On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Vincent Pazeller
<vincentpazel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am new to FtpServer and I am planning tu use it. Before, I would like to
> know if anyone could confirm it will suit my needs... Basically, I would
> like to ensure secure storage on the server by transparently encrypting a
> file as soon it is uploaded and decrypting a file as soon it is downloaded.
> Has anyone any experience with this?
> My feeling is that Ftplets would allow to do this. Here is what I would
> like to do:
> For uploads: create a onUploadEnd Ftplet and use a symmetric encryption
> algorithm (or PGP) to encrypt the uploaded file automatically
> To ensure this is feasible, I would need (I think):
> 1) Possibility to obtain the user plain password or a session key noone can
> obtain and is constant per user (so I can use something like SHA2(password
> + salt) as the key)
> 2) Possibility to easily access the uploaded file's data (to change the
> content). Ideally before it is even written to disk (So that the plain file
> is never actually stored on the disk before being encrypted)
> For downloads: create a onDownloadStart Ftplet and use a symmetric
> encryption algorithm to decrypt the file automatically before the download
> To ensure this is feasable, I would need (I think):
> 1) Possibility to obtain the user plain password/session key (so I can use
> something like SHA2(password + salt) as the key)
> 2) Possibility to change the data before file is downloaded. The best would
> be to be able to access the file, decrypt it and send the decrypted data...
> Has anyone any idea on the feasibility of this?
> The crypto-system will be more complicated than this of course (this one
> only allows one user to access the data), but if this one is feasable,
> there is no limit to use something like PGP to allow multi-user access
> I would appreciate any advise from people knowing FtpServer deeper than me
> and more precisely on what we can do with FtpLets or if there is a much
> simpler solution to my needs, of course :)

I would recommend you to have a look at implementing this using a
custom file system instead of as an Ftplet. Doing so will be a more
natural way to intercept files as they are needed. In particular, look
at FtpFile.createOutputStream() and FtpFile.createInputStream().


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