
commit 1ddfaeaed57b7b1197477c34f14a6db1109e0b08
Author: Russell Dickenson (phayz) <>
Date:   Tue Feb 23 22:26:02 2010 +1000

Newsletter issue 58

* initial release

new file:   issue58.html

diff --git a/frugalware/weeklynews/issue58.html 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c3c705
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+++ b/frugalware/weeklynews/issue58.html
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+  <h2>Frugalware Linux Newsletter - Issue 58</h2>
+  <h2> entertain</h2>
+  <p>"If you want to travel around the world  and be invited to speak at a lot 
of different places, just write a Unix operating system."&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>Linus 
+  <h2>Welcome</h2>
+  <p>The newsletter's aim is to keep you up to date with what's happened
+  recently in the world of the Linux distribution 'Frugalware'.</p>
+  <p>Features of this issue include:</p>
+  <ul>
+    <li>Frugalware's greatest hits</li>
+    <li>Frugalware's artists are people too - WebEagle</li>
+    <li>FLOSS developers are people too</li>
+    <li></li>
+    <li>Focus On Package(s) - Droid fonts set</li>
+    <li></li>
+  </ul>
+  <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> There is no "Getting To Know You" section in this
+  issue. I am not sure when this section will return, or if in fact it will
+  return. For the moment, I have explained all that I think is suitable for the
+  newsletter. If you would like to see this series continue, please post a
+  message in the forum.</p>
+  <h2><img src=""; align=
+  "left">Events</h2>
+  <p>Here's a selection of events which have occurred since the previous
+  newsletter:</p>
+  <ul>
+    <li>
+      <h3>Frugalware 1.2pre2 has been released</h3>
+      <p>On 22 February 2010, VMiklos announced the release of Frugalware 1.2
+      pre2. This is the second in the series of pre-releases for 1.2 - codename
+      'Locris'. It already features some significant improvements over 1.1,
+      including:</p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>Linux kernel</li>
+        <li> 3.2.0</li>
+        <li>KDE 4.3.5</li>
+        <li>Mozilla Firefox 3.6</li>
+        <li>Thunderbird 3.0.1</li>
+      </ul>
+      <p>As with every release, if you have the required bandwidth and time
+      available, <em>please</em> download and test this release. The more bugs
+      that are found now, the better quality will be the final release. If you
+      want to know the schedule for 1.2, refer to the <a href=
+      "";>roadmap</a> page.</p>
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <h3>Curses! It's pacman-g2!</h3>
+      <p>Frugalware developer ryuo is considering writing an ncurses-based
+      interface to pacman-g2. For those that don't know, ncurses interfaces
+      have many of the features of GUI interfaces: windows, checkboxes, radio
+      buttons etc, but these are in a terminal. The aim would be to produce an
+      application which made it easier to manage packages, for those who don't
+      run XWindows or don't like GUIs. If you are interested in this being
+      developed, please mention in the forum. Please understand that ryuo is
+      seeking votes for or against this idea. Even if there are many votes of
+      "Yes", there is no guarantee that it will be developed.</p>
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <h3>Fwife 0.6 released</h3>
+      <p>On his blog, Frugalware developer Elentir <a href=
+      "";>announced</a> the release
+      of Fwife 0.6, a GUI installer for Frugalware. Since starting on the
+      project about 12 months ago, Elentir has made great progress. So that
+      users can test this release, he has created ISOs for both i686 and x86_64
+      architectures. You don't have to use a physical PC to do the testing,
+      since you can use software like QEMU and VirtualBox to create a virtual
+      environment. If you have some time available, <em>please</em> do help
+      because it's best if Fwife is tested on as many PC hardware combinations
+      as possible.</p>
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <h3>Beautiful Bisigi</h3>
+      <p>The <a href="";>Bisigi</a>
+      project has been mentioned in the newsletter before, and its aim is to
+      produce attractive, consistent themes for the GNOME desktop. They were
+      created primarily for Ubuntu, but they look equally good on a Frugalware
+      desktop (providing logos are changed :) ). Devil505 recently adapted them
+      for Frugalware and packaged them for installation via pacman-g2. If you
+      are running GNOME and/or GTK-based applications, try the Bisigi themes
+      because they are quite beautiful.</p>
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <h3>"And the award for the best book goes to..."</h3>
+      <p>I recently downloaded and began reading the "<a href=
+      "";>Git community book</a>", which was created from
+      content submitted by the community of Git's users. In the first few pages
+      is a list of people thanked for their help with the book. I was excited
+      and surprised to see, amongst names such as Linus Torvald, the name
+      Miklos Vajna. Whatever you did for the book, well done VMiklos! Now I
+      need to read the rest...</p>
+    </li>
+    <li>
+      <h3>Frugalware's greatest hits</h3>
+      <p>Amongst the Frugalware team are several talented musicians and to
+      celebrate Frugalware's 5th birthday, they have collaborated in making a
+      CD titled "Frugalware's Gonna Git Ya". The team's goal was to create an
+      emotional tribute to the Linux distribution that they work so hard to
+      maintain and improve. Every song was chosen because its title meant
+      something to its author. Although the song titles themselves are of very
+      popular songs (in some part of the world), the lyrics are entirely
+      original. WebEagle provided the use of his home studio for the entire
+      process of recording, mixing, editing and mastering of each track.</p>
+      <p>So far public reviews have been very positive, with the reviewer in
+      Stone Rolling magazine quoted as saying "Every track on the CD made me so
+      emotional that I had to leave the room and couldn't return for a long
+      time." All tracks are available under a Creative Commons, Share-alike
+      licence, so please download them and share them with your friends and
+      family. A new album is already planned, with the working title
+      "Frugalware's Greatest Hits".</p>
+      <dl>
+        <dt><strong>"Honey Honey" (Original artist - ABBA)</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>This song is dedicated to that amazing creature - the honey bee.
+          This amazing creature collects pollen from flowers and in turn
+          produces a very nutritious food. On this track Carl Anderson (AKA
+          beecarl) gives an emotional performance about the honey bee and what
+          this creature means to him.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>C'Mon Wit Da Git Down (Original artist -
+        Artifacts)</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>Frugalware has used the git version control system for several
+          years now. Its features have allowed us to focus on our goals,
+          instead of having to worry about the version control system itself.
+          The title of this song could be translated to "If you want to join
+          the development team, first download git." All of Frugalware's
+          development team sing on this track, since they all use and love
+          git.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>Git Bizzy (Original artist - Big Daddy Kane)</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>In this song we are all encouraged to use git in our daily lives,
+          or "git bizzy", as the title says. Crazy sings the lead vocals on
+          this track. If you listen closely, you may be able to hear some of
+          Crazy's actual commit messages amongst the lyrics.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>I Want You Back (Original artist - The Jackson
+        5)</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>This song is for everyone who has ever cried after accidentally
+          deleting an important file/partition. At the moment you clicked the
+          mouse button, or pressed the wrong key, you experience many emotions,
+          including rage, regret and sorrow. Don't be surprised if you find a
+          few tears come to your eyes as you listen to this track. The entire
+          development team sings, since everyone has been affected by this
+          tragedy at some time in their lives.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>If You Don't Know Me By Now (Original artist - Simply
+        Red)</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>Let's be honest - geeks don't like to read documentation. Instead
+          they will try everything, before they finally give in and read the
+          manual. The full title of this track is "If You Don't Know Me By Now,
+          RTFM" but censorship rules required that the "RTFM" be removed from
+          the title. VMiklos is the lead singer on this track, with other
+          developers humming along.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>"We Are The World" (Original artist -
+        Various)</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>Frugalware developers, contributors and artists live in many
+          countries. Cooperating in developing and improving Frugalware is a
+          great example of people making the world a better place. Each member
+          of the team takes a turn to sing part of this song, with everyone
+          singing on the chorus.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>Pacman (original artist - Weird Al Yankovich)</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>Pacman(-g2) is such an important part of Frugalware that it simply
+          <strong>had</strong> to have an entire track dedicated to it. VMiklos
+          gives an incredible, emotional performance.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>Jump (original artist - Van Halen)</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>On this track WebEagle sings about his career, which has involved
+          a lot of jumping out planes (with a parachute attached). In the time
+          between jumping out of the plane and landing on the ground, he plans
+          new artwork for Frugalware. If he is at work in the office and his
+          boss says "Jump", WebEagle's only question is "From how high?"</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>Secure Yourself (original artist - Indigo
+        Girls)</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>In the modern world of technology, there are threats all around
+          us. To help every Frugalware user improve the security of their PC or
+          server, voroskoi sings about security hints and tips.</p>
+        </dd>
+      </dl>
+    </li>
+  </ul>
+  <h2><img src=""; align=
+  "left">Frugalware's artists are people too</h2>
+  <p>This is the latest series of interviews with members of the Frugalware
+  artwork team. Their role is to create artwork which can be used various
+  aspects of Frugalware to make it look good. It's not as easy as it sounds,
+  with monitors of different dimensions and the various applications which can
+  be themed having different methods of themeing.</p>
+  <p>This issue's interview is with WebEagle, so please read on...</p>
+  <dl>
+    <dt><strong>What's your name?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>My name is Tristan Jouët.</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>What's your IRC/forum nickname?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>my nickname is WebEagle and I am often on the French channel (on
+      Freenode).</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>In what country do you live?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>I live in Paris (France).</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>In what country were you born?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>I was born of course in France.</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>Have you always been artistic?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>I am an officer in the paratroopers in the French Army, but I have
+      loved everything related to art since I was little... I like to draw from
+      time to time but that is not really my passion. I have begun doing
+      web-site design but it's hard to begin it with free software (I know I
+      only need to use a text editor but that's a little bit boring).</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>Do you create artwork in other forms - sculpture, painting
+    etc?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>I play airsoft (I know, I love action) so I love customizing (by
+      painting) my replicas. I play music too (synthesizer). I love electro
+      music and free music (I will also soon publish singles on Jamendo).</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>What operating system(s) do you use when creating
+    artwork?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>I discovered Frugalware 4 months ago , by a post (I don't remember
+      where) of Devil505 and I fell under the spell of this very responsive
+      distribution with a great community.</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>What software do you use to create artwork?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>I only use a tablet, Gimp, and Agave to create this artwork, and of
+      course on Frugalware . I did it just for fun, no stress ... Through this
+      I met many very nice people like Devil505 , Lenezir , Centuri0 , Mckey
+      and other super guys.</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt><strong>How do you think Frugalware's artwork might be
+    improved?</strong></dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>I think Frugalware's artwork might be improved by a larger number of
+      artists because there are only three of us and all are French, so that's
+      not really funny. But Frugalware is not really famous, its installer is
+      full of bugs and not very attractive, but I know the team works hard to
+      arrange it all. I hope this artwork will make people want to create the
+      next release's artwork and to test Locris. I hope that Locris will be
+      really great ... maybe that soon you will see me as a packager ;) .</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dd>
+      <h2><img src="";
+      align="left">FLOSS developers are people too</h2>
+      <p>Without developers, we wouldn't have the Linux kernel and all the
+      software that we run on the platform. What motivates FLOSS developers?
+      Why does anyone choose to spend their time writing software when they
+      don't get paid to do so? What do developers do when they're not writing
+      software? These questions and more are the inspiration behind this new
+      section of the newsletter.</p>
+      <p>In interviews with FLOSS developers, we get to know them a little
+      better as people, and what motivates them in their quest for better
+      software. I'm very excited by this new series because I admire their work
+      very much. I'm also very grateful to them for taking the time to reply to
+      my requests.</p>
+      <p>Interviews in the next few issues will feature:</p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>The developer of Code Browser;</li>
+        <li>David Siegel - Gnome Do developer;</li>
+        <li>Jesse van den Kieboom - gedit developer.</li>
+      </ul>
+      <p>This issue, we have an interview with Ali Abdallah - Xfce and Parole
+      developer</p>
+      <dl>
+        <dt><strong>What's your name?</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>Ali Abdallah</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>What FLOSS projects are you involved in?</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>The Xfce Goodies Project, which includes additional software for
+          Xfce to make this desktop environment more complete. I developed a
+          power manager and currently I'm developing a media player called
+          Parole, with plans for more projects.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>What led to you being a FLOSS
+        developer/contributor?</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>I was having fun building my own packages from scratch to get a
+          functional system. I knew Xfce by coincidence from a forum, got its
+          source code and started building it. Without too much pain and
+          external dependencies, I quickly got a fast, simple and usable
+          desktop environment. At that moment also I was reading a book about
+          Gtk+. Having the book and the Xfce code as perfect examples in front
+          of me was a big motivation to start learning real world programming,
+          so I started by writing my own battery plug-in for the Xfce panel.
+          Shortly after that I started to work on a power manager for Xfce,
+          since it didn't have one. I sent my work to the Xfce mailing list and
+          they were very kind to encourage me to continue.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>What do you like about being a FLOSS
+        developer/contributor?</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>Freedom and knowledge sharing, the thing that when you work on a
+          project and you publish the results including the source code is a
+          major point. Just like Math when you work on a theory and you publish
+          your work so other people can contribute and continue its
+          improvements. This is the case in Math and FLOSS, but unfortunately
+          it is not in computer science. FLOSS is a very big source of
+          information. When I work on a project for Xfce I already have many
+          working examples to learn from, to get their source, modify it if
+          needed and publish the modifications.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>What don't you like about being a FLOSS
+        developer/contributor?</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>Too much freedom probably. Let me explain, it is not about FLOSS
+          itself, but it is about two issues that I face all the time as a
+          FLOSS developer, contributor and user. First, the relationship
+          between the developer and the end users is sometimes horrible. A
+          simple search on a bug tracker system of a FLOSS project will most
+          probably reveal sentences like, "you don't pay me", "it is working
+          for me, if you have a problem with it fix it yourself", "don't waste
+          my time" and so on... In addition you will see important bug reports
+          that are lingering forever, fortunately this is not the case in Xfce.
+          Honestly I'm not saying that because I work for this project, but I
+          face this problem myself almost everywhere.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dd>
+          <p>Second the developers of FLOSS feel that they have too much
+          freedom to completely re-write their projects. Things get complicated
+          when these projects are important services and libraries. If there is
+          an API change it makes life harder, specially for desktop developers,
+          to keep their project compatible with these changes. But I have to
+          say this is reduced a lot these days, and now i feel that there is a
+          clear strategy on how things should go.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>What motivates you to work on your
+        project(s)?</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>The same motivation that motivates me to work on Math, drink
+          alcohol have sex and other things that I like, the pleasure.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>What do you do outside the FLOSS world?</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>Professionally, I work for the the European Organization for
+          Nuclear Research - CERN, as a programmer. Aside from that, as I'm
+          mathematician by the way, I'm interested in mathematics and
+          fundamentals, especially logic, and i work in my free time on these
+          topics.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>What operating system(s) do you use and why?</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>I use Linux, on my laptop and my home server, because I have the
+          possibility to study it and at any time I can modify a part of it to
+          fit my needs. Of course this is possible on other operating systems
+          but I use Linux because in the last three years Linux gained good
+          hardware support compared to other operating systems. In addition a
+          lot of FLOSS projects are developed and tested under Linux.</p>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><strong>If people are interested in helping your project(s), how
+        might they do this?</strong></dt>
+        <dd>
+          <p>Probably in my projects I need people to translate into their own
+          native language and to test of course. In Xfce we are in need of
+          people, there are a lot of things to do, for very few people. It is a
+          pleasure for everybody in Xfce to see people wanting to contribute to
+          this nice project.</p>
+        </dd>
+      </dl>
+      <h2>Getting To Know You</h2>
+      <p>In this section of the newsletter, we get to know Frugalware Linux a
+      little at a time. This is not meant to replace the official documentation
+      but instead make it easier to read. This should suit those those people
+      who, like me, have short attention spans. :)</p>
+      <h2><img src=""; align=
+      "left">Tips and tricks</h2>
+      <p><b>Disclaimer</b> - Be aware that the hints &amp; tips provided here
+      have NOT been tested and so come with no warranty.</p>
+      <h3>Configuring font settings without a desktop environment - ryuo</h3>
+      <p>Configuring the appearance of your desktop is easy if you are using a
+      desktop environment such as GNOME, KDE, Xfce etc. But how do you
+      configure these options if you are <em>not</em> using</p>a desktop
+      environment? This question has been answered by Frugalware developer
+      ryuo.
+      <p>There are several options available which you can set to change the
+      appearance of fonts. To set these without a desktop environment, you have
+      to edit a file named .Xdefaults, in your home directory. If you don't
+      already have such a file, simply create it. Below is a table of the
+      options and the values to which they can be set. Put one setting on a
+      line, a space, then the desired value. To enable most of these settings
+      requires you to restart X.</p>
+      <dl>
+        <dt>Xft.dpi:</dt>
+        <dd>This option defines the resolution at which X is to run. For best
+        results, make sure your monitor can use this resolution.</dd>
+        <dt>Xft.rgba:</dt>
+        <dd>This option defines the subpixel hinting. Options are: rgb, bgr,
+        vrgb, vbgr and none. Refer to your monitor's manual for the optimal
+        value.</dd>
+        <dt>Xft.hinting:</dt>
+        <dd>This option turns hinting on or off. Options are: true or
+        false.</dd>
+        <dt>Xft.hintstyle:</dt>
+        <dd>This option defines the hinting style. Options are: hintslight,
+        hintmedium, hintfull or hintnone.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      <h3>Got a problem? Ask your teddy bear!</h3>
+      <p>In a blog article I read recently (which was apparently based on
+      another blog post), readers were encouraged to talk to their teddy bear
+      if they had a problem. The idea was that if you had a problem, you could
+      sometimes solve it yourself if you had to explain it to someone. Simply
+      explaining the problem and its symptoms to someone else sometimes brings
+      on a "eureka" moment, when something in your brain clicks and you 
+      think of the solution yourself. In the original blog entry or article, a
+      person in a technical support role would not listen to people's problems
+      until they had first explained it to the teddy bear tied to his desk. 
+      person found that many people turned away, having solved their problem 
+      themselves.</p>
+      <p>Before reporting a bug then, perhaps you could first try explaining it
+      to your teddy bear. If you don't have a teddy bear, perhaps choose
+      something else - maybe a door? Just make sure you are alone, otherwise
+      you might solve your technical problem but find yourself with another
+      problem. :P</p>
+      <p>This section relies on your contributions! If you have some tips and
+      tricks that you would like to be shown in the newsletter, <em>please</em>
+      post them on the forums.</p>
+      <h2><img src=""; align=
+      "left">Focus On Package(s)</h2><br>
+      <h3>Droid fonts set</h3>
+      <p>Frugalware developer Devil505 recently took a break from packaging
+      games and instead packaged the <a href=
+      "";>Droid</a> set of fonts. The TrueType fonts
+      were created specifically for the Android mobile platform, but they are
+      compatible with Linux and other platforms. They were designed to look
+      stylish but also be clear and crisp, especially important on a small
+      screen. The set of fonts currently includes Droid Sans, Droid Sans Mono
+      and Droid Serif, with condensed versions of Droid Sans in development.
+      The Sans Mono (obviously a monospace font) is especially nice, so try it
+      in your favourite terminal emulator, text editor or IDE.</p>
+      <p>If you are interested in fonts, please also read the <a href=
+      "";>story</a> about the
+      development of the Droid fonts because it's very interesting. Like the
+      software we run on Linux, the freedom of the fonts we use is also
+      important. Many thanks to Google for making these fonts available for
+      everyone to use.</p>
+      <h2><img src=""; align=
+      "left">Bug fixes</h2><br>
+      <p>The following table gives you a overview of activity on bugs and
+      feature requests as at 23 February 2010. In each cell of the table is a
+      link to a detailed list of the relevant bugs or feature requests.</p>
+      <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
+        <tr>
+          <th>Activity</th>
+          <th>Bugs</th>
+          <th>Feature<br>
+          Requests</th>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>Open</td>
+          <td><a href=
+          155</a></td>
+          <td><a href=
+          192</a></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>Opened since the previous newsletter</td>
+          <td><a href=
+          7</a></td>
+          <td><a href=
+          5</a></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>Closed since the previous newsletter</td>
+          <td><a href=
+          23</a></td>
+          <td><a href=
+          9</a></td>
+        </tr>
+      </table>
+      <h2><img src="";
+      align="left">Security announcements</h2>
+      <p><b>Remember</b> - According to the normal support arrangements for
+      Frugalware, the release of 1.1 ("Getorin") means that no further security
+      or bug fixes will be released for Frugalware 1.0 ("Anacreon") or earlier
+      releases.</p>
+      <p>Here is a list of <a href="/security">security issues</a> which have
+      been discovered and fixed in the 1.1 release since the previous
+      newsletter.</p>
+      <p><strong>None</strong></p>
+      <h2><img src="";
+      align="left">About the newsletter</h2>
+      <h3>Author</h3>
+      <p>The Frugalware newsletter is written and edited by Russell Dickenson
+      (AKA phayz). Credit for the Frugalware distribution goes to the
+      development team.</p>
+      <h3>Translations</h3>
+      <p>The newsletter is currently translated into <a href=
+      "";>French</a> and <a href=
+      "";>Danish</a> by their respective communities
+      as soon as possible. Please be patient as it can take some time to
+      translate each issue. Thanks to all those involved in providing and
+      hosting these translations.</p>
+      <h3>Release</h3>
+      <p>To allow time for review and corrections, each newsletter is written
+      ahead of its release date. Therefore it may not mention events which
+      occurred in the few days before its release - e.g. security fixes. To be
+      sure that you've got the very latest information on these topics, go to
+      the appropriate page of the Frugalware web site.</p>
+      <h3>Feedback</h3>
+      <p>If you have feedback about the Frugalware newsletter - whether good or
+      bad - please provide it via the forums. Your feedback is valuable because
+      we want the newsletter to meet the needs of Frugalware's users.</p>
+    </dd>
+  </dl>
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