<x-flowed iso-8859-1>Hallo mensen,

In de nieuwsgroep alt.current-events.wtc-explosion had ik opgemerkt
dat we de huidige ellende misschien wel enigszins aan George W. Bush
te danken hebben met zijn buitenland beleid. Kritiek op Bush valt op
dit moment niet zo goed. Zo raakte ik aan het e-mailen met iemand die
me hier persoonlijk op aansprak. Mijn pogingen tot civilisatie van de
rest van de wereld per internet slaan niet altijd direct goed aan.
Lees en huiver.

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ReindeR Rustema)
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:48:04 -0400

Christ you sound like a whimp.did you let those school yard bullies
take your lunch money?

From: ReindeR Rustema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 08:48 -0400 12/9/01, Ted wrote:
did you let those school yard bullies
take your lunch money?

I always brought my lunch to school. Not that there were any bullies
at school. Is that relevant?


To: ReindeR Rustema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 11:10:21 -0400

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 15:38:38 +0200, you wrote:

At 08:48 -0400 12/9/01, Ted wrote:
did you let those school yard bullies
take your lunch money?

I always brought my lunch to school. Not that there were any bullies
at school. Is that relevant?

So i guess there wasn't any niggers in your school? as for anything
being revalent i don't really remember just why i sent you a e-mail in
the first place.although i do remember seeing reinder a few times.in
other words you must have posted something that pissed me off.i just
don't remember what the hell it was.so for what ever reason "stick it
in your ear".

By the way dork (my insult is due to the fact that you must have some
how pissed me off,even if i don't remember what it was)there are
always bullies.i flat out don't belive there were no bullies in your
school.thats even if you don't have niggers in your country.bullies
are a fact of life.thank God im a big "boy".but i sure as hell got
tired of helping out my buddies.you not ever noticing bullies was most
likly due to your use of drugs.

From: ReindeR Rustema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Bcc: "Ÿ:Discussies:oud:alt.*"

Hi Ted,

At 11:15 -0400 12/9/01, Ted wrote:
By the way dork (my insult is due to the fact that you must have some
how pissed me off,even if i don't remember what it was)

That is peculiar. To start insulting people you don't know and
without reason. I know you are very angry because of what happened to
the USA. But please don't loose your politeness. You don't want to
lower yourself to the level of the terrorists that don't like words
at all. They didn't even leave a note.

there are
always bullies.i flat out don't belive there were no bullies in your

They were dealt with by the director, if there were any. I was good
friends with him, he encouraged me to set up a tv-station inside the

thats even if you don't have niggers in your country.

There was a charming girl from Surinam in my class I liked a lot. She
was in the group of friends I used to hang out with.

are a fact of life.

Perhaps. It is not my experience.

thank God im a big "boy".but i sure as hell got
tired of helping out my buddies.you not ever noticing bullies was most
likly due to your use of drugs.

The only drugs I use is some chocolate and the occassional glass of
good wine. I don't like the smell of beer. I tried cigarettes and pot
at the age of sixteen but they didn't appeal to me.

Anyway, I wish you courage in these difficult times for you and don't
forget to loose your politeness during these emotional times. When on
the internet, don't forget there are human beings on the other end of
the line. Real human beings with emotions too.


To: ReindeR Rustema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 13:28:18 -0400

Hello ReindeR,
 First off i forgot to say thankyou for responding to my first
e-mail.it was nice of you.

As for me being any type of "nice guy" or worrying about offending
people,or hurting their feelings,i am not that kind of person.i am a
Viet Nam veteran and i hate just about every body.including my asshole
countrymen for their lack of support during Viet Nam.fuck every body.i
am very well armed and experienced with weapons,refering to my rifle.i
have no idea why i don't just go on a killing spree to revenge myself
on scociety.i often have thought of it.

You are obviously one of those "humanists".im not and i don't try to
pretend to be.i know where the moslems meet in town.along with my guns
i have books on bomb making and the material.ive had it for many
years.i should go up to that mosque(sp) and kill some of the mother
fuckers.i won't do it,but i should.fuck them.

I have also dated a black(i forgot thats nigger).my buddies fixed me
up with a blind date and didn't tell me her race to be
funny.anyone,including you that dates a nigger is no better than a
nigger themselves

It is kind of you and the others who have expressed sympathy for the
US to do so.i have been in fact noticing what countries that have done
so.this is probably how one finds out just who their friends
are.speaking for myself only i don't want or care for people feeling
sorry for me,anyway.i just want revenge.Americans have died.some one
must pay.our Goverment is sorta like you,and basically won't do
shit.in fact they more than likely won't ever really find the gulty
ones.they'll pick some one or some body out and slap their hand,so
that we citizens will be appeased.the moslems did it,  kill all the
ones here in our country.this just for starters.i want a blood bath

I find it very hard to belive theres no bullies in your country.any
way im not nice,im rarely polite,i think of killing very often,im a
bigot and proud of it,and i hate just about every body.in otherwords
don't waste your time telling me to "play nice".

I now also regret my first e-mail to you.i shouldn't have bothered to
waste me time and yours.although your lack of knowlege about bullies
has caught my intrest.if i spoke your speech maybe id check your
country out.ive money to travel on.my impression of your climate isn't
very high.ill bet your really cold.bye

From: ReindeR Rustema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Ted,

At 13:28 -0400 12/9/01, Ted wrote:
although your lack of knowlege about bullies
has caught my intrest

I prefer to avoid them. I also think that they quickly sense that it
costs more energy to bully me than other, easier targets. I talk too
much. So they would have to go to violence right away. When it comes
to violence, I am gone. Very quickly. Violence is for professionals,
not for people like me.

.if i spoke your speech maybe id check your
country out.ive money to travel on.my impression of your climate isn't
very high.ill bet your really cold.bye

The climate is a moderate sea climate. The winters don't give a lot
of snow and ice, during januari and februari just a few weeks
usually. Summers are not that hot either. Compare it with England,
but with just a tad less rain. The people are like the climate in a
sense. Very moderate, no extremes. Not much violence.

Good luck,


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