On Mon, 19 Dec 2005, Jamie C. Pole wrote:

> Okay.
> Here is the fundamental problem - we do not know the circumstances
> under which the extralegal wiretaps were conducted.

Nor 8should* we know.  But there is a court that has exclusive
jurisdiction over these wiretaps - and that court should have known.

> It is highly
> likely that the wiretaps did save lives - maybe even German lives.

If these wiretaps were so clearly beneficial and on-target, then why did
George fail to apply for a warrant?  Hint: He still uses the FISA court.
Hint: Maybe he couldn't justify these wiretaps, even to FISA?

> That is the point I have been trying to make all night.  There are
> certain aspects of the operations of any government (even a Republic
> like the USA) that the general citizenry does not need to be privy
> to.

Correct.  And thats why the FISA court is cleared to see everything there
is, SCI/TK/blahblahlbah

> I believe this to be one of those aspects.

You can choose to believe whatever the fuck you want - it doesn't change
the fact that George refused to FOLLOW THE FUCKING LAW AND GET A WARRANT.

> When this material
> is declassified in 25 years, we'll all know whether or not this was
> worth it.

Until then, there is a little known court that should have known...

> You are not going to convince me that my country is an evil place
> with designs on controlling or destroying the entire world, and I'm
> obviously not going to convince you that it isn't.

What is it with you?  Everything is so black and white!  Either we're an
"Evil place with designs on the world" or we're some virginal
god-sanctioned bastion of virtue.

We are talking about something so simple that even Congress "gets it":
George refused to follow the fucking law.

George thinks the Constitution is "a goddamned piece of paper".

George is a fucking fascist.

> Jamie


J.A. Terranson

        Just once, can't we have a nice polite discussion about
        the logistics and planning side of large criminal enterprise?

        - Steve Thompson

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