On Wed, 04 Nov 2009 12:30:25 CST, Paul Schmehl said:

> No, nor did I state that.  I said that illegal wiretapping will get thrown 
> out 
> of court and the perpetrators jailed.  That's a separate issue from whether or
> not agents will all act within the law.

No, it's the same issue.  If the agents were acting within the law, it wouldn't
be an illegal wiretap.

> > Oh, and how much time did J Edgar spend in jail for his illegal wiretaps?
> > And how much time will anybody spend in jail for the NSL abuses?
> Depends on whether anyone decides to prosecute.

So "illegal wiretap will get the perpetrators jailed" should read "illegal
wiretap *may* get the perpetrators jailed, depending on the whim of the DA
and the political climate at the time".

J. Edgar Hoover went to jail for the maximum sentence for his illegal
surveillance of a Nobel Peace Prize winner, right?

George W Bush and company went to jail for the maximum sentence for their
self-admittedly illegal surveillance without FISA warrants, right?

Oh, they didn't even get indicted, much less jailed?  Yeah. That's what I 

"On what planet do you spend most of your time?" -- Barney Frank

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