On 25 November 2010 11:18, Aidan Diffey <aidan.dif...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have embedded the FTP server into a JBoss application. When the
> client issues a RETR command, I read a database and get a byte[] which
> I the transfer to the client.
> How can I transfer the data to the client with the onDownloadStart
> method without opening / closing data connections?
It sounds like you need to implement your own FilesystemView,
FilesystemFactory and FtpFile class, which backends to the database.

When FtpServer starts a data transfer, it would request an FtpFile object
from the FilesystemView, and call FtpFile's createInputStream(). This
InputStream needs to read from your database (or, if you prefer, from a
byte[] obtained from a DB read).

Configure this with the <filesystem> configuration element, or call

It's possible that an ftplet  onDownloadStart() and onDownloadEnd() might do
some housekeeping to prepare for the download, and tidy up afterwards, but I
think you'll probably find it's not necessary and that that stuff can go in
your FtpFile implementation.

"There is no way to peace; peace is the way"

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