
commit 05947902cd9b7d4d2fcddd6ab839cc227bb2ff36
Author: Devil505 <>
Date:   Mon Feb 15 20:20:48 2010 +0100

* new package

diff --git a/source/gnome-extra/gnome-theme-orange/FrugalBuild 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69fccae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/gnome-extra/gnome-theme-orange/FrugalBuild
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Compiling Time: 0.03 SBU
+# Maintainer: Devil505 <>
+pkgdesc="Orange theme for Gnome."
+archs=('i686' 'x86_64')
+up2date="elinks -dump '' | 
Flasttar | sed 's/.karmic.ppa2+nmu1//g'"
+               "logo-fw64.svg" \
+               "logo-fw48.svg" \
+               "logo-fw32.svg" \
+               "logo-fw24.svg" \
+               "logo-fw22.svg" \
+               "logo-fw16.svg" \
+               "orange.patch")
+sha1sums=('d806208e42234eb8987342e3577032cfe19917e8' \
+          'b5098c2f79a40307b644d221a0d99eb6f0740dda' \
+          '2388a17d2b88b8b09120575662cb23ddbd7272ce' \
+          '60baeca148deed862daebe737f604c681fc23874' \
+          '0a17e361c17e52a2731a3248eed6e17e744397bc' \
+          '3af0e18a839a38feabac8185c3c79df689adb3a8' \
+          '996186e9f45c6ae7b128bfcac5b91d8198aa6f64' \
+          'b29e2d65a6cca8ea6e3629966444ddb5267d6112')
+build() {
+       Fcd "orange_karmic"
+       Fmkdir 
+       tar -xzf Gtk/orange.tar.gz -C Gtk/ || Fdie
+       #Icons theme
+       tar -xjf Icons/humanity.tar.bz2 -C Icons/ || Fdie
+       # fix some bad file permissions
+       find Icons/ -type f -exec chmod -R 644 {} \;
+       local _w=""
+       for _w in {64,48,32,24,22,16}; do
+               install -D -m644 $Fsrcdir/logo-fw$_w.svg 
+               install -D -m644 $Fsrcdir/logo-fw$_w.svg 
+               install -D -m644 $Fsrcdir/logo-fw$_w.svg 
+               install -D -m644 $Fsrcdir/logo-fw$_w.svg 
+       done
+       #Emerald theme
+       mkdir Emerald/orange || Fdie
+       tar -xzf Emerald/orange.emerald -C Emerald/orange || Fdie
+       # install files
+       Fpatchall
+       Fcprel Gtk/orange/ usr/share/themes/
+       Fcprel Icons/humanity/ usr/share/icons
+       Finstallrel 644 Wallpaper/orange.jpg 
+       Finstallrel 644 Wallpaper/orange-wallpaper.xml 
+       Fcprel Emerald/orange usr/share/emerald/themes/
diff --git a/source/gnome-extra/gnome-theme-orange/logo-fw16.svg 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbd3980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/gnome-extra/gnome-theme-orange/logo-fw16.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
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+ [X-GNOME-Metatheme]
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