
Le 22/02/2017 à 14:54, Lucia Morganti a écrit :
Hi all,

in the computing center where I work we installed and configured GLPI
version 9.1.2 and plugin FusionInventory 2.1.14 on RHEL7.

We don't manage to add additional content to the inventory foolowing the
instructions here
which would be a highly desirable feature for us.
2.1.14 is an agent version, 5 years old now, not a plugin version. I'm not sure exactly when did the --additional-content flag appears, but I'm quite confident it didn't existed at that time.

Should this depend on the old version of the installed plugin, we also
installed plugin FusionInventory 2.3.18, which gave us even more
problems. For instance, all the software magically disappeared from the
inventored machines.

Did you experience the same?
As explained here (http://fusioninventory.org/documentation/bugreport, check the software list appears in the agent output, and if it does, you probably have a server issue.

Anyway, the basic idea about "additional content" is:
- if this content type is already handled by GLPI (for instance, adding additional software or hardware not found the agent), GLPI will display it as usual - if this content type is unknown from GLPI (for instance, list of SSL certificates) you won't be able to exploit it on server side without server-side developement


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