If memory serves me right, Ranjit Babu wrote:
>   I think the right to modify code is absoultely essential- I think
>   it is _the_ right to fight for. My opinion is that we should be
>   fighting for the 'people' and not for the 'tailors'. 

I wonder who wrote all these programs these 'people' use.......

>   The vast majority of free software developers are  looking at 
>   the right to modify code as something for the ultimate benefit 
>   of the dev community, not the free software communty as a whole

same comment again........... 

It's actually the "people" who are in the win-win situation -- what 
does the "developer" get ?. (other than more bugs to fix).

>   a community that includes people like V. Sasikumar who used GNU/Linux
>   initially because it was easier on the pocket, but decided to stick on
>   because they found the ideology important.

I read this as :
" Eventhough Sasikumar was not a coder, he was able to use GNU/Linux. "

So did the "tailors" do a good job for the "people" or what ?.

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