I am trying to figure out how to assign a user to a certain protocol FTP vs
FTPS - so a user set up for FTPS will be kicked out if attempting FTP and

Let say that we have some clients that need to connect through a secure
connection and some through a non secure.

 The reason would be that some clients would like to get encrypted files so
no need for FTPS but some others need unencrypted files so FTPS is a must.

One way is to create one listener with implicit SSL for connection and
data  on the same ports. However this will allow that a client that needs
FTPS could connect through simple FTP as well.

A better way might be creating another listener in different ports that
requires explicit SSL but still if the user for some reason decides to
attempt the default ports (20, 21) that were configured for non-secure FTP
they still could get through I am assuming.

It would be nice if we could specify which protocol a user is allowed and
kick them out if they attempt a different one. But it does not seem to come
out of the box.

Has anyone attempted this at all?  I may need to dig through the code more
and see how to implement it but if anyone has any pointers that would be
appreciated a lot.

Thank you very much,


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