About libdazzle

libdazzle is a collection of fancy features for GLib and Gtk+ that
aren't quite ready or generic enough for use inside those libraries.
This is often a proving ground for new widget prototypes. Applications
such as Builder tend to drive development of this project.


Changes in this release:

 • DzlTree has gained a number of improvements for dynamically styling tree
 • DzlMultiPaned gained a helper to locate a widget at an X,Y coordinate.
 • Various memory leak fixes in shortcuts and unit tests.
 • DzlListBox allows setting the number of rows to recycle. This may improve
   performance in situations where the consuming API knows the maximum number
   of rows, saving on widget creation and style propagation costs.
 • A new cancellation chain helper that can be used until g_cancellable_chain()
   lands upstream. When that happens, this will wrap that API, or be removed
   in case it lands in 2.56.
 • DzlTree gained support for inserting a child at a specific position.
 • Fixes for API deprecations in Gdk.
 • Fixes for main thread assertions on Linux.

https://download.gnome.org/sources/libdazzle/3.27/libdazzle-3.27.4.tar.xz (408K)
  sha256sum: ddc0008b5ee7ca7e407e6301b11064b14d976b476d1e8572f1baafc497b3f069

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