Ik heb weer een halfbakken idee ingeleverd op de Halfbakery site.
Zouden jullie er misschien op kunnen stemmen zodat ik een croissant
scoor? Liefst ook nog met wat leuk commentaar erbij als 'He's a
genius!' ofzo

Pong is dat computerspelletje uit de jaren 70 met twee beweegbare
streepjes op je TV met een heen en weer stuiterend balletje ertussen.
Een klassieker inmiddels.

Het gaat om het volgende idee, te vinden op

Pong on the Beach Event

Play pong by running around with your cell phone in your pocket

Four mini-vans park on the beach, each marking a corner of a square.
On a trailer parked between two mini-vans a huge screen is erected
with a few hundred lightbulbs on it. The classic 70s computer game
Pong appears. Two cell phone companies play against each other. You
can move a 'bat' left or right by running in the direction of either
of the two mini- vans with the logo of your phone company.

Just by yourself you can't make the bat move fast enough to hit the
ball. You need help. A dozen or more people with cell phones running
_in the same_ direction can make the bat move fast enough to catch
the ball. The subscribers of the other brand do the same. But you can
slow them down when you run to their side of the field and run in the
opposite direction of where they are going. You can't make their bat
move, you can only slow their bat down. But be careful, if they hit
the ball you have to run *fast* to your side of the field to be back
in time to move your bat.

Everyone with a cell phone of either of the two companies can join.
If the field is too small for the number of players, the mini-vans
drive away from each other to enlarge the square. Inside the
mini-vans is the cross-triangulation technology (?) to keep track of
the positions of the players and the computer for feedback to the

The mini-vans have an open window where you can switch to the other
brand of cellphone if you really want to be in the team with all your
friends if they happen to be all subscribed to the same brand. And
you can buy new credit, a new phone, a new charged battery and all
sorts of goodies. If you're not a subscriber to either of the two
companies you can buy a prepaid SIM-card to put in your phone.

Individual players can be motivated to keep playing, by calculating a
personal high score for them, based on the time in the field and the
accumulated scores in that period. To get this they have to send an
SMS to a special screen on the rooftop of the mini-van. Your cell-
phone number is then listed on a high-score list with phone- numbers.
Everyone can call or send SMS messages to the winner to congratulate,
distract, discuss strategies or invite for the next Pong event.

Each new game is announced with SMS messages that also list the
previous scores, personalised with the scores for the individual

It's up to the phone companies to encourage groups of friends to be
on the beach by announcing the event on the phonebill or something.
It's about brand loyalty because everyone has a cell phone already
(at least here in the Netherlands) and few new subscribers can be

Ideally all phone companies join in these games nationally and
internationally. On their websites they can each portray their
top-players with their high-scores. Maybe even give prices to them,
like extra phone credit. Professional Pong players will appear on the
scene if the price money is high enough.

Top events with only professional players (one can't join by just
running onto the field) can be broadcast on television with camera's
on top of each mini-van (or trucks by then). Guinness Book of Records
games can also be organised, the highest number of players
successfully playing for an x-number of minutes without missing the
Aug 25 2002
Pong on a building in Berlin http://www.blinkenl...interactive.en.html
call to play Pong with the room lights in a high-rise building

Pong to the edge of the universe http://www.madblast...oska/humor_pong.swf
Funny epic version in Flash about two Pong players

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