provided here have
+  NOT been tested and so come with no warranty.</p>
+  <h3>Portable pacman-g2 cache</h3>
+  <p>When pacman-g2 downloads a package, it is stored in pacman-g2's package
+  cache folder - /var/cache/pacman-g2/pkg by default. If you maintain several
+  computers running Frugalware, a portable pacman-g2 cache can reduce the time
+  required to download packages. To use a portable cache, edit pacman-g2's
+  configuration file (/etc/pacman-g2.conf) on each PC or server with which you
+  want to share the portable cache, adding the following line:</p>
+  <pre>
+        CacheDir = [path_to_removable_media_directory]
+  <p>Before you issue pacman-g2 commands, you simply insert (and mount, if it
+  is not automatically mounted) the removable media. Just as normal, if
+  pacman-g2 can't find the package in its cache, it will be downloaded and put
+  into the cache. If you then need the same package on another PC, it will not
+  be downloaded because it's already in pacman-g2's cache. This method saves
+  disk space and time downloading the same packages on multiple
+  PCs/servers.</p>
+  <p><strong>Note:</strong>If you use this method, please be careful in using
+  the command "pacman-g2 -Sc", which deletes old versions of packages. If you
+  are maintaining PCs or servers with different repositories, you might delete
+  packages from the removable media which you had wanted to keep.</p>
+  <p>This section relies on your contributions! If you have some tips and
+  tricks that you would like to be shown in the newsletter, <em>please</em>
+  post them on the forums.</p>
+  <h2>Focus On Package(s)</h2>
+  <h3>Chromium B.S.U. (the game)</h3>
+  <p>As quoted on the home page, "Chromium B.S.U. is a fast paced,
+  arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter." When you run this game, the first
+  things you notice are the excellent graphics, sound and music (unless you
+  have sound muted :P). A lot of work has gone into the game's artwork,
+  including backgrounds, ships and other items (powerup bonuses etc). The
+  controls are quite easy to learn and use, so you don't need to be an expert
+  games player. Since you have a view of the action from the top, not a
+  first-person view, it's easy to keep an eye on all the action. That doesn't
+  mean that it's an easy game, because your enemies will do their best to blast
+  you into oblivion!</p>
+  <p>If you have ever dreamed of living in a 2D universe, making a living as a
+  space pilot (be honest, we have all had that dream), then you
+  <strong>must</strong> play Chromium B.S.U. If you take up the challenge, may
+  all your moves be quick, and may your keyboard be strong. Good
+  luck!</p>
+  <p><a href=
+    "Screenshot of Chromium B.S.U."></a></p>
+  <h3>Chromium (the web browser)</h3>
+  <p>As everyone in the world of technology knows, "<a href=
+  "";>Chromium</a> is the open-source project
+  behind Google Chrome." Google's aims with Chromium/Chrome are to produce a
+  browser which is: secure, fast, reliable and standards compliant. Firefox has
+  long been the favourite web browser in the FLOSS world, partly because of the
+  quantity and quality of extensions available for it. Chrome/Chromium also has
+  extensions available, but since this is a relatively new feature, there are
+  not nearly as many available as for Firefox. Take the time to try Chromium
+  and judge for yourself whether or not it's a better browser.</p>
+  <h2>Bug fixes</h2>
+  <p>The following table gives you a overview of activity on bugs and feature
+  requests as at 4 February 2010. In each cell of the table is a link to a
+  detailed list of the relevant bugs or feature requests.</p>
+  <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
+    <tr>
+      <th>Activity</th>
+      <th>Bugs</th>
+      <th>Feature<br>
+      Requests</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>Open</td>
+      <td><a href=
+      163</a></td>
+      <td><a href=
+      196</a></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>Opened since the previous newsletter</td>
+      <td><a href=
+      22</a></td>
+      <td><a href=
+      9</a></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>Closed since the previous newsletter</td>
+      <td><a href=
+      37</a></td>
+      <td><a href=
+      20</a></td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <h2>Security announcements</h2>
+  <p><b>Remember</b> - According to the normal
+  support arrangements for Frugalware, the release of 1.1 ("Getorin") means
+  that no further security or bug fixes will be released for Frugalware 1.0
+  ("Anacreon") or earlier releases.</p>
+  <p>Here is a list of <a href="/security">security issues</a> which have been
+  discovered and fixed in the 1.1 release since the previous newsletter.</p>
+  <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
+    <tr>
+      <th>FSA</th>
+      <th>Package</th>
+      <th>FSA Description</th>
+      <th>Upgrade To</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>FSA625</td>
+      <td>kernel</td>
+      <td>This fixes a vulnerability, which potentially can be exploited by
+      malicious people to cause a DoS (immediate OOPS and hang, complete loss
+      of response, even of console)</td>
+      <td>kernel-2.6.30-4getorin1</td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <h2>About the newsletter</h2>
+  <h3>Author</h3>
+  <p>The Frugalware newsletter is written and edited by Russell Dickenson (AKA
+  phayz). Credit for the Frugalware distribution goes to the development
+  team.</p>
+  <h3>Translations</h3>
+  <p>The newsletter is currently translated into <a href=
+  "";>French</a> and <a href=
+  "";>Danish</a> by their respective communities.
+  Thanks to all those involved in providing and hosting these translations.</p>
+  <h3>Release</h3>
+  <p>To allow time for review and corrections, each newsletter is written ahead
+  of its release date. Therefore it may not mention events which occurred in
+  the few days before its release - e.g. security fixes. To be sure that you've
+  got the very latest information on these topics, go to the appropriate page
+  of the Frugalware web site.</p>
+  <h3>Feedback</h3>
+  <p>If you have feedback about the Frugalware newsletter - whether good or bad
+  - please provide it via the forums. Your feedback is valuable because we want
+  the newsletter to meet the needs of Frugalware's users.</p>
diff --git a/frugalware/xml/news.xml b/frugalware/xml/news.xml
index 0b48551..4678d04 100644
--- a/frugalware/xml/news.xml
+++ b/frugalware/xml/news.xml
@@ -22,6 +22,26 @@ Example: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 12:34:56 -0600 -->

+        <id>159</id>
+        <title>Frugalware Newsletter Issue 57</title>
+        <date>Thu, 04 Feb 2010 22:54:40 +1000</date>
+        <author>phayz</author>
+        <hidden>0</hidden>
+        <content><![CDATA[
+            The newsletter's aim is to keep you up to date with what's 
happened recently in the world of Frugalware.<br />
+            Features of this issue include:
+            <ul>
+                   <li>Farewell to Jercel</li>
+                   <li>Crazy's back</li>
+                   <li>I am missing "you"...</li>
+                   <li>Getting To Know You - Patches</li>
+                   <li>FLOSS developers are people too - Jeff Bailes</li>
+            </ul>
+            You can read it <a href="/newsletter/57">here</a>. We hope you 
like it!
+            ]]>
+        </content>
+    </post>
+    <post>
<title>Frugalware Newsletter Issue 56</title>
<date>Fri, 22 Jan 2010 22:15:17 +1000</date>
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