Salut, James,

On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 20:38:47 -0700, James Matthews wrote:
> Ask secunia to pay for the proper ssl might as well be appropriate and is nowadays
supported by most distributions of Linux (though not turned on by
default for some obscure reason? One has to dpkg-reconfigure
ca-certificates. Maybe someone from the Debianist camp can enlighten us
on why?)

I personally think that it also has the better trust model; I trust
people more if they have been assured by a number of geeks than if they
simply had the money to pay for a certificate[1].

But whatever suits you.


[1]: Apart from the fact that it seems that not all pay-by-cert
     "authorities" are recognized either; I also had problems
     with expensive wildcard certificates not being recognized as
     signed by a proper CA. You learn who to trust pretty quickly.
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