About gtksourceview

GtkSourceView is a GNOME library that extends GtkTextView, the
standard GTK+ widget for multiline text editing. GtkSourceView adds
support for syntax highlighting, undo/redo, file loading and saving,
search and replace, a completion system, printing, displaying line
numbers, and other features typical of a source code editor.


* RC release for 4.4 scheduled for next week.
* New syntax highlighting definition file for: ASCII Doc, Dockerfile
* Improvements to the syntax highlighting of: CSS, Gradle, HTML, C, PHP,
  YAML, and Grovvy.
* Performance improvements in line number drawing.
* GtkSourceView now requires GTK 3.22 or newer.
* GtkSourceView no longer uses many deprecated APIs from GTK.
* GtkSourceView now uses fribidi directly to determine bidriectional
  direction for cursors.
* GtkSourceView now relies on GObject for correct marsharllers as well
  as va_marshallers or provides its own. This improves profiling with
  kernel stack unwinders such as Linux's perf.
* Visual column detection is improved to use the tab-width instead of
  the indent-width.
* Support for DnD from GIMPs color palette has been improved.
* A performance optimization has been added to avoid painting mark
  backgrounds if no GtkSourceMarks have been registered.
* Translation updates.

  sha256sum: 912a7e78a9a3b4bfe04de4de63d743e88a033aaf59f5ad56353f4baaa6fad25d

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