
commit d328f915a4592a958bd5f0c72cc67d2fd8e1f9fb
Author: bouleetbil <>
Date:   Thu Apr 1 22:40:30 2010 +0200

*dead package

diff --git a/source/gnome-extra/nautilus-share/FrugalBuild 
deleted file mode 100644
index aee8996..0000000
--- a/source/gnome-extra/nautilus-share/FrugalBuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Compiling Time: 0.13 SBU
-# Maintainer: AlexExtreme <>
-pkgdesc="Nautilus-share provides easy file sharing through SMB in Nautilus"
-depends=('nautilus>=2.20.0' 'libglade' 'samba')
-makedepends=('perl-xml-parser' 'intltool')
-archs=('i686' 'x86_64')
-up2date="lynx -dump | 
grep .tar.gz | grep -m1 '' | Flasttar"
-sha1sums=('16a65f79cfab1dfaa78dbd66fb521d2e7e4c444d' \
-          'f11f7ba6c78de15705eaa165fed7bc809bf2fdff')
-# optimization OK
diff --git a/source/gnome-extra/nautilus-share/README.Frugalware 
deleted file mode 100644
index 0646a03..0000000
--- a/source/gnome-extra/nautilus-share/README.Frugalware
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Here is an excerpt from the Samba documentation explaining what you need to
-do to make this work:
-Starting with version 3.0.23, a Samba server now supports the ability
-for non-root users to add user define shares to be exported using the
-"net usershare" commands.
-To set this up, first set up your smb.conf by adding to the [global]
-usershare path = /home/usershares
-Next create the directory /home/usershares, change the owner to
-root and set the group owner to the UNIX group who should have the
-ability to create usershares, for example the "users" group. Set the
-permissions on /home/usershares to 01770. (Owner and group all access,
-no access for others, plus the sticky bit, which means that a file in
-that directory can be renamed or deleted only by the owner of the file).
-Finally, tell smbd how many usershares you will allow by adding to the
-[global] section of smb.conf a line such as:
-usershare max shares = 100
-to allow 100 usershare definitions. Now, members of the UNIX group "users"
-can create user defined shares on demand using the commands below.
-The usershare commands are:
-net usershare add sharename path [comment] [acl] [guest_ok=[y|n]] - to add or 
change a user defined share.
-net usershare delete sharename - to delete a user defined share.
-net usershare info [-l|--long] [wildcard sharename] - to print info about a 
user defined share.
-net usershare list [-l|--long] [wildcard sharename] - to list user defined 
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