>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
>Matt Marooney
>Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 01:35 AM
>I want this software to help people who want help, to keep them honest,
>and unaware that their system is monitoring activity.  

I still don't see any reason why u should be doing all this. And I would
certainly not want anyone to know what I am watching much less random
persons on the net... 

>Most of the other services out there are very "in-your-face" or they
>only monitor one type of traffic.  The BIOS requirement was to keep the
>users using the system.  If they take the machine in to BestBuy to get
>it serviced, and the tech wipes or replaces the hard drive, 
>the poor guy
>doesn't remember to reload the monitoring software.  

U already get a lot of monitoring software like that - and they can also be
very stealty like actmon just make it a part of the installaion cdrom so now
when someone wipes the hdd and the user does a install it gets reinstalled 

>I'm open to other suggestions, I just want to make it next to 
>to delete (without the admin password, of course), and invisble to

tell me how me people are going to use a guest accont on their own computer
and then be able to use the computer normally ?


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