About librsvg

Librsvg takes SVG documents and renders them into Cairo contexts. It
is used throughout GNOME to render things like scalable icons, in
image viewers to view SVGs easily, or to generate thumbnails for SVG
files. Other projects like Wikimedia and ImageMagick use librsvg for
their SVG rendering needs. Librsvg exports its API through GObject
Introspection, so bindings for other programming languages can be
created for it in an automated fashion.


- #496 - Ensure all lengths and angles parse as finite numbers

- #497 - Don't panic on paths with all-invalid commands

- #500 - Added additional SVG blend-modes for the feBlend filter primitive 

- Some changes in the build structure to allow for faster builds.

https://download.gnome.org/sources/librsvg/2.45/librsvg-2.45.92.tar.xz (12.1M)
  sha256sum: 77b358ed5cfe1b18f36797f764195be714f04d10454d9a4a4863a73c7b3f41d5

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