If memory serves me right, Tarun Gaur wrote:
> The project i am working on is not just a replacement/porting of .net on 
> linux. It is much more than that. It intends to provide a highly scalable 
> web services environment of which C# and other microsoft technologies are a 
> small part. Some languages that are taken care of by our environment are : 
> C++, C, COBOL, Java, C# and some things that we are keeping under wraps till 
> it completes. We will be releasing the sofware under GNU LGPL.

Even though I don't understand why you'd need to keep it under wraps ...
I do think DotGNU has a lot in common with what you suggest ... We started
off to provide a Microsoft compatible webservice framework .. later Rhys
Weatherly came in with Portable.Net the C# compiler and runtime , and I
jumped in (sort of pushed in by Arun) ... 

I'm working on the codegen, SemanticAnalysis and flow analysis of the 
compiler .. And I have done my bit on the runtime engine , and am currently 
the lead developer of the pnetlib standard libraries .... 

> We are creating a Global Naming and security architecture that can boast 
> some interesting unique features. We have options of using triple DES / IDEA 
> as cryptosystems for the environment. And the environment makes it amazingly 
> easy to Write distributed code.

Hmm...  our ideas of distributed execution have been put into the pipeline
and Chris Smith has promised a release by next year Mid-Jan ... It will 
use a CIL sandboxed engine for execution , and other engines like Parrot
are being kept open for inclusion...

> Now, Please tell me on how can i contribute in your endeavor. 

http://dotgnu.org/  or http://dotgnu.info/ or ${gnu_mirror}/gnu/dotgnu-pnet/

> Anyways, Arun and Gopal, please let me know how can i contribute. I would 
> love to and i have got a good following of a handfull of good programmers 
> who will be willing to pitch in too.

Visit http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/dotgnu-pnet/ for the C# side of things.
Get the CVS , hack in a few features ... submit a patch ... and all that..

We're on a stabilizing run for the 0.5.0 release , so we're keeping hands
off the CVS repository and testing the patches hard .. 

The hackers on [EMAIL PROTECTED] lists will be more helpful for further
queries ..

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

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